@mastersthesis{zvu:7999, author = {{Štajdohar, Ana}}, title = {{Utjecaj endometrioze na kvalitetu života i neplodnost}}, } @phdthesis{mef:5601, author = {{Mikuš, Mislav}}, title = {{Usporedba učinkovitosti Kegelovih vježbi i vanjske magnetske inervacije mišića dna zdjelice u liječenju bolesnica sa statičkom urinarnom inkontinencijom}}, } @article{mef:5588, author = {{Mikuš, Mislav and Kalafatić, Držislav and Vrbanić, Adam and Šprem Goldštajn, Marina and Herman, Mislav and Živković Njavro, Marta and Živković, Klara and Marić, Goran and Ćorić, Mario}}, title = {{Efficacy Comparison between Kegel Exercises and Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation in Treatment of Female Stress Urinary Incontinence: A Randomized Clinical Trial}}, } @article{mef:5291, author = {{Mikuš, Mislav and Šprem Goldštajn, Marina and Brlečić, Ivan and Dumančić, Stipe and Laganà, Antonio Simone and Chiantera, Vito and Vujić, Goran and Ćorić, Mario}}, title = {{CTLA4-Linked Autoimmunity in the Pathogenesis of Endometriosis and Related Infertility: A Systematic Review}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:5166, author = {{Kašljević, Denis}}, title = {{Endometrioza u adolescentica}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:5162, author = {{Kabelka, Domagoj}}, title = {{Liječenje endometrioze jajnika}}, } @article{mef:4416, author = {{Mikuš, Mislav and Ostroški, Martina and Beljan, Petrana and Karadža, Magdalena and Dumančić, Stipe and Šprem Goldštajn, Marina and Ćorić, Mario and Kalafatić, Držislav and Orešković, Slavko}}, title = {{Validation of the Croatian Version of the 8-Item Overactive Bladder Questionnaire (OAB-V8)}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:4269, author = {{Mišolongin, Marijeta}}, title = {{Alternativne metode liječenja endometriotičnih cista jajnika u pacijentica adolescentne dobi}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:4288, author = {{Novosel, Ivona}}, title = {{Dijagnostika i liječenje endometrioze crijeva}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:4439, author = {{Rudar, Maja}}, title = {{Liječenje raka vrata maternice u trudnoći}}, } @article{mef:4680, author = {{Mikuš, Mislav and Fišter, Kristina and Škegro, Bernarda and Buzzaccarini, Giovanni and Noventa, Marco and Simone Laganá, Antonio and Orešković, Slavko and Ćorić, Mario and Kalafatić, Držislav and Banović, Vladimir}}, title = {{Comparison of efficacy of extracorporeal magnetic innervation and Kegel exercises for stress urinary incontinence in adult women: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial}}, } @article{mef:3137, author = {{Mikuš, Mislav and Ćorić, Mario and Matak, Luka and Škegro, Bernarda and Vujić, Goran and Banović, Vladimir}}, title = {{Validation of the UDI-6 and the ICIQ-UI SF – Croatian version}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2893, author = {{Šamec, Iva}}, title = {{Histološka evaluacija tkiva nakon laparoskopske cistektomije zbog endometrioma jajnika}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3744, author = {{Rahimy, Mohammad Omar}}, title = {{Platelet aggregation defects in women with endometriosis}}, } @article{mef:3140, author = {{Mikuš, Mislav and Benco, Nikolina and Matak, Luka and Planinić, Pavao and Ćorić, Mario and Lovrić, Helena and Radošević, Velena and Puževski, Tomislav and Bajt, Mirna and Vujić, Goran}}, title = {{Fertility-sparing surgery for patients with malignant ovarian germ cell tumors: 10 years of clinical experience from a tertiary referral center}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2229, author = {{Zlopaša, Marija}}, title = {{Histeroskopske operacije polipa endometrija}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2393, author = {{Petričušić, Iva}}, title = {{Uspješnost izvantjelesne oplodnje u žena s endometriozom}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2273, author = {{Seitz, Sara}}, title = {{Usporedba totalne laparoskopske histerektomije kod bolesnica s velikim miomatoznim maternicama}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2157, author = {{Šimičević, Maša}}, title = {{Limfadenektomija u pacijentica sa zloćudnim bolestima maternice i jajnika}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1510, author = {{Lučinger, Daren}}, title = {{Prognostički faktori oboljelih od raka vrata maternice kliničkog stadija IA2-IB kod kojih je provedeno radikalno kirurško liječenje}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1351, author = {{Chelon, Leslie Anna Charlotte Lucia}}, title = {{Medical treatment of endometriosis}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:810, author = {{Koret, Barbara}}, title = {{Reprodukcijski ishodi nakon miomektomije intramularnih mioma}}, } @article{mef:7706, author = {{Škrgatić, Lana and Pavičić Baldani, Dinka and Geršak, Ksenija and Černe, Jasmina Živa and Ferk, Polonca and Ćorić, Mario}}, title = {{Genetic polymorphisms of INS, INSR and IRS-1 genes are not associated with polycystic ovary syndrome in Croatian women }}, } @phdthesis{mef:5620, author = {{Ćorić, Mario}}, title = {{Procjena učinaka dviju metoda laparoskopskog liječenja endometrioma na pričuve jajnika pomoću biokemijskih i ultrazvučnih parametara }}, } @article{mef:7594, author = {{Ćorić, Mario and Barišić, Dubravko and Pavičić, Dinka and Karadža, Magdalena and Banović, Maja}}, title = {{Electrocoagulation versus suture after laparoscopic stripping of ovarian endometriomas assessed by antral follicle count: preliminary results of randomized clinical trial}}, }