@mastersthesis{mef:3298, author = {{Barošević, Maja}}, title = {{Uloga medicinske sestre u pripremi plazme obogaćene faktorima rasta}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:5383, author = {{Zvonarić, Martina}}, title = {{Ligametarne ozljede koljena}}, } @article{mef:8294, author = {{Sakan, Sanja and Bandić Pavlović, Daniela and Milošević, Milan and Virag, Igor and Martinović, Petar and Dobrić, Ivan and Davila, Slavko and Perić, Mladen}}, title = {{Implementing the Surgical Apgar Score in patients with trauma hip fracture}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:852, author = {{Ivković, Lucia}}, title = {{Elastična stabilna osteosinteza prijeloma kostiju u djece}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:799, author = {{Brozović, Ivana}}, title = {{Prijelomi kostiju potkoljenice u djece}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:568, author = {{Barišić, Branimir}}, title = {{Prijelomi kostiju šake u djece}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:820, author = {{Andabak, Matej}}, title = {{Prijelomi nadlaktične kosti u djece}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:308, author = {{Stojanović, Miro}}, title = {{Zbrinjavanje politramatiziranog pacijenta u objedinjenom hitnom bolničkom prijemu}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:470, author = {{Slabe, Sandra}}, title = {{Učestalost infekcija u politraumatiziranih bolesnika nakon operacijskog liječenja}}, } @article{mef:7807, author = {{Žigman, Tomislav and Davila, Slavko and Dobrić, Ivan and Antoljak, Tonisav and Augustin, Goran and Rajačić, Daniel and Kovač, Tomo and Ehrenfreund, Tin}}, title = {{Intraoperative measurement of bone electrical potential: a piece in the puzzle of understanding fracture healing}}, } @article{mef:7784, author = {{Halužan, Damir and Ehrenfreund, Tin and Šimek, Željko and Labidi, May and Dobrić, Ivan and Augustin, Goran and Davila, Slavko and Šlaus, Mario}}, title = {{Mathematical approximation of fibular malleolus curvature}}, } @phdthesis{mef:5621, author = {{Dobrić, Ivan}}, title = {{Učinak pentadekapeptida BPC 157 na refluksni ezofagitis tijekom akutnog pankreatitisa }}, }