pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn mef:5127 thesis "Rezistencija na antimalarike u infekciji Plasmodium falciparum" "Grgić, Borna" mef:2770 thesis "Malarija u osoba zaraženih HIV-om" "Friščić, Kristina" mef:2461 thesis "Učestalost kasnog otkrivanja zaraze virusom humane imunodeficijencije u Hrvatskoj" "Šišić, Jelena" mef:2232 thesis "Predekspozicijska profilaksa HIV-infekcije" "Kudoić, Nikola" mef:2014 thesis "Izazovi sestrinske skrbi za starije osobe zaražene HIV-om" "Rašić, Željka" mef:2119 thesis "Loss to follow-up in HIV infected persons in Croatia in period 2006.-2017." "Hrnčić, Sandra" mef:1991 thesis "Prevalencija pozitivnih markera hepatitisa B i C u osoba koje se uključuju u skrb zbog zaraze HIV-om u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju 2007.-2016." "Bohaček, Karlo" mef:8745 "journal article" "Cardiovascular markers of inflammation and serum lipid levels in HIV-infected patients with undetectable viremia" "Višković, Klaudija; Židovec Lepej, Snježana; Gorenec, Ana; Grgić, Ivana; Lukas, Davorka; Zekan, Šime; Dragobratović, Anja; Trupković, Maja; Begovac, Josip" mef:1362 thesis "Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of HIV-infected persons entering care in Croatia in the period 2007-2015" "Laval, Alexandra Helene Denise Yvonne" mef:1355 thesis "The prevalence of cardiovascular risks in HIV-infected persons in care in Croatia in 2015" "Desbordes, Ivan Raymond Marius" zvu:67 thesis Lyme-borelioza "Maretić, Ana" mef:9341 "journal article" "Frequency of HIV-1 viral load monitoring of patients initially successfully treated with combination antiretroviral therapy" "Romih, Vanja; Židovec Lepej, Snježana; Gedike, Kornelija; Lukas, Davorka; Begovac, Josip" mef:9290 "journal article" "Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections among men who have sex with men in Zagreb, Croatia" "Božičević, Ivana; Đaković Rode, Oktavija; Židovec Lepej, Snježana; Johnston, Lisa Grazina; Štulhofer, Aleksandar; Dominković, Zoran; Baćak, Valerio; Lukas, Davorka; Begovac, Josip" mef:8995 "journal article" "Marked improvement in survival among adult Croatian AIDS patients after the introduction of highly active antiretroviral treatment" "Begovac, Josip; Lisić, Miroslav; Lukas, Davorka; Maretić, Tomislav; Kniewald, Tihana; Nowotny, Thomas E."