@mastersthesis{mef:9778, author = {{Posavec, Fran}}, title = {{Ekvivalent: Potrošnja vitamina C u 2020. godini}}, } @phdthesis{pharma:3028, author = {{Bužančić, Iva}}, title = {{Formative evaluation of the needs, opportunities, and barriers in the implementation of deprescribing in primary healthcare}}, } @phdthesis{mef:9573, author = {{Ivanko, Iva}}, title = {{Učinak koronavirusnih cjepiva BNT162b2 i Ad26.CoV2.S na proupalne i koagulacijske pokazatelje}}, } @phdthesis{mef:7383, author = {{Paklar, Nataša}}, title = {{Usporedba farmakološke protekcije primjenom sevoflurana i isoflurana kod ishemijsko-reperfuzijske ozljede presatka jetre}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:7025, author = {{Šižgorić, Luka}}, title = {{Trendovi u propisivanju benzodiazepina u Republici Hrvatskoj}}, } @article{mef:9597, author = {{Brnić, Stjepan and Burić, Bruno and Marčec, Robert and Likić, Robert}}, title = {{The relationship between vaccine acceptance and COVID-19 mortality in Europe: A Cross-Country analysis of public opinion and Epidemiological data}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:6887, author = {{Landeka, Matej}}, title = {{Sigurnost COVID-19 cjepiva registriranih u Republici Hrvatskoj}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:6840, author = {{Jakovljević, Ivona}}, title = {{Sigurnost primjene lijekova tijekom trudnoće i dojenja}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:6799, author = {{Čolak, Danijel}}, title = {{Suvremena antikoagulantna terapija}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:6934, author = {{Musa, Petar}}, title = {{Terapijska vrijednost N-acetilcisteina u liječenju virusnih akutnih respiratornih infekcija}}, } @article{mef:10228, author = {{Palčevski, Dora and Belančić, Andrej and Mikuličić, Ivan and Oštarijaš, Eduard and Likić, Robert and Dyar, Oliver and Vlahović-Palčevski, Vera}}, title = {{Antimicrobial Prescribing Preparedness of Croatian Medical Students—Did It Change between 2015 and 2019?}}, } @misc{mef:6577, author = {{Likić, Robert}}, title = {{Unlocking knowledge: The power of data sharing in modern scientific research}}, } @article{mef:6500, author = {{Marčec, Robert and Dodig, Vinko Michael and Likić, Robert}}, title = {{A meta-analysis regarding fluvoxamine and hospitalization risk of COVID-19 patients: TOGETHER making a difference}}, } @article{mef:6525, author = {{Marčec, Robert and Dodig, Vinko Michael and Likić, Robert}}, title = {{Regdanvimab improves disease mortality and morbidity in patients with COVID-19: Too optimistic and too early to say?}}, } @article{mef:6611, author = {{Bakkum, Michiel J. and Loobeek, Bryan J. and Richir, Milan C. and Papaioannidou, Paraskevi and Likić, Robert and Sanz, Emilio J. and Christiaens, Thierry and Costa, João N. and Dima, Lorena and de Ponti, Fabrizio and Kramers, Cornelis and van Smeden, Jeroen and van Agtmael, Michiel A. and Tichelaar, Jelle}}, title = {{Teaching resources for the European Open Platform for Prescribing Education (EurOP2E)—a nominal group technique study}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:7315, author = {{Švegović, Karlo}}, title = {{Izazovi rada ekipe hitne medicinske pomoći uz nošenje osobne zaštitne opreme}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:5229, author = {{Milović, Ema}}, title = {{Evaluacija upitnika o sklonosti krvarenju na hrvatskom jeziku za von Willebrandovu bolest}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:5071, author = {{Boban, Marin}}, title = {{Prednosti i mane fiksnih kombinacija lijekova u terapiji kroničnih bolesti}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:5209, author = {{Marčec, Robert}}, title = {{Reakcije preosjetljivosti na lijekove te mehanizmi nastanka, klinička slika i dijagnostički pristup}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:5224, author = {{Mejašić, Mario}}, title = {{Von Willebrandov faktor i njegove uloge}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:5199, author = {{Majta, Matea}}, title = {{Značaj prisutnosti CD4+ T limfocita specifičnih za SARS-CoV-2 u zdravih ljudi}}, } @article{mef:4676, author = {{Marčec, Robert and Likić, Robert}}, title = {{Using Twitter for sentiment analysis towards AstraZeneca/Oxford, Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines}}, } @article{mef:4671, author = {{Čalušić, Martina and Marčec, Robert and Lukša, Lea and Jurković, Ivan and Kovač, Nataša and Mihaljević, Slobodan and Likić, Robert}}, title = {{Safety and efficacy of fluvoxamine in COVID‐19 ICU patients: An open label, prospective cohort trial with matched controls}}, } @article{mef:7356, author = {{Dodig, Vinko Michael and Likić, Robert}}, title = {{Dojmovi sa sudjelovanja na 10. jadranskom i 7. hrvatskom kongresu farmakoekonomike i istraživanja ishoda liječenja}}, } @article{mef:3836, author = {{Bošković, Marko and Migo, William and Likić, Robert}}, title = {{SARS‐CoV‐2 mutations: A strain on efficacy of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies?}}, } @phdthesis{pharma:2659, author = {{Marinović, Ivana}}, title = {{Učinak implementacije integriranog modela usklađivanja farmakoterapije na učestalost nenamjernih odstupanja i sigurnost bolesnika}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:5013, author = {{Peltzman, Ador}}, title = {{Safety and efficacy of immunotherapy in the treatment of genitourinary tract tumors}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:4598, author = {{Žilić, Dijana}}, title = {{Sindrom sagorijevanja i očuvanju zdravlja na radu medicinskih sestara i tehničara zaposlenih u OB Karlovac}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:4649, author = {{Levačić, Gorana}}, title = {{Uloga medicinske sestre u postupku desenzibilizacije na lijekove}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:4537, author = {{Vuletić, Tara}}, title = {{Imunomodulacijski učinci vitamina D u prevenciji infekcije SARS-CoV-2}}, } @article{mef:3697, author = {{Marčec, Robert and Likić, Robert}}, title = {{Postvaccination anaphylaxis and mRNA‐based SARS‐CoV‐2 vaccines — Much ado about nothing?}}, } @article{mef:3689, author = {{Matas, Marijana and Sotošek, Vlatka and Kozmar, Ana and Likić, Robert and Mrak, Goran and Nagy, Bálint and Sekulić, Ante}}, title = {{Effect of adjunctive lidocaine-based scalp block and laryngotracheal local anesthesia vs general anesthesia only on plasma and cerebrospinal fluid pro-inflammatory cytokine concentrations in patients with cerebral aneurysm: a randomized controlled trial}}, } @article{mef:3710, author = {{Bakkum, Michiel J. and Richir, Milan C. and Papaioannidou, Paraskevi and Likić, Robert and Sanz, Emilio J. and Christiaens, Thierry and Costa, João N. and Mačiulaitis, Romaldas and Dima, Lorena and Coleman, Jamie and Tichelaar, Jelle and van Agtmael, Michiel A.}}, title = {{EurOP2E – the European Open Platform for Prescribing Education, a consensus study among clinical pharmacology and therapeutics teachers}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:4723, author = {{Modrušan, Hanna}}, title = {{Očuvanje zdravlja medicinskih sestara zaposlenih na kliničkim psihijatrijskim odjelima}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3873, author = {{Poznansky Tendler, Fabian}}, title = {{Effects of medicines on cardiac remodeling}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:4244, author = {{Matijević, Branimir}}, title = {{Najčešći štetni učinci lijekova u hitnoj službi}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3869, author = {{Hradil, Marian Thomas}}, title = {{Non-antibiotic treatment options in patients with sepsis and septic shock syndrome}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3892, author = {{Hadrys, Armin}}, title = {{Phase IV clinical trials}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:4481, author = {{Šklebar, Tin}}, title = {{Primjena blockchain tehnologije u kliničkoj farmakologiji}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:4267, author = {{Mirošević, Vid}}, title = {{Razvoj cjepiva za SARS-CoV-2}}, } @article{mef:3898, author = {{Donker, Erik and Brinkman, David and Richir, Milan and Papaioannidou, Paraskevi and Likić, Robert and Sanz, Emilio J and Christiaens, Thierry and Costa, João and De Ponti, Fabrizio and Gatti, Milo and Böttiger, Ylva and Kramers, Cornelis and Garner, Sarah and Pandit, Rahul and van Agtmael, Michiel and Tichelaar, Jelle}}, title = {{European List of Essential Medicines for Medical Education: a protocol for a modified Delphi study}}, } @phdthesis{mef:3470, author = {{Delaš Aždajić, Marija}}, title = {{Ocjena racionalnosti izvanbolničkoga propisivanja benzodiazepina u Republici Hrvatskoj}}, } @article{mef:7333, author = {{Marčec, Robert and Likić, Robert}}, title = {{Kako Twitter tvita o COVID-19 cjepivima?}}, } @article{mef:4039, author = {{Migo, William and Bošković, Marko and Likić, Robert}}, title = {{The development of biologics to target SARS-CoV2: Treatment potential of antibodies in patient groups with poor immune response}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:4126, author = {{Župetić, Jurica}}, title = {{Simulacija u medicini i edukaciji zdravstvenih djelatnika}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2881, author = {{Kovačev, Ivana Leandra}}, title = {{Potencijalno opasni lijekovi koji se primjenjuju tijekom ekstremnih vrućina}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3005, author = {{Pongrac, Jelena}}, title = {{Tromboprofilaksa u trudnoći}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3357, author = {{Križić Erceg, Marijana}}, title = {{Ispitivanje preosjetljivosti na lijekove iz perspektive medicinske sestre}}, } @article{mef:2554, author = {{Gamulin, Marija and Nham, Eric and Rkman, Deni and Antunac, Zrna and Golubić, Zrna and Likić, Robert}}, title = {{Safety and efficacy of nivolumab as a second line therapy in metastatic renal cell carcinoma: a retrospective chart review}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3039, author = {{Perković, Tomislav}}, title = {{Antimikrobna terapija kompliciranih infekcija urinarnog trakta}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3774, author = {{Vujević, Luka}}, title = {{Clinical trials in developing countries - ethical considerations}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3723, author = {{Bošković, Marko Luka}}, title = {{Drug prescribing in older patients}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3084, author = {{Pinoza, Hrvoje}}, title = {{Ispitivanje preosjetljivosti na betalaktamske antimikrobne lijekove}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3590, author = {{Marjanović, Matea}}, title = {{Pozitivni i negativni učinci kofeina na sportsku izvedbu}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3071, author = {{Lasić, Domagoj}}, title = {{Primjena dubokih neuronskih mreža za prenamjenu lijekova}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3740, author = {{Nham, Eric Guhyun}}, title = {{The benzodiazepine nation of Croatia: a retrospective, observational, comparative study of psychotropic drug utilization between Croatia and Sweden 2014-2015}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3294, author = {{Jakirović, Marina}}, title = {{Uloga medicinske sestre u provođenju kliničkih ispitivanja}}, } @article{mef:2580, author = {{Sekulić, Ante and Likić, Robert and Matas, Marijana}}, title = {{How to allocate intensive care resources during the COVID-19 pandemic: medical triage or a priori selection?}}, } @article{mef:2611, author = {{Mrzljak, Anna and Jelić, Ana and Franušić, Lucija and Likić, Robert and Ožvačić Adžić, Zlata}}, title = {{Dugoročna skrb za pacijenta nakon transplantacije jetre iz perspektive obiteljskog liječnika}}, } @article{mef:2644, author = {{Matas, Marijana and Sotošek, Vlatka and Kozmar, Ana and Likić, Robert and Sekulić, Ante}}, title = {{Effect of local anesthesia with lidocaine on perioperative proinflammatory cytokine levels in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid in cerebral aneurysm patients}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2300, author = {{Kruško, Damir}}, title = {{Uloga trombina u koagulacijskoj kaskadi}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2263, author = {{Radanović, Igor}}, title = {{Mogućnosti upotrebe blockchain tehnologije u medicini}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2759, author = {{Dananić, Antonio}}, title = {{Propisivanje nesteroidnih protuupalnih lijekova u obiteljskoj medicini}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2419, author = {{Surla, Lea}}, title = {{Sindrom relativnog deficita energije u sportu}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2372, author = {{Senzen, Denis}}, title = {{Uloga liječnika u prevenciji ozljeda glave u kontaktnim sportovima}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2338, author = {{Radiković, Helena}}, title = {{Upotreba antibiotika u liječenju bolesnika s upalnom bolesti crijeva}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2216, author = {{Rudež, Kristian Dominik}}, title = {{Usporedba propisivanja biosličnih inzulina u Republici Hrvatskoj s trendovima farmakoterapije u drugim zemljama Europske unije}}, } @misc{mef:3163, author = {{Likić, Robert}}, title = {{Klinički pokusi – tko je obaviješten i tko se može uključiti?}}, } @article{medri:6157, author = {{Jelaković, Bojan and Drenjančević, Ines and Laganović, Mario and Pećin, Ivan and Jelaković, Ana and Baretić, Maja and Dika, Živka and Ivanuša, Mario and Herceg-Čavrak, Vesna and Josipović, Josipa and Kralj, Verica and Leko, Ninoslav and Likić, Robert and Lovrić Benčić, Martina and Orlić, Lidija and Pavlović, Draško and Počanić, Darko and Prkačin, Ingrid and Stevanović, Ranko and Tiljak, Hrvoje and Željković Vrkić, Tajana}}, title = {{Gledište Hrvatskoga društva za hipertenziju o opaženom povećanom riziku za nastanak nemelanomskih karcinoma kože povezanom s liječenjem hidroklorotiazidom The Position of the Croatian Society of Hypertension on the Observed Increase in Risk of Non-melanoma Skin Cancer Associated with Hydrochlorothiazide Treatment}}, } @article{mef:8831, author = {{Rkman, Deni and Likić, Robert and Bebek, Marko and Gnjidić, Milena and Gamulin, Marija}}, title = {{Skin autoimmunity might be associated with increased efficacy of atezolizumab in metastatic urothelial carcinoma: a case report}}, } @article{mef:2698, author = {{Potočnjak, Ines and Likić, Robert and Degoricija, Vesna and Nham, Eric and Wettermark, Björn}}, title = {{The benzodiazepine nation of Croatia: an observational, comparative study of psychotropic drug utilization between Croatia and Sweden 2014–2015}}, } @article{mef:8865, author = {{Radanović, Igor and Likić, Robert}}, title = {{Opportunities for use of blockchain technology in medicine}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2019, author = {{Osredečki Mihoci, Martina}}, title = {{Informatička pismenost među polaznicima Sveučilišnog diplomskog studija sestrinstva Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2024, author = {{Maček, Andreja}}, title = {{Uloga medicinske sestre u skrbi za pacijente s akutnim moždanim udarom i koronarnim sindromom u sklopu hitne helikopterske medicinske službe u Republici Hrvatskoj}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2039, author = {{Draganić, Štefanija}}, title = {{Upotreba Cytosorb metode u zbrinjavanju septičnih stanja u jedinicama intenzivne skrbi}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2123, author = {{Sanković, Daniella Eva}}, title = {{Common interactions between drugs and herbal supplements used in alternative medicine}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1981, author = {{Matoković, Trpimir}}, title = {{Farmakoekonomska analiza terapijskih opcija za liječenje kaheksije u onkoloških bolesnika}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1892, author = {{Bagarić, Ivan}}, title = {{Liječenje venskih tromboembolija}}, } @article{medri:4998, author = {{Bielen, Luka and Likić, Robert and Erdeljić, Viktorija and Mareković, Ivana and Firis, Nataša and Grgić-Medić, Marijana and Godan, Ana and Tomić, Ivan and Hunjak, Blaženka and Markotić, Alemka and Bejuk, Danijela and Tičić, Vladimira and Balzar, Silvana and Bedenić, Branka}}, title = {{Activity of fosfomycin against nosocomial multiresistant bacterial pathogens from Croatia: a multicentric study}}, } @article{mef:8381, author = {{Kraljić, Snježana and Žuvić, Marta and Deša, Kristian and Blagaić, Ana and Sotošek, Vlatka and Antončić, Dragana and Likić, Robert}}, title = {{Evaluation of nurses' workload in intensive care unit of a tertiary care university hospital in relation to the patients' severity of illness: a prospective study}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1628, author = {{Mikšaj, Martina}}, title = {{Opterećenost bolničkog hitnog prijema pacijentima prema trijažnim kategorijama}}, } @article{medri:5323, author = {{Kraljić, Snježana and Žuvić, Marta and Deša, Kristian and Blagaić, Ana and Sotošek, Vlatka and Antončić, Dragana and Likić, Robert}}, title = {{Evaluation of nurses’ workload in intensive care unit of a tertiary care university hospital in relation to the patients’ severity of illness: A prospective study}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1019, author = {{Živković, Marija}}, title = {{Uloga medicinskih sestara u provedbi etičkih standarda u kliničkim ispitivanjima lijekova}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1119, author = {{Tabak, Damir}}, title = {{Uloga liječnika obiteljske medicine u racionalnom propisivanju lijekova}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:684, author = {{Kraljić, Snježana}}, title = {{Bodovni sustav aktivnosti medicinskih sestara u jedinici intenzivnog liječenja Kliničkog bolničkog centra Rijeka}}, } @phdthesis{mef:5891, author = {{Bielen, Luka}}, title = {{Ispitivanje učinkovitosti različitih shema doziranja fosfomicina u liječenju infekcija urinarnog trakta uzrokovanih sojevima E. coli i K. pneumoniae koje proizvode beta laktamaze proširenoga spektra }}, } @article{mef:8072, author = {{Kolčić, Ivana and Čikeš, Mihaela and Boban, Kristina and Bućan, Jasna and Likić, Robert and Ćurić, Goran and Đogaš, Zoran and Polašek, Ozren}}, title = {{Emigration-related attitudes of the final year medical students in Croatia: a cross-sectional study at the dawn of the EU accession}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:109, author = {{Bojanić, Ana}}, title = {{Stavovi studenata medicine prema radu u inozemstvu i novim poslovnim mogućnostima nakon ulaska u Europsku uniju}}, } @misc{mef:3223, author = {{Likić, Robert}}, title = {{Društvene mreže kao izvor medicinskih informacija}}, } @article{mef:7454, author = {{Erdeljić, Viktorija and Francetić, Igor and Makar-Aušperger, Ksenija and Likić, Robert and Macolić Šarinić, Viola}}, title = {{Pain relief in medical patients: does clinical judgment and prescribing knowledge suffice? }}, } @article{mef:7431, author = {{Erdeljić, Viktorija and Francetić, Igor and Bošnjak, Zrinka and Budimir, Ana and Kalenić, Smilja and Bielen, Luka and Makar-Aušperger, Ksenija and Likić, Robert}}, title = {{Distributed lags time series analysis versus linear correlation analysis (Pearson's r) in identifying the relationship between antipseudomonal antibiotic consumption and the susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates in a single Intensive Care Unit of a tertiary hospital}}, } @article{mef:7471, author = {{Erdeljić, Viktorija and Francetić, Igor and Makar-Aušperger, Ksenija and Likić, Robert and Radačić-Aumiler, Matea}}, title = {{Clinical pharmacology consultation: a better answer to safety issues of drug therapy during pregnancy?}}, } @misc{mef:3239, author = {{Likić, Robert}}, title = {{Informacijska pismenost u profesionalnoj karijeri liječnika: praksa medicine u stoljeću informacijskog preopterećenja}}, } @article{mef:8895, author = {{Francetić, Igor and Kalenić, Smilja and Huić, Mirjana and Merčep, Iveta and Makar-Aušperger, Ksenija and Likić, Robert and Erdeljić, Viktorija and Tripković, Vesna and Šimić, Petra}}, title = {{Impact of aminoglycoside cycling in six tertiary intensive care units: prospective longitudinal interventional study}}, } @phdthesis{mef:6334, author = {{Likić, Robert}}, title = {{Utjecaj integracije problemom usmjerenog učenja u kolegiju Racionalna primjena lijekova na studentsko znanje i zadovoljstvo nastavom}}, } @article{mef:8974, author = {{Likić, Robert and Francetić, Igor and Bilušić, Marinko and Erdeljić, Viktorija and Makar-Aušperger, Ksenija and Junačko, Carmen and Šimić, Petra}}, title = {{Antibiotic use optimization program in the largest Croatian university hospital: benefits of restrictions on unlimited antibiotic use}}, } @article{mef:8544, author = {{Francetić, Igor and Likić, Robert}}, title = {{Clinical pharmacology - a sleeping beauty?}}, } @article{mef:9133, author = {{Likić, Robert and Francetić, Igor}}, title = {{Benefits and drawbacks of implementation of PBL elements into a new course on applied pharmacotherapy}}, }