Abstract | Pušenje duhana, koje je u većini društava prihvatljiva navika, smatra se jednim od najvećih globalnih problema današnjice s lošim utjecajem na zdravlje. Rezultati dosadašnjih istraživanja ukazali su na štetnost pušenja u odraslih i u djece. Pušenje u adolescenata od posebnog je značaja jer je to sastavni dio društvenog funkcioniranja u toj dobi. Rješavanje problema pušenja podrazumijeva dugotrajnu aktivnost na prevenciji početka pušenja, posebice u adolescenata. Cilj ovoga rada je prikazati učestalost i navike pušenja duhana među adolescentima u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 1995. do 2015. godine.
U prikazu rezultata istraživanja korišteni su rezultati Europskog istraživanja o pušenju, alkoholu i drogama među učenicima (ESPAD) u razdoblju od 1995. do 2015. godine, Istraživanja o zdravstvenom ponašanju učenika (HBSC) u razdoblju od 2002. do 2014. godine i drugih istraživanja koja su provedena među adolescentima u Hrvatskoj. Rezultati ESPAD istraživanja za Hrvatsku ukazuju na smanjenje učestalosti pušenja cigareta barem jednom u životu (69% 1995. vs. 62% 2015.), u posljednjih 30 dana (41% 2011. vs. 33% 2015. godine) i dnevne upotrebe cigareta (2003. i 2011. godine 29% vs. 23% 2015. godine). Rezultati HBSC istraživanja ukazuju na smanjenje učestalosti pušenja u petnaestogodišnjaka u Hrvatskoj, ali uspoređujući rezultate s prosjekom HBSC, vidljiv je porast. Godine 2002. hrvatski adolescenti po učestalosti pušenja u dobi do 13 godina bili su na 23. mjestu (34,5% djevojčica i 38,9% dječaka), a 2014. godine na šestom mjestu (26% djevojčica i 32% dječaka). Po učestalosti pušenja cigareta tjedno bili su na 16. (24,9% djevojčica i 23,2% dječaka), a 2014. godine na trećem mjestu (21% djevojčica i 25% dječaka). Rezultati Svjetskog istraživanja o uporabi duhana u mladih (GYTS) pokazali su pad broja trenutnih pušača cigareta u Hrvatskoj (2011. godine 27% djevojčica i 26,7% dječaka vs. 2016. godine 14,1% djevojčica i 15,1% dječaka), kao i onih koji su ikada pušili cigarete (2011. godine 65,9% djevojčica i 66,6% dječaka vs. 2016. godine 44% djevojčica i 46,9% dječaka).
Prevencija pušenja u Hrvatskoj provodi se i kroz djelatnost školske i adolescentne medicine, zdravstveno-odgojnim aktivnostima i savjetovališnim radom, s djecom, roditeljima i djelatnicima škola. Škola i obiteljsko okruženje mjesta su gdje djeca provode najviše vremena i gdje su dosadašnje intervencije najviše usmjerene. Prevenciju bi trebalo usmjeriti i na kafiće, sportske klubove i druga mjesta gdje djeca i mladi provode slobodno vrijeme. |
Abstract (english) | These days, tobacco smoking has been in many societies an acceptable habit and considered as one of the biggest global problems with bad impact on health. Research results indicate that smoking is a risk factor for developing of number of deseases in adults and children. Adolescent smoking has been of particular importance, because it has been an integral part of social functioning in that age. Solving smoking problem implies a long-term activity on preventing start of smoking, especially in adolescent age.
The aim of this paper was to show the frequency and habit of tobacco smoking among adolescents in Croatia in the period from 1995 to 2015.
The results of the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) in the period from 1995 to 2015, Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC) in the period from 2002 to 2014 and other studies conducted about tobacco smoking among adolescents in the Republic of Croatia were presented in this paper. ESPAD results for Croatia showed decreased frequency of cigarette smoking at least once in a lifetime (69% in 1995 vs. 62% in 2015), in the last 30 days (41% vs 33% in 2015) and in daily use (2003 and 2011 29% vs. 23% in 2015). The results of HBSC showed decreased frequency of smoking in 15-year-olds, however when comparing the results for Croatia with HBSC’s awerage, an increase is noticeable. Regarding frequency of smoking at the age up to 13 years, Croatian adolescents were at the 23rd place in 2002 (34.5% girls and 38.9% of boys) and at the sixth in 2014 (26% of girls and 32% of boys). Regarding the frequency of cigarette smoking weekly, they were at 16th place in 2002 (24.9% of girls and 23.2% of boys) and at the third in 2014 (21% girls and 25% boys). The results of the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) indicate a drop in current cigarette smokers in Croatia (in 2011 27% girls and 26.7% boys, in 2016 14.1% girls and 15.1% boys), as well as cigarettes smoking once in a lifetime (in 2011 65.9% girls and 66.6% boys, in 2016 44% girls and 46.9% boys).
Prevention of smoking among adolescents in Croatia has been implemented in activities of school and adolescent medicine trough health-education and counselling of children, parents and school staff. The school and the family have been considered as settings where children spend most of their time and contemporary interventions have been focused there. Considering the results of the studies, prevention should be directed also to bars, sport clubs and other places where adolescents spend their spare time. |