Abstract | Pušenje je veliki javnozdravstveni problem. Sve više bolesti povezuje se s aktivnim i pasivnim unosom duhanskog dima u organizam. Zdravstveni djelatnici trebali bi prvi upozoravati populaciju o štetnosti pušenja. Cilj rada je bio ispitati navike pušenja, spoznaje o štetnosti pušenja kao i stavove o pušenju zdravstvenih djelatnika. Istraživanje znanja, navika i stavova o pušenju provedeno je putem upitnika od rujna 2017. do veljače 2018. godine među zdravstvenim djelatnicima u bolnicama: Lipik, Daruvar, Koprivnica, Pakrac, Rijeka i Zagreb. U radu su korištena dva upitnika pripremljena u svrhu ovog istraživanja; za pušače i nepušače. Anketirano je 299 zdravstvenih djelatnika, 221 (73,9%) žena i 78 (26,1%) muškaraca. Prosječna dob ispitanika je 40,5 godina. Među ispitanicima bilo je 115 pušača (38,5%), 146 nepušača (48,81%) te 38 bivših pušača (12,7%). Više od polovice ispitanih zdravstvenih djelatnika, njih 58,9%, smatra da bi moglo educirati o štetnostima pušenja, a da su nedovoljno educirani smatra njih 23,4%. Po stručnoj spremi bacc i VSS davalo je više točnih odgovora vezanih uz oboljenja i pušenja naspram SSS koji su češće odgovarali sa „Ne znam“. Želja nam je prikazati razliku u stavovima ispitanih zdravstvenih djelatnika, te tim načinom pokušati utjecati na promjenu stavova zdravstvenih djelatnika u želji da se još više osvijeste o štetnosti pušenja, da budu spremniji savjetovati druge o štetnosti pušenja te tako smanjimo pojavu te štetne navike. |
Abstract (english) | Smoking is a big public health problem; more and more illnesses are linked to active and passive intake of nicotine smoke. Health workers should be the first to warn the population of the harmful effects of smoking. The aim of this paper was to test the knowledge of the harmful effects of smoking, smoking habits and attitudes on smoking. Survey included 299 health workers divided by groups smoker (115 persons, 38,5%), non-smoker (146 persons, 48,81%), former smoker (38 persons, 12,7%). Survey was conducted from September 2017 to February 2018. Health workers who participated are nurses, physiotherapists and physicians working in hospitals in Lipik, Daruvar, Rijeka and Zagreb. Amongst interviewees there are 221 (73,9%) women and 78 (26,1%) men. Average age is 40,5. More than a half of interviewees think they could educate more about the harmful effects of smoking, 58,9% of them, and to be not educated enough responded 23,4%. Interviewees with higher education gave more accurate answers linked to illnesses and smoking compared to interviewees with lower education who answered more often with “I don’t know”. Existence of rooms for smoking in health institutions’ psychiatric wards are met with approval by health workers with 226 positive answers (75,6%), and for other wards they give 132 positive answers or 44,1%, therefore considerably less. We want to show a difference in attitudes and in that way try to influence a change of attitudes of health workers in a desire to increase their awareness on the harmful effects of smoking, to be even more ready to counsel others on the harmful effects of smoking and so decrease the occurrence of that harmful habit. |