Title Sindrom relativnog deficita energije u sportu
Title (english) Relative energy deficiency in sports (RED-S)
Author Lea Surla
Mentor Milan Milošević (mentor)
Committee member Robert Likić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jagoda Doko Jelinić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Milan Milošević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Environmental and Occupational Health) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Occupational and Sports Medicine
Abstract Istraživanja o zdravlju sportašica, pa i sportaša, puno je napredovalo kroz zadnjih 50 godina. Zbog najjasnije simptomatologije prvo je primijećen i istražen učinak sporta na reproduktivno zdravlje. Sada, par desetljeća kasnije, znamo da sport nije etiološki čimbenik koji negativno utječe na zdravlje sportašica, već da je to nedostatak energije. Niska energetska dostupnost događa se kada organizam nema dovoljno energije kojom bi potkrijepio potrebe treniranja i normalnog, fiziološkog funkcioniranja. Dva su glavna razloga za navedeno – nedovoljan unos energije ili velika potrošnja. Također, menstrualna funkcija nije jedina komponenta zdravlja koja je zahvaćana. Ženska sportska trijada definirana je 1992.godine kao kombinacija menstrualne disfunkcije, poremećaja prehrane i osteoporoze. Međutim, i dalje mnogo sportaša i sportašica nije bilo dijagnosticirano jer nisu zadovoljavali sve tri komponente. Trijada je 2007. godine preimenovana u Sindrom relativnog deficita energije u sportu (od engl. Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport: RED – S) čime je istaknuta složenost problema te činjenica da i muški sportaši mogu biti zahvaćeni. Sindrom RED – S predstavlja poremećaj u fiziološkom funkcioniranju organizma koji može utjecati i na brzinu metabolizma, menstrualnu funkciju, zdravlje kosti, ali i sintezu proteina, kardiovaskularno zdravlje, imunološku obranu. Psihološke posljedice mogu prethoditi sindromu, ali mogu biti i njegova posljedica. Važno je na vrijeme prepoznati problem kako se ozbiljne posljedice ne bi dogodile. Potrebno je obrazovati liječnike, sportaše, trenere i ostale kako se nositi s time. Razvijeni su brojni alati i upitnici za otkrivanje sindroma, a i modeli o povratku u sport ako je sportaš, zbog opasnosti za zdravlje, morao prekinuti s treniranjem.
Abstract (english) Researching the health of female and male athletes has seen a lot of progress over the last 50 years. Because of the clearest symptomatology, the effects of sports on reproductive health were first observed and explored. Now, a few decades later, we know that sport is not an etiologic factor that negatively affects athletes' health, but a lack of energy is. Low energy availability occurs when the body does not have enough energy to support the demands for training and normal physiological functioning. There are two main reasons for this - inadequate energy input or high consumption. Also, menstrual function is not the only health component that is affected. In 1992, women's sports triad was defined as a combination of menstrual dysfunction, eating disorder and osteoporosis. However, many female and male athletes were not diagnosed because they did not meet each of these three components. In the year 2000 the Triad was renamed into the relative energy deficit in the sport (RED - S), thus highlighting the complexity of the problem and the fact that male athletes can also be affected. RED - S syndrome is a disorder in the physiological functioning of an organism that can affect the metabolic rate, menstrual function, bone health, but also protein synthesis, cardiovascular health, and immune defence. Psychological consequences may precede syndrome but may also be the consequence of it. It is important to recognize the problem on time to make adequate preventive measures so that serious consequences would not develop. Also, it is necessary to educate doctors, athletes, trainers and others how to deal with it. Numerous tools and questionnaires for the detection of RED - S have been developed, as well as models for returning to sports if an athlete, due to a health hazard, has had to stop training.
niska energetska dostupnost
brzina metabolizma
menstrualna disfunkcija
zdravlje kosti
Sindrom relativnog nedostatka energije u sportu (RED – S)
Keywords (english)
low energy availability
metabolic rate
menstrual dysfunction
bone health
relativne energy deficiency in sport (RED – S)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:332795
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-03-09 09:49:48