Abstract | Depresija je stanje kontinuiranog sniženog raspoloženja i gubitka energije koje utječe
na misli, ponašanje, osjećaje i fizičko stanje osobe. To je bolest s tisuću lica i svrstava se među
najčešće poremećaje današnjice. Iako se donedavno depresija smatrala poremećajem koji
pogađa osobe zrele i starije životne dobi, istraživanja su pokazala da se ovaj poremećaj sve više
pojavljuje kod djece, adolescenata te ljudi mlađe životne dobi. Adolescencija je burno razdoblje
u kojem se postiže psihosocijalna zrelost, formira se identitet, razrješavaju se krize ranijih
razvojnih faza. Ukoliko se krize adekvatno ne razriješe, djelovanjem nasljednih ili različitih
psiholoških, emocionalnih i socijalnih čimbenika, dolazi do razvoja depresije. Simptomi koji
se manifestiraju kod depresivnog adolescenata mogu biti različitog intenziteta, mogu trajati
kratko, a mogu biti prisutni i tijekom cijelog života. Depresija se najčešće javlja kao primarni
poremećaj, ali se može javiti i u kombinaciji s drugim psihološkim poremećajima. Kod
adolescenata, depresija nosi veliki rizik za razvoj delikventnog ponašanja, zloupotrebu
sredstava ovisnosti i alkohola, školski neuspjeh i pokušaj suicida. Dijagnosticiranje depresije u
djece i adolescenata može biti zahtjevno zbog specifičnosti kliničke slike u odnosu prema
odraslima. Stoga u dijagnostici depresivnih poremećaja sudjeluje tim stručnjaka, a važnu ulogu
u timu ima subspecijalist dječje i adolescentne psihijatrije. Liječenjem depresije u djece i
adolescenata teži se uklanjanju simptoma i postizanje potpune remisije, prevenciji recidiva,
ublažavanju dugotrajnog morbiditeta i stvaranje uvjeta za normalan rast i razvoj. U tretmanu je
potreban holistički i multimodalan pristup, koji obuhvaća psihoedukaciju, psihoterapiju i
prema potrebi farmakoterapiju. Pravilnom dijagnostikom, odabirom metoda liječenja te uz
neizbježnu podršku obitelji i prijatelja, depresija može biti izliječena. Pošto je depresija
multifaktorijalna bolest, koja ostavlja brojne posljedica na daljnje fizičko i psihičko zdravlje
adolescenta, naglasak je na prevenciji. Faktori rizika i zaštite mogu se naći u školskom,
obiteljskom i društvenom okruženju, što onda znači da bi i prevencija trebala biti
multifaktorijalna. |
Abstract (english) | Depression is a condition of continuous low mood and loss of energy that affects a
person’s thoughts, behaviour, feelings, and physical condition. It is a disease with a thousand
faces and is one of the most common disorders nowadays. Although until recently depression
was considered a disorder that affects adults and the elderly, research has shown that this
disorder is increasingly occurring in children, adolescents, and younger people. Adolescence is
a turbulent period in which psychosocial maturity is achieved, identity is formed, crises of
earlier developmental stages are resolved. If crises are not adequately resolved, the action of
hereditary or various psychological, emotional and social factors leads to the development of
depression. Symptoms that manifest in a depressed adolescent can be of varying intensity, may
be short-lived, and may be present throughout life. Depression most commonly occurs as a
primary disorder, but it can also occur in combination with other psychological disorders. In
adolescents, it carries a high risk of developing delinquent behaviour, substance abuse and
alcohol abuse, school failure, and suicide attempt. Diagnosing depression in children and
adolescents can be challenging due to the specificity of the clinical picture in relation to adults.
Therefore, a team of experts participates in the diagnosis of depressive disorders, and an
important role in the team is played by a subspecialist in child and adolescent psychiatry. The
treatment of depression in children and adolescents aims to eliminate symptoms and achieve
complete remission, prevent recurrence, alleviate long-term morbidity and create conditions for
normal growth and development. The treatment requires a holistic and multimodal approach,
which includes psychoeducation, psychotherapy and, if necessary, pharmacotherapy. With
proper diagnosis, choice of treatment methods and the inevitable support of family and friends,
depression can be cured. Since depression is a multifactorial disease, which leaves numerous
consequences on the further physical and mental health of adolescents, the emphasis is on
prevention. Risk and protection factors can be found in the school, family and social
environment, which then means that prevention should also be multifactorial. |