Title Suvremena dijagnostika sindroma prenaprezanja srca u sportaša
Title (english) Modern methods in the diagnosis of heart complications in overuse syndrome in athletes
Author Duje Čulina
Mentor Zdravko Babić (mentor)
Committee member Diana Delić-Brkljačić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Boško Skorić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zdravko Babić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Internal Medicine) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-07-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Internal Medicine
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Occupational and Sports Medicine
Abstract Sportske aktivnosti se aproksimacijom mogu podijeliti u skupinu vježbi izdržljivosti, u skupinu vježbi snage, te najčešće one koje sadrže oba elementa. Fiziološka prilagodba srca na napornu i dugotrajnu tjelesnu aktivnost sastoji se od zadebljanja stjenki i povećanja volumena komora koje se naziva sportsko srce. Kontinuirano, dugotrajno i izražajno opterećenje udruženo s određenim čimbenicima rizika dovodi do trajnih patoloških promjena koje su objedinjene pod nazivom sindrom prenaprezanja srca. Takve promjene očituju se morfološkim deformacijama srčanog tkiva i funkcionalnim defektima u radu srca. Posebna značajnost sindroma prenaprezanja srca očituje se povećanom incidencijom iznenadne srčane smrti (SCD), čime je pravodobno dijagnosticiranje navedenog stanja od izuzetnog kliničkog značaja. Za otkrivanje navedenih promjena služimo se klasičnim, ali i suvremenim dijagnostičkim metodama, uz poseban oprez zbog često tanke granice između interpretacije promjena u sportskom srcu i sindroma prenaprezanja srca. Različitim studijama utvrđene su promjene koje se mogu kvantificirati određenim dijagnostičkim metodama, a koje upućuju na sindrom prenaprezanja srca, te posljedično zahtijevaju privremenu ili trajnu apstinenciju od sportske aktivnosti, ili pak upućuju na granično stanje koje zahtjeva daljnju dijagnostičku evaluaciju. U upotrebi su različite varijante i inačice EKG-a, ergometrijska testiranja s ciljem utvrđivanja rada srca pri točno određenim razinama napora, ehokardiografija (ECHO) koja zbog svoje praktičnosti i dobre morfološke rezolucije spada među najkorištenije metode, CT i MR izvrsno pokazuju morfološke promjene, a postoji mogućnost upotrebe kontrasta, nuklearnomedicinske pretrage s upućivanjem na funkcionalne defekte, izvođenje kateterizacije srca s mogućnošću biopsije srčanog tkiva ili pak s provođenjem elektrofizioloških
ispitivanja s određivanjem potencijalne abnormalnosti električne aktivnosti srca, mjerenje brzine pulsnog vala, koja je odraz stanja krvnih žila, OCT pretragom i koronarnom angioskopijom otkrivaju se lezije na krvnim žilama.
Abstract (english) Sports activities can by approximation be divided into endurance exercises, strength exercises, and most frequent in those which consist of both previously mentioned types. Physiological adjustment of the heart on strenuous and long-lasting physical activity consist of wall thickening and increased chamber's volume, and is called athlete's heart. If those continuously strenuous loads are associated with certain risk factors, it leads to permanent pathological changes that are classified as term "cardiac overuse injury". Those changes manifest with morphologic deformations of the cardiac tissue and with cardiac functional defects. Due to the increased incidence of a sudden cardiac death in persons with cardiac overuse injury, a diagnose of this state at the right time is of extreme clinical significance. For discovering that state, both classic and modern diagnostic methods are used. Significant caution is needed because of the thin line between the changes in an athlete's heart and cardiac overuse injury. Different studies determined changes that can be quantified with
certain diagnostic methods that lead to diagnose of cardiac overuse injury, and consequently require temporary or permanent abstinence from sports activities, or refer to borderline state that require further diagnostic evaluation. Different variants of ECG and ergometry testing are used, that determine a heart's work on various levels of exertion, as well as echocardiography (ECHO) that is among the most used methods due to good morphologic resolution and its practical use, also CT and MRI which show excellent morphologic resolution, nuclear-medicine diagnostic methods that are significant for discovering functional defects, hearts catheterization with possible heart tissue biopsy or applying electrophysiological testing with determining electrical activities of the heart, pulse-wave velocity value that show a condition of blood vessels, OCT and coronary angioscopy that discover lesions on blood vessels.
sportska aktivnost
sindrom prenaprezanja srca
suvremena dijagnostika
Keywords (english)
sport activity
cardiac overuse injury
modern diagnostic methods
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:608894
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-01-28 14:17:04