Conference presentation
Teaching how to read and write science: a library - journal partnership
At: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für medizinisches Bibliothekswesen (AGMB) e.V.. Graz, Austria, 2006. urn:nbn:hr:105:105658

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Petrak, J. Teaching how to read and write science: a library - journal partnership [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from

Petrak, Jelka. "Teaching how to read and write science: a library - journal partnership." Arbeitsgemeinschaft für medizinisches Bibliothekswesen (AGMB) e.V., 26.09.2005.-28.09.2005., Graz, Austria. Presentation.

Petrak, Jelka. "Teaching how to read and write science: a library - journal partnership." Presentation at Arbeitsgemeinschaft für medizinisches Bibliothekswesen (AGMB) e.V., Graz, Austria, 26.09.2005.-28.09.2005.

Petrak, J. 'Teaching how to read and write science: a library - journal partnership' [Presentation], Arbeitsgemeinschaft für medizinisches Bibliothekswesen (AGMB) e.V.. 26.09.2005.-28.09.2005. Available at:

Petrak J. Teaching how to read and write science: a library - journal partnership. [Presentation] [cited 2024 October 04] Available at:

J. Petrak, "Teaching how to read and write science: a library - journal partnership", presented at: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für medizinisches Bibliothekswesen (AGMB) e.V., Graz, 26.09.2005.-28.09.2005. Available at:

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