Abstract | SAŽETAK
Rizično ponašanje i izloženost buci među adolescentima
Jelena Tomac Jovanović
Uvod: Adolescenti su, ovisno o interesima, odgoju, obrazovanju, navikama pod povećanim rizikom od utjecaja buke na njihovo zdravlje te psihički i fizički razvoj. Najčešći izvori buke su preglasne projekcije u kino dvoranama, koncerti, sportska događanja, ugostiteljski objekti, različita događanja na otvorenom, čak i u velikim trgovačkim centrima, ulična buka, ali i preglasno slušanje glazbe na iPod i MP3 uređajima. Cilj rada: Istražiti rizično ponašanje i stavove adolescenata prema buci; istražiti u kojoj mjeri adolescenti prepoznaju simptome i znakove utjecaja buke na vlastito psihofizičko zdravlje. Ispitanici i metode rada: U istraživanje je uključeno 533 učenika Srednje škole Pakrac u dobi od 15 – 19 godina. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom studenog i prosinca 2014. godine. Podaci su prikupljeni pomoću anketnog upitnika koji sadrži ukupno 32 pitanja/stava/tvrdnje. Normalnost raspodjele testirana je Kolmogorov-Smirnovljevim testom. Srednje vrijednosti kontinuiranih varijabli izražene su medijanom i interkvartilnim rasponom. Nominalni pokazatelji prikazani su apsolutnim i relativnim brojem. Razlike među kategoričkim varijablama testirane su χ2 testom. Za utvrđivanje razlika između dvije nezavisne skupine korišten je Mann Whitney test, a za tri i više nezavisnih skupina Kruskal Wallis test. Korišteni su izvorno pisani programi za baze podataka te statistički paket SPSS. Rezultati: Učenici viših razreda (trećeg i četvrtog) pokazuju bolje poznavanje vrste buke koje mogu oštetiti sluh i slažu se s tvrdnjom da slušanje glasne glazbe može oštetiti sluh u odnosu na učenike prvog i drugog razreda. Stariji ispitanici smatraju da buka ima najveći negativan utjecaj za vrijeme odmora i opuštanja te da posljedica buke može biti tjeskoba, depresija i visok krvni tlak za razliku od mlađih učenika. Mlađi ispitanici oštećenje sluha bukom češće povezuju sa starijim osobama. Stariji ispitanici rjeđe slušaju glazbu više od jednog sata preko slušalica. Zaključak: Istraživanje je pokazalo da je rizično ponašanje adolescenata, nažalost, u skladu sa svjetskim trendovima. Na njega se može i mora utjecati i to kroz integrirane programe unutar osnovnog i srednjeg obrazovanja. Pravilnom edukacijom djece i roditelja o razini buke u okolini u kojoj žive, rade ili se zabavljaju te načinu na koji mogu utjecati na smanjenje buke, oštećenja sluha moguće je prevenirati, ili barem odgoditi. |
Abstract (english) | SUMMARY
Risky behaviour and exposure to noise among adolescents
Jelena Tomac Jovanović
Introduction: Adolescents, depending on their interests, upbringing, education and habits, are under greater risk of noise influence which affects their health, as well as psychological and physical development. The most common noise sources are too loud projections in movie theatres, concerts, sports events, restaurants, different outdoor events (even in shopping malls), street noise, and listening to music on iPod and MP3 gadgets in a too loud way. Aim of this work: To do some research based on risky behaviour and adolescents' behaviour towards noise; to explore in which way adolescents recognize symptoms and signs of noise influence to their own psychological and physical health. Examinees and work methods: 533 students of High school Pakrac (age from 15 to 19) were included in this research. This research was conducted during November and December 2014. Information was collected through survey which consisted of 32 questions/ attitudes/ thesis. Distribution normality was tested by Kolmogorov-Smirnovljev test. Means of continuous variables are expressed in median and interquartile range. Nominal indicators are shown in absolute and relative number. Differences between categorical variables are tested by X2 test. For defining differences between two independent groups Mann Whitney test was used, whereas for three or more independent groups Kruskal Wallis test was used. Data basis originally written programmes and statistical package SPSS were used. Results: Students of higher grades (third and fourth grades) show better recognition of noise types which can damage hearing and they agree with a statement that listening to loud music can damage hearing, whereas students of first and second grades disagree. Older examinees believe that noise has the most negative influence during the period of leisure and relaxation. They also believe that anxiety, depression and high blood pressure can be the consequences of noise. Younger examinees disagree with these statements and they relate hearing damage by noise to older persons. Older examinees rarely use headphones to listen to music for more than one hour. Conclusion: The research showed that risky behaviour of adolescents is, unfortuantely, in accordance with the world trends. It can be and it has to be influenced by the integrated programmes within primary and secondary education. By regular education of both children and parents when it comes to noise level in their living, working or entertainment environment, and when it comes to the ways in which they can decrease the noise level, hearing damages can be prevented, or at least postponed. |