Title Uloga vaskularne kirurgije u multidisciplinarnom liječenju dijabetičkog stopala
Title (english) The role of vascular surgery in the multidisciplinary management of diabetic foot
Author Klara Šinka
Mentor Tomislav Meštrović (mentor)
Committee member Predrag Pavić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anko Antabak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Meštrović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Surgery) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-07-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Surgery
Abstract Dijabetes melitus (DM) je javnozdravstveni problem u porastu koji, zbog teških komplikacija bolesti, predstavlja jedan od najvećih financijskih tereta zdravstvenog sustava. Makrovaskularne komplikacije karakterizirane su pojavom ateroskleroze čijim su težim oblicima, poput periferne arterijske bolesti ili netraumatskih amputacija donjih udova, podložniji ovi bolesnici. Distribucija periferne arterijske bolesti (PAB) u bolesnika oboljelih od DM češće uključuje distalnije arterije, a ostali
... More izazovi liječenja uključuju motoričku, senzornu i autonomnu neuropatiju čija je kombinacija predisponirajuća za nastanak dijabetičkog stopala. Dijabetičko stopalo (DS) je složen sindrom obilježen ulkusom na stopalu i brojnim komorbiditetima poput infekcije i ishemije. Osim što ima lošu prognozu, sindrom dijabetičkog stopala izrazito negativno utječe na gubitak kvalitete života i neovisnosti jer bolesnike izlaže riziku od amputacija donjih ekstremiteta. Prioriteti liječenja ulkusa sastoje se od prevencije i rane identifikacije bolesnika. Stoga je za svakog bolesnika sa sumnjom na DU potrebno učiniti opširnu dijagnostičku obradu koja uključuje postupke od fizikalnog pregleda i neinvazivnih hemodinamskih testova do angiografije kao zlatnog standarda vizualizacije krvožilnog sustava. Odluke o liječenju temelje se na provedenoj dijagnostici i klasifikacijskim sustavima, a potrebno ih je individualizirati za svakog pojedinog bolesnika. Terapijske su mjere raznolike i uključuju širok spektar od farmakološkog liječenja, kirurškog pristupa debridmanom do alternativnih i adjuvantnih metoda, no u spašavanju ekstremiteta od amputacije, temelj liječenja je revaskularizacija. Presjekom GLASS i WIfI stadija uda, te ovisno o postojanju adekvatne autologne vene odlučuje se o izboru otvorenog ili endovaskularnog revaskularizacijskog zahvata. Iako se većina terapijskih pristupa ubraja u područje djelovanja vaskularnog kirurga, za cjelokupno liječenje potreban je multidisciplinarni tim koji se sastoji od različitih specijalista kako bi mogao vladati svim potencijalnim komplikacijama DU i bolesniku omogućiti najbolji mogući pristup u nošenju s ovom zahtjevnom bolesti. Less
Abstract (english) Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a growing public health problem which, due to severe complications, represents one of the biggest financial burdens on the health care system. Macrovascular complications are characterized by the appearance of atherosclerosis, the more severe forms of which, such as peripheral arterial disease or non-traumatic amputations of the lower limbs, are more susceptible to these patients. The distribution of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) in DM patients more often
... More involves more distal arteries, and other treatment challenges include motor, sensory and autonomic neuropathy, the combination of which predisposes to the development of diabetic foot. Diabetic foot is a complex syndrome characterized by a foot ulcer and numerous comorbidities such as infection and ischemia. In addition to having a poor prognosis, diabetic foot syndrome has an extremely negative impact on the loss of quality of life and independence, as it exposes patients to the risk of lower limb amputations. The priorities of ulcer treatment consist of prevention and early identification of patients, therefore, for every patient suspected of diabetic ulcer, it is necessary to do an extensive diagnostic workup that includes procedures from physical examination and non-invasive hemodynamic tests to the use of angiography as the gold standard of visualization of the vascular system. Treatment decisions are based on the performed diagnostics and classification systems, and they need to be individualized for each patient. Therapeutic measures are diverse and include a spectrum from pharmacological treatment, surgical approach with debridement to alternative and adjuvant methods, but in saving limbs from amputation, the mainstay of treatment is revascularization. The choice of open or endovascular revascularization procedure is based on the cross section of the GLASS and WIfI stages of the limb, and the existence of an adequate autologous vein. Although most therapeutic approaches fall within the scope of a vascular surgeon, overall treatment requires a multidisciplinary team consisting of different specialists able to manage all potential complications of diabetic ulcer and provide the patient with the best possible approach to deal with this demanding disease. Less
dijabetički ulkus
dijabetičko stopalo
periferna arterijska bolest
vaskularni kirurg
multidisciplinarni tim
Keywords (english)
diabetic ulcer
diabetic foot
peripheral arterial disease
vascular surgeon
multidisciplinary team
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:267591
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-11-02 10:26:19