Abstract | Cijeli svijet, uključujući i Hrvatsku, 2019. godine suočio se s novim sojem koronavirusa koji
je uzrokovao bolest COVID-19, a koja za posljedicu ima reorganizaciju rada cjelokupnog
zdravstvenog sustava na svim razinama zdravstvene zaštite.
U okviru ovog rada prikazat će se svakodnevni rad medicinskih sestara/tehničara u
ordinacijama obiteljske medicine tijekom 2019. godine i tijekom epidemije COVID-19 bolesti.
Uzorak ispitanika činile su 22 medicinske sestre zaposlene u ordinacijama obiteljske medicine
u sklopu Doma zdravlja Zagreb-Zapad dobne skupine od 18-65 godina. Instrument je bio
anketni upitnik kreiran za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Prvim dijelom upitnika su se prikupljali
opći podaci o ispitanicima poput spola, dobi i stručne spreme, a drugim dijelom nastojao se
prikazati opseg administracijskog posla u odnosu na sestrinske profesionalne vještine te
djelovanje medicinske sestre kroz uloge praktičarke, edukatorice, savjetnice, odvjetnice,
menadžera, vođe, zastupnice promjena i voditeljice i/ili članice istraživačkog tima u timu
obiteljske medicine tijekom epidemije COVID-19 u odnosu na 2019. godinu.
Dobivenim rezultatima vidljivo da je administracijski posao u 2019. godini najvećem broju
ispitanica prosječno oduzeo više od pola radnog vremena, odnosno podjednako oduzeo
vremena u odnosu na sestrinske profesionalne vještine. Tijekom epidemije najvećem broju
ispitanica administracijski posao oduzeo je prosječno većinu radnog vremena u odnosu na
sestrinske profesionalne vještine. Ispitivanjem nije utvrđena prisutnost statistički značajne
razlike u opsegu administracijskog posla u odnosu na sestrinske profesionalne vještine obzirom
na razdoblje. Medijan vrijednost djelovanja medicinske sestre kao zastupnice promjena veća
je tijekom epidemije u odnosu na medijan vrijednost tijekom 2019. godine te je utvrđena
prisutnost statistički značajne razlike. Kod ostalih djelovanja nije utvrđena prisutnost statistički
značajne razlike. |
Abstract (english) | In 2019, the whole world, including Croatia, was faced with a new strain of coronavirus that
caused the disease COVID-19, which resulted in the reorganization of the entire health system
at all levels of health care.
This work will present the daily work of nurses/technicians in family medicine offices during
2019 and during the epidemic of the COVID-19 disease. The sample of respondents consisted
of 22 nurses employed in a family medicine practice within the Zagreb-Zapad Health Center in
the age group of 18-65 years. The instrument was a questionnaire created for the purposes of
this research. The first part of the questionnaire collected general information about the
respondents such as gender, age, professional qualification, and the second part tried to show
the scope of administrative work in relation to nursing professional skills and the activities of
nurses through the roles of practitioner, educator, counselor, lawyer, manager, leader , agents
of change and leaders and/or members of the research team in the family medicine team during
the COVID-19 epidemic compared to 2019.
The obtained results show that in 2019, administrative work took up more than half of the
working time of the largest number of respondents on average, that is, it took up time equally
in relation to nursing professional skills. During the epidemic, for the largest number of
respondents, administrative work took on average most of their working time compared to
nursing professional skills. The examination did not establish the presence of a statistically
significant difference in the scope of administrative work in relation to nursing professional
skills with regard to the period. The median value of the nurse's action as a representative of
change was higher during the epidemic compared to the median value during 2019, and the
presence of a statistically significant difference was determined. The presence of statistically
significant differences was not found in the case of other activities. |