Title Zdravstvena njega politraumatiziranog bolesnika
Title (english) Nursing care of a polytraumatized patient
Author Veronika Beljo
Mentor Vilena Vrbanović Mijatović (mentor)
Committee member Slobodan Mihaljević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dinko Tonković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vilena Vrbanović Mijatović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Medicinski termin „politrauma“ odnosi se na višestruko zadobivene ozljede
koje posljedično mogu dovesti do pojave različitih neželjenih stanja poput invaliditeta,
fizičkih, kognitivnih i psiholoških oštećenja, ali i smrtnoga ishoda. Premda su uzroci
politrauma zaista brojni, najveći broj uglavnom je rezultat većega broja svakodnevnih
prometnih nesreća. Manji broj spomenute vrste ozljeda posljedica je pokušaja
ubojstava te samoubojstava. U tom smislu, postoji nekoliko vrsta politrauma: one
koje uključuju ozljede prsnoga koša, glave i vrata, ozljede abdomena, kralježnice,
ekstremiteta te šok. Politraumatizirani pacijenti zbog specifičnih vrsta ozljeda
zbrinjavaju se u skladu sa smjernicama Naprednoga održavanja života
politraumatiziranih pacijenata (eng. Advanced Trauma Life Support – ATLS). Ključni
cilj skrbi politraumatiziranoga pacijenta, koja uključuje provedbu niza stručnih
intervencija, preživljavanje je uz očuvanje kognitivnih sposobnosti.
U takvim složenim okolnostima stručnost i reakcija medicinske sestre moraju biti na
razini koja omogućuje punu potporu ostatku traumatološkoga tima koji mora biti
sposoban odgovoriti na brze i vrlo često iznenadne promjene kliničkog stanja
pacijenta. Tijekom politraumatskih situacija pravodobna i kvalitetna komunikacija s
pacijentom i njegovim najbližima dovodi do smanjivanja nastanka daljnjih stresnih
situacija. Razvojem moderne medicinske znanosti i njezine primjene u praksi, akutna
smrtnost pacijenata s politraumom smanjila se, što je posebice vidljivo u zemljama s
visokorazvijenom tehnologijom. Posljedica toga vidljiva je kroz implementiranje
preventivnih mjera koje su dovele do boljeg razumijevanja patofiziologije traume pa i
samoga područja traume, a bolje pravodobno razumijevanje patofizioloških promjena
nastalih nakon ozljede jedna je od bitnih značajki pozitivnoga ishoda liječenja.
Abstract (english) The medical term "polytrauma" refers to injuries sustained multiple times,
which can consequently lead to various unwanted conditions such as disability, i.e.
physical as well as cognitive and psychological damage, as well as death. Although
the causes of polytrauma are truly numerous, the largest number is primarily the
result of the high number of traffic accidents that occur every day. A smaller number
of the above types of injuries have been observed in homicide attempts and suicides.
In this sense, there are several types of polytrauma, namely those that include
injuries to the chest, head and neck, injuries to the abdomen, spine, extremities and
shocks. Due to the specific types of injuries, polytrauma patients are treated and
cared for according to Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) guidelines.
Accordingly, the main goal of care for a polytrauma patient including the
implementation of a range of professional interventions is survival while maintaining
cognitive abilities.
In such complex circumstances, the nurse's expertise and response must be
at a level to provide comprehensive support to the rest of the trauma team, who must
be able to respond to rapid and often sudden changes in the patient's clinical
condition. In polytrauma situations, timely and high quality communication with the
patient and their relatives leads to a reduction in the occurrence of further distressing
With the development of modern medical science and its application in
practise, the acute mortality of patients with polytrauma has decreased, which is
particularly evident in technologically advanced countries. The result of this
development is the implementation of preventive measures that have led to a better
general understanding and improvement of the pathophysiology and the field of
trauma itself. A better timely understanding of the aforementioned pathophysiological
changes that occur after an injury is one of the essential features for a positive
treatment outcome.
zbrinjavanje politraumatiziranih pacijenata
medicinska sestra
Keywords (english)
treatment of polytraumatized patients
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:162099
Study programme Title: Studies in Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-04-18 08:37:36