Abstract | Subarahnoidalno krvarenje zbog rupture intrakranijalne aneurizme (aSAK) jedna je od
najhitnijih bolesti u neurologiji. Posljedica je puknuća aneurizme intrakranijalne žile, a
uzrok može biti i traumatska ozljeda mozga. Subarahnoidalno krvarenje (SAH) je
prisutnost krvi u subarahnoidalnom prostoru. Liječenje može biti kirurško ili
endovaskularno, ovisno o stanju bolesnika i anatomskom položaju aneurizme. Pri
zbrinjavanju životno ugroženih pacijenata ističe se važnost brze i pravilne sestrinske
procjene i intervencije te koordinacije cijelog tima specijalista: neurologa, neurokirurga,
anesteziologa i medicinskih sestara/tehničara koji skrbe o pacijentima sa aSAKom u
Jedinici intenzivnog liječenja (JIL) te zahtijevaju visoku razinu stručnosti i vještina.
Bolesnici koji prežive bolest često postaju osobe s posebnim potrebama, u kojem ne
samo da nisu u stanju produktivno živjeti i raditi, već ni samostalno zadovoljavati svoje
osnovne ljudske potrebe. Potrebna im je pomoć druge osobe, trajno gube
samostalnost i postaju ovisni.
Posljednjih se godina dijagnostika i liječenje aneurizmatskog subarahnoidalnog
krvarenja značajno unaprijedila te je pravilan pristup takvom bolesniku ključan
čimbenik u prognozi ishoda bolesti. Sestrinska skrb ima značajnu ulogu u zbrinjavanju
bolesnika oboljelih od moždanog udara. Medicinske sestre educiraju bolesnika i
njegovu obitelj od samog primitka u bolnicu, a kroz učenje vještina samozbrinjavanja i
demonstracije provode edukaciju što čini ključ uspjeha. Kvalitetno prikupljenim
anamnestičkim podatcima magistra sestrinstva će u JIL-u efikasno planirati i provoditi
zdravstvenu skrb, izvoditi sestrinsko medicinske postupke, postavljati sestrinske
dijagnoze, provoditi sestrinske intervencije i evaluaciju provedenog te koordinirati rad
i postupke cijelog tima. |
Abstract (english) | Subarachnoid hemorrhage due to ruptured intracranial aneurysm (aSAK) is one of the
most urgent diseases in neurology. It is the result of the rupture of an aneurysm of an
intracranial vessel, and the cause can also be a traumatic brain injury. Subarachnoid
hemorrhage (SAH) is the presence of blood in the subarachnoid space. Treatment can
be surgical or endovascular, depending on the condition of the patient and the
anatomical position of the aneurysm. When caring for life-threatening patients, the
importance of quick and proper nursing assessment and intervention and coordination
of the entire team of specialists: neurologists, neurosurgeons, anesthesiologists, and
nurses/technicians who care for patients with aSAK in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
and require a high level of expertise and skill. Patients who survive the disease often
become persons with special needs, in which they are not only unable to live and work
productively, but also to meet their basic human needs independently. They need the
help of other people, they permanently lose their independence and become
In recent years, the diagnosis and treatment of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
has improved significantly, and the correct approach to such a patient is a key factor
in the prognosis of the disease outcome. Nursing care plays a significant role in the
care of stroke patients. Nurses educate the patient and his family from the moment
they are admitted to the hospital, and through learning self-care skills and
demonstrations, they carry out education, which is the key to success. With quality
collected anamnestic data, the graduated nursing practitioner will efficiently plan and
implement health care in the ICU, perform nursing medical procedures, set nursing
diagnoses, carry out nursing interventions and evaluation of the performed, and
coordinate the work and procedures of the entire team. |