Title Specifične mjere prevencije nasilja nad medicinskim sestrama i tehničarima
Title (english) Specific measures preventing violence against nurses
Author Magdalena Bošnjak
Mentor Hana Brborović (mentor)
Committee member Milan Milošević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ksenija Vitale (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Hana Brborović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-07-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care
Abstract Uvod: Medicinske sestre izložene su brojnim rizicima na radnome mjestu: opasnostima,
štetnostima i naporima koji mogu dovesti do pojave ozljede na radu, profesionalne bolesti te
bolesti u vezi s radom. Nasilje na radnom mjestu je složena pojava koja se odvija među
pojedincem ili skupinom ljudi uz djelovanje organizacijskih čimbenika. Medicinske sestre
potencijalno mogu doživjeti nasilje od strane pacijenata, članova njihovih obitelji, liječnika i
medicinskih sestara.
Ciljevi: Opći cilj rada je opisati prevenciju nasilja nad medicinskim sestrama/tehničarima.
Specifični ciljevi su identificirati specifične mjere prevencije nasilja te procijeniti njihovu
Metode: Pretražene su tri baze podataka: PubMed, Web of Science i Scopus. Kriterij za odabir
bio je sustavni pregled literature i meta-analiza. Pretraživanje je bilo ograničeno na članke
dostupne na engleskom jeziku te na članke objavljene u posljednjih 10 godina. Na temelju
PRISMA smjernica iz 2009. napravljen je pregled literature. AMSTAR-R instrumentom za
ocjenjivanje procijenjena je kvaliteta članka.
Rezultati: Ukupno je obuhvaćeno 6 studija koje su zadovoljile kriterije uključivanja, 4
sistematska pregleda te 2 meta analize. Istraživanja su objavljena između 2018. i 2022. godine
u SAD-u, Indiji, Kanadi, Brazilu i Njemačkoj. Istraživanja su pokazala da su najučinkovitije
mjere prevencije nasilja provođenje edukacije i obrazovnih programa te pravilna komunikacija.
Rasprava: Prevenciju nasilja na radnom mjestu pospješuje zdravo radno okruženje te
pravovremeno reagiranje na problem. Kako bi se pojavnost nasilja prevenirala ili smanjila
važno je zajedničko djelovanje zdravstvenih profesija i društva. Sprječavanje nasilja je izrazito
važno zbog izbjegavanja negativnih implikacija na zdravstveni sektor: narušavanje psihičkog i
fizičkog zdravlja medicinskih sestara i tehničara, pojavu depresije, gubitak samopoštovanja,
pad kvalitete pružene zdravstvene njege te napuštanja radnog mjesta.
Zaključak: Važno je osigurati široku difuziju informacija o opisanom fenomenu, povećati
svijest među medicinskim sestrama i tehničarima te poticati suradnju i međusobno poštovanje
na radnom mjestu. Promjene treba postizati edukacijom, usavršavanjem komunikacijskih
vještina te izgradnjom suradničkog radnog okruženja.
Abstract (english) Introduction: Nurses are exposed to numerous risks in the work: dangers, harms and strains
that can lead to work injuries, occupational diseases and work-related diseases. Workplace
violence is a complex phenomenon that takes place between an individual or a group of people
with the influence of organizational factors.Violence against nurses is perpetrated by patients,
their family members, doctors and nurses.
Objectives: The general objective of the work is to describe the prevention of violence against
nurses. Specific objectives are to identify specific measures of violence prevention and to
evaluate their effectiveness.
Methods: Three databases were searched: PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus. The selection
criterion was a systematic literature review and meta-analyses. The search was limited to
articles available in English and articles who were published within last 10 years. Literature
review was made based on the PRISMA guidelines from 2009. The quality of the article was
was assessed using the AMSTAR-R assessment tool.
Results: 6 studies that were included met the inclusion criteria, 4 systematic reviews and 2
meta-analysis. Researches were published between 2018 and 2022 in the USA, India, Canada,
Brazil and Germany. They have shown that the most effective measures of violence prevention
are the implementation of educational programs and proper communication.
Discussion: The prevention of accidents at the workplace is enhanced by a healthy working
environment and timely response to the problem. In order to prevent or reduce their occurence,
it´s important that health professionals and society work together. Prevention of violence is
extremely important for avoidance of negative effects on the healthcare sector, such as
impairment of the mental and physical health of nurses, occurrence of depression, lack of selfesteem, decline of health care quality and leaving work.
Conclusion: It´s important to ensure wide dissemination of information about described
problem, to increase the awareness among nurses and to encourage cooperation and mutual
respect in the workplace. Changes should be achieved through education, training of
communication skills and through building safe and cooperative work environment.
medicinska sestra/tehničar
sustavni pregled
Keywords (english)
systematic review
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:690666
Study programme Title: Studies in Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-04-26 08:09:10