Title Neuroznanost i psihoterapija
Title (english) Neuroscience and psychotherapy
Author Lovorka Postružin
Mentor Darko Marčinko (mentor)
Committee member Miro Jakovljević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Begić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Darko Marčinko (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Psychiatry
Abstract Devedesete godine prošlog stoljeća nazvane su „dekadom mozga“. Razdoblje je to u kojem su proširene i unaprijeđene tehnike oslikavanja mozga, kao i neurobiološka istraživanja, omogućili nove uvide u biološke podloge mentalnog funkcioniranja i mentalnih bolesti. Bolje razumijevanje otvorilo je put stvaranju dijaloga neuroznanosti i psihoterapije, budući je omogućilo i bolje razumijevanje biologije psihoterapijskih procesa. Studije oslikavanja mozga pokazale su kako se strukture i funkcije mozga mogu mijenjati ovisno o okolišnim čimbenicima. Počevši od najranijih iskustava, ljudski se mozak razvija i raste kao odgovor na socijalnu okolinu i dinamiku njezinih promjena. Moderna neuroznanost doprinijela je jasnijim uvidima u moždanu plastičnost i njenu realizaciju u obliku procesa učenja i pamćenja, kojima mozak pohranjuje iskustva i formira jedinstvene modele neuralnih mreža, modulirajući arhitekturu neuronske povezanosti. Uloge eksplicitne i implicitne memorije, odnosa privrženosti i traume, fenomena transfera, empatije, prevedene na jezik neuroznanosti pružaju psihoterapiji itekako značajnu znanstvenu podlogu. Kao što psihoterapija ima koristi od neuroznanosti, tako i neurobiološki pristup profitira svojim dijalogom sa psihodinamskim. Dijalog dvije različite discipline važan je i usmjeren prema budućnosti, s ciljem razvoja naprednijih i znanstveno temeljenih pristupa u liječenju mentalnih bolesti i razumijevanju organizacije ljudskog mozga i uma, koji su neraskidivo povezani. Ovaj diplomski rad nudi pregled neuroznanstvenih istraživanja fenomena i teorija, važnih u psihoterapijskom konceptu i oblikovanju ljudske psihe, kako zdrave, tako i patološke. Cilj je ovoga rada predstaviti psihoterapiju kroz procese bioloških promjena kojima ona posreduje u izlječenju ili smanjenu simptoma, ovisno o kakvom se predmetu psihološke disfunkcije radi.
Abstract (english) The nineties of the last century are called the "decade of the brain". It is a perion in which improved and extended brain imaging techniques, as well as neurobiological studies, allowed new insights into the biological basis of mental functioning and mental illness. Better understanding paved the way for the creation of a dialogue between neuroscience and psychotherapy, as it allowed a better understanding of the biology of the psychotherapeutic process. Brain imaging studies have shown that the brain structure and function can vary depending on environmental factors. Beginning in the earliest experiences, the human brain is growing and developing in response to the social environment and the dynamics of its changes. Modern neuroscience has contributed to a clearer insights into brain plasticity and its implementation as a process of learning and memory, in which the brain stores the experience and forms unique models of neural networks by modulating the architecture of neural connections. The roles of explicit and implicit memory, relationships of affection and trauma, transference phenomena, empathy, translated into the language of neuroscience provide psychotherapy with a very significant scientific background. The same way psychotherapy benefits from neuroscience, the neurobiological approach benefits from its dialogue with psychodynamic. The dialogue of two different disciplines is important and directed towards the future, with the aim of developing a more advanced and scientifically-based approach in the treatment of mental illness and understanding of the organization of the human brain and mind, which are inextricably linked. This thesis provides an overview of neuroscientific studies of the phenomenon and theory, important in the psychotherapeutic concept and the design of the human psyche, both healthy and pathological.
neuralne mreže
Keywords (english)
neural networks
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:808895
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2016-11-25 09:16:47