Title Osebujnost djelovanja imunološkog sustava onkoloških bolesnika
Title (english) Distinctive role of the immune system in oncology patients
Author Iva Jurčević
Mentor Nikola Đaković (mentor)
Committee member Antonio Juretić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Lidija Beketić-Orešković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikola Đaković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Clinical Oncology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Oncology
Abstract Ovaj rad razmatra interakcije imunološkog sustava i neoplastičnih stanica, s naglaskom na neočekivane utjecaje imunosti i imunosupresije na nastanak, progresiju i metastaziranje karcinoma. Mnoga su istraživanja rađena, tijekom povijesti i u novije vrijeme u svrhu objašnjenja međuovisnosti imunoloških reakcija i tumora, s naglaskom na upalu kao zajedničkom nazivniku. Iako se čini da stanice imunosti imaju jasan utjecaj na homeostazu organizma i mikrookoliš tumora, njihova je uloga višeslojna i
... More osebujna. Još jedna od tema o kojoj će biti riječi je imunosupresija, vezana uz upalu ili stres, kao posljedica ili uzrok nastanka karcinoma.
Prvi dio se bavi izlaganjem glavnih stanica i interakcija imunološkog sustava, te utjecajem imunološkog sustava na tumorske stanice. Ovdje će biti spomenute razlike stečene i urođene imunosti i neki od glavnih načina komunikacije imunoloških stanica u dinamičnom mikrookolišu zdravog ili neoplastično promijenjenog tkiva.
Drugo, potrebno je razjasniti nastanak neoplastičnih stanica i njihove karakteristike u odnosu na zdrave stanice. Također treba izdvojiti utjecaj upale na nastanak imunosupresivnog okoliša i konačno, mogućeg karcinoma. Iako je dokazano da je imunosupresija izazvana liječenjem, nova istraživanja ukazuju na imunosupresiju onkoloških bolesnika primarno kao posljedicu bolesti. Ovdje će biti objašnjen jedan od dokazanih mehanizama indukcije imunosupresije. Dakle, imunološki status možemo mjeriti kao stupanj imunosupresije. Imunološki status onkološkog bolesnika je parametar kojeg bi mogli promatrati kao prognostički čimbenik preživljenja tijekom terapije.
Nadalje, kronična upala se smatra jednom od dokazanih rizika za neke od karcinoma, međutim, stavljanjem kronične upale u okvire imunosupresivnog mikrookoliša, stresa kao poticaja za upalu i imunosupresiju, možemo govoriti o širem i većem značenju upalnih stanica i medijatora upale u patogenezi nastanka i progresije karcinoma. Less
Abstract (english) Interactions of the immune system and cell microenvironment has been a topic of discussion, and of many researches through the history and still today. In this paper the focus is on the interactions of immune and cancer cells. Although it seemed that the immune system has a very straightforward role in a human organism, new findings show a much more complex function, and the outcome of some of the immunological reactions is surprising. The main focus of my paper is to discuss some of the
... More paradoxical and unexpected results of interactions of the immune system and cancer cells. Another problem addressed in my thesis is concerning immunosuppression and chronic inflammation as stimulation of cancer growth.
First, to understand the complex interactions of the immune system and cells, which could represent a possible threat for the dynamic balance of the organism, some of the main principles of immune reactions and the cells, which play a main role in these processes, need to be explained. Also, in this part the difference between innate and specific immunity is explained, and their effect in a dynamic microenvironment.
Secondly, neoplasm and carcinogenesis will be mentioned in order to understand the processes that take place in a tumor host. Although, it has been proven that immunosuppression is a consequence of cancer treatment, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, new researches point out the fact that some of the patients are primary immunosuppressed due to their disease and perhaps the neoplasm is partly a result of the immunosuppression One of the examples of the interactions of the immune system of oncology patients is the evaluation of the immunologic status, which is also going to be discussed.
The third part is dealing with immunosuppression and chronic inflammation as one of the causes of tumor growth and consequential metastasis. Chronic inflammation has been recognized as a risk factor for cancer for a long time. However, there is evidence that shows a much greater influence of a chronic inflammatory process on the cell microenvironment. This is especially seen in an early stage of cancer development and could be influenced in order to prevent the disease. Less
tumorski mikrookoliš
Keywords (english)
tumor microenvironment
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:110756
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2017-06-27 07:54:02