Title Liječenje prijeloma proksimalnog dijela tibije
Title (english) Treatment of fractures of the proximal tibia
Author Antonio Martinec
Mentor Mario Starešinić (mentor)
Committee member Božidar Šebečić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Meštrović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Starešinić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Occupational and Sports Medicine
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Orthopedics
Abstract Tibija je nosiva kost potkoljenice, a njezin proksimalni dio čini donji dio koljenskog zgloba. Prijelomi potkoljenice su na drugom mjestu najčešćih ozljeda s učestalošću od 10% od svih ozljeda od toga približno 1/10 su prijelomi proksimalnog dijela tibije. Ti prijelomi najčešće nastaju djelovanjem direktne sile. Dijagnostički postupci koje koristimo su fizikalni pregled i slikovne metode. Prijelomi proksimalnog dijela tibije se mogu podijeliti prema nekoliko klasifikacija poput Gustilo klasifikacije, Tscherneova klasifikacija, klasifikacija po Schatzkeru te AO klasifikacija. Posljednja u obzir uzima lokalizaciju i morfologiju ozljede, a prijelomi se dijele na ekstraartikularne, parcijalno artikularne i kompletno artikularne. Klasifikacije olakšavaju komunikaciju među liječnicima, ali i daju prognozu ishoda prijeloma te pomažu pri odabiru optimalnog načina liječenja pojedinih fraktura. Liječenje može biti neoperativno (konzervativno) te operativno. Izbor samog načina liječenja ovisi o nekoliko uvjeta među kojima su stanje pacijenta, lokalno stanje ozljede, tip loma te o tehnička opremljenost ustanove i iskustvo i vještine operatera. Najvažniji odlučujući faktor pri donošenju odluke o načinu liječenja je stanje mekog tkiva. Neoperativno liječenje se izvodi različitim vrstama imobilizacije. Operativno liječenje se može izvesti raznim načinima vanjske fiksacije ili unutarnjom fiksacijom vijcima, pločicama te intramedularnom osteosintezom. Uz specifično, kod fraktura je potrebno primijeniti i neke opće oblike liječenja. Treba uzeti u obzir i mogućnost komplikacija koje se mogu javiti. One mogu biti posljedica samih prijeloma, ali i kirurških zahvata kojima se prijelomi saniraju. Najvažnije komplikacije su infekcije raznim uzročnicima te kompartment sindrom. Svaka komplikacija znatno otežava i produžuje liječenje te je njihovu pojavu potrebno svesti na minimum.
Abstract (english) The tibia is the major weight-bearing bone of the lower leg. The proximal portion of the bone, the tibial plateau, forms the lower surface of the knee joint. Fractures of the lower leg are the second most common injuries accounting for 10% of all injuries, out of which about 1/10 are fractures of the proximal part of the tibia. The proximal tibia fractures most frequently occur as a result of significant direct trauma. Procedures used for those fractures are physical examination and imaging techniques. Fractures of the proximal part of the tibia can be divided according to several classifications such as Gustilo classification, Tscherne classification, Schatzker classification and the most important AO classification, which takes into consideration the localization and morphology of the injuries. The fractures are divided into extra-articular, partial articular and complete articular fractures. Classifications facilitate communication among physicians, but also provide an outcome of fractures and assist in the selection of optimal treatments for certain fractures. Treatment may be conservative and operational. The choice of the mode of treatment depends on several conditions, including the condition of a patient, the local state of injury, type of fracture and technical equipment of the institution as well as the experience and skills of an operator. The most important determining factor in deciding on the method of treating is the condition of soft tissue. Nonsurgical treatment is performed with different types of immobilization. Operative treatment can be carried out with various ways of external fixation or internal fixation with screws, plates and intramedullary nailing. Some common forms of treatment need to be applied. The possibility of complications that can occur must be kept on mind. They may occur due to the fracture, and surgery that repaired fractures. The most important complications are infections with various pathogens, and compartment syndrome. Each complication makes treatment difficult and prolonged, and can cause severe and permanent damage. Their appearance should therefore be minimal.
proksimalna tibija
Keywords (english)
proximal tibia
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:536267
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-07-06 07:54:27