Title Medicinski protokoli u izvanrednim situacijama
Title (english) Medical protocols in crisis situations
Author Sonja Ristin
Mentor Iskra Alexandra Nola (mentor)
Committee member Milan Milošević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jagoda Doko Jelinić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Iskra Alexandra Nola (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Environmental and Occupational Health) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-07-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Health Ecology
Abstract Izvanredne situacije jesu one u kojima dolazi do preopterećenja zdravstvenog sustava na svim razinama, što uključuje bolničku i izvanbolničku skrb. Preopterećenje se očituje u naglom porastu uobičajenog broja pacijenata na skrbi, dok je količina resursa jednaka. Stoga je alokacija resursa težak zadatak s kojim se suočavaju liječnici i drugi zdravstveni djelatnici. Medicinski protokoli su unaprijed dogovorene smjernice postupanja koje služe kao alat zdravstvenim djelatnicima, ali isto tako ukoliko postupaju sukladno njima odriču ih zakonske odgovornosti. U izvanrednim situacijama kada su liječnici često suočeni s etičkim dilemama, protokoli ismjernice čini sigurnosnu mrežu. Uspoređujući izvanredne i redovne protokole možemo uočiti razliku u pristupu pacijentima, pri čemu su kod redovnih protokola dostupni svi potrebni resursi i djelovanje je usmjerenona jednog pacijenta, dok su kod izvanrednih protokola ograničeni resursi i djelovanje je usmjereno na spašavanje što više života. Kako bi bilo moguće spasiti što više života, trijaža na terenu je ključna, te mora biti brza i efikasna, predvođena visokoeduciranim i uvježbanim stručnjacima ukoliko je moguće. Adekvatna i pravovremena priprema za potencijalne katastrofe čini značajnu razliku u odgovoru zdravstvenog sustava na izvanrednu situaciju, ali i na krajnji ishod. Postoje specifični medicinski protokoli za određene situacije s kojima se liječnici na terenu susreću, poput amputacije nakon nagnječenja i alokacije mehaničkih ventilatorau slučaju njihovog manjka. Također postoje dostupne kontrolne liste (engl. checklist) koje su značajno doprinijele boljoj pripremi i efikasnijem odgovoru bolnicama u Europi koje su ih implementirale. Svaka bolnica bi trebala imati ovakve kontrolne liste i uložiti napore u edukaciju i vježbe pripremanja kako bi iste bile od koristi. Bitna je razlika u odgovoru na izvanrednu situaciju u bolnicama, izvanbolničkim zdravstvenim ustanovama ina terenu. Razlikuju se po količini dostupnih resursa (medicinskog osoblja, transportnih vozila, medicinske opreme, infrastrukturi, itd.), mogućnostima,te razini pripremnosti. Stoga je važan zadatak svake zemlje raditi na poboljšanju odgovora na izvanredne situacije mjerama edukacije, donošenjem novih smjernica, uvođenjem kontrolnih lista, te uključivanjem izvanbolničkih zdravstvenih sektora.
Abstract (english) Crisis situations are the ones in which health system is overwhelmed at almost every level, including hospital and out-of-hospital care. Overwhelmed is manifested in a sudden increase in the usual number of patients on care, while the amount of resources stay the same. Allocations of the resources make difficult choices for physicians and health professionals as well. Medical protocols are predetermined guidelines, which serve as a tool for health professionals. Moreover, when followed correctly resolve liability. In crisis situations, doctors are often faced with ethical dilemmas, therefore protocols and guidelines act as a security net. When comparing crisis and regular protocols, a difference in the approach towards the patient can be noticed. In regular protocols all resources are available and all the focus is directed towards the patient. In crisis protocols the resources are limited and the focus is directed on saving as many lives as possible. Triage at the site is the key to saving as many lives as possible; it needs to be conducted quickly and efficiently by highly educated and trained professionals if possible. Adequate and timely preparations for potential disasters make a significant difference in the response of the health system in crisis situations, and thereby in the final outcome. There are specific medical protocols for certain situations with which doctors are faced on site, for example an amputation after a crush injury and the allocation of mechanical ventilators in case of limited resources. There are also available checklists that have greatly contributed to better preparation and efficiency in hospitals in Europe that have implemented them. Every hospital should have these checklists and invest the effort into education and training so that their implementation is of use. There is a significant difference in the response to emergency situations in hospitals, out of hospital care sites and on site. They differ by the amount of available resources (medical personnel, transport vehicles, medical equipment, infrastructure, etc.), possibilities and the level of readiness. Therefore, improving the response to crisis situations is an important task of every country. This can be accomplished by educational measures, the implementation of standardized guidelines, checklists and the involvement of the out of hospital sector.
Crush ozljede
izvanredne situacije
medicinski protokoli
sindrom nagnječenja
Keywords (english)
Crisis situations/emergencies
Crush injuries
Crush Syndrome
Medical protocols
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:552275
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-12-27 12:12:39