Title Nepoželjni učinci vrhunskog sporta na zdravlje sportaša
Title (english) Undesireable consequences of top sports activities on health status
Author Tvrtko Jukić
Mentor Zdravko Babić (mentor)
Committee member Diana Delić-Brkljačić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasenka Markeljević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zdravko Babić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Internal Medicine) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Internal Medicine
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Abstract Sport sa sobom nosi nedvojbene zdravstvene prednosti fizičke aktivnosti, no veliki fizički napori vrhunskog sporta mogu prolazno, ali i trajno povećati rizik od bolesti mnogih organskih sustava. Profesionalni sportaši, posebno u sportovima izdržljivosti, mogu razviti neku bolest srca. Bitno je razlikovati bolesno srce u sportaša od fizioloških prilagodbi srca prilikom bavljenja sportom, tzv. sportskog srca. U posljednje vrijeme sve se veća pozornost pridaje remodelaciji desnog ventrikula u sportovima izdržljivosti. Ta remodelacija može uzrokovati smetnje provođenja, ventrikularne ekstrasistole i potencijalno maligne aritmije. U sportovima izdržljivosti češće su i fibrilacija i undulacija atrija, čiji je patofiziološki mehanizam složen. U predisponiranih sportaša uslijed velikih napora treniranja i natjecanja može nastati iznenadna srčana smrt.
Astma inducirana naporom i bronhokonstrikcija inducirana naporom su klinički entiteti u kojima tjelesni napor uzrokuje bronhalnu preosjetljivost. Dijagnoza ovih stanja temelji se na kliničkoj slici i nalazu spirometrije ili testovima bronhalne provokacije.
U nekim sportovima i disciplinama, osobito nakon umirovljenja iz profesionalnog sporta uočena je veća učestalost pretilosti, inzulinske rezistencije i metaboličkog sindroma. To se posebno odnosi na sportove snage. Bavljenje profesionalnim sportom u žena može dovesti do poremećaja menstrualnog ciklusa, ali i razvoja ženskog sportskog trijasa. Uslijed visokog intenziteta treninga i prilagodbi sportu osobito sportašice, ali i poneki sportaši razviju poremećaje prehrane.
Kolitis trkača relativno je česta pojava u trkača na duge pruge, ali i u drugim sportovima izdržljivosti i manifestira se raznim simptomima, od flatulencije do proljeva i hematokezije. Smatra se da je glavni razlog nastanka ovog stanja hipoperfuzija probavnih organa. Isti etiološki čimbenik, u kombinaciji s nekim mehaničkim uzrocima, izaziva probleme i u gornjem dijelu probavnog sustava: gastroezofagealni refluks, mučninu, povraćanje, gastritis, ulkuse itd.
Neumjerena tjelovježba može uzrokovati rabdomiolizu induciranu vježbanjem. U najtežim slučajevima ona može rezultirati bubrežnim oštećenjem i zatajenjem.
Vrhunski sport, posebno sportovi izdržljivosti, dokazano mogu uzrokovati deficijenciju željeza, ali i sideropeničnu anemiju. Smatra se da periodi intenzivnog treninga koče apsorpciju i korištenje željeza u eritrocitopoezi.
Abstract (english) Sport undoubtedly provides health benefits of physical activity. Nevertheless, great physical efforts of top sport can transiently, but also permanently increase the risk od disease of many organic systems. Professional athletes, especially in endurance sports, may develop some cardiac disease. It is important to differentiate between a sick heart in the athlete and physiological adjustments of the heart to sports activities, called athlete's heart. Lately, greater attention has been given to right ventricular remodelling in endurance sports. It can cause disorders of ventricular conduction, premature ventricular beats and potentially life-threatening arrrhythmias. Atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter are also more common in endurance sports and their pathophysiological mechanism is complex. Sudden cardiac death may be a consequence of great physical efforts of training and competing in predisposed athletes. Exercise-induced asthma and exercise-induced bronchoconstriction are clinical entities in which physical effort causes bronchal hyperreactivity. Diagnosis of this condition is based on signs and symptoms, spirometry findings and bronchal provocation tests.
In some sports and sport disciplines, especially after retiring from professional sports, a greater prevalence of obesitiy, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome has been observed. Those diseases are especially common in anaerobic exercises. Professional sports activity in women may lead to development of disorders of menstrual cycle, but also to development of female athlete triad. As a consequence of high level training and adjustment to sport mostly female athletes, but also some male athletes, may develop eating disorders.
Runner's colitis is a relatively common adverse effect in long-distance runners, but also in other endurance sports and it can manifest with many symptoms, from flatulence to diarrhea and hematochezia. Hypoperfusion of gastrointestinal organs is considered to be the main etiological factor of this condition. Hypoperfusion, combined with some mechanical causes, causes problems in upper part od digestive system: gastroesophageal reflux, nausea, vomiting, gastritis, ulcers etc.
Excessive physical exercise may casue exertional rhabdomyolisis. In the most severe cases it can result in kidney injury and kidney failure.
It has been proved that top sports activity, especially in endurance sports, may cause iron deficiency, as well as iron deficiency anemia. Periods of high level training are considered to suppress iron absorption and the use of iron in erythropoiesis.
vrhunski sport
interna medicina
nepoželjne posljedice
Keywords (english)
top sports
internal medicine
adverse effects
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:712605
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2019-10-22 08:26:20