Title Akutni koronarni sindrom u mladih pacijenata
Title (english) Acute coronary syndrome in young patients
Author Filip Puškarić
Mentor Maja Čikeš (mentor)
Committee member Boško Skorić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Martina Lovrić Benčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Čikeš (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Internal Medicine) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-07-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Internal Medicine
Abstract Pregledni rad „Akutni koronarni sindrom u mladih pacijenata“ autora Filipa Puškarića napisan je u svrhu izrade diplomskog rada na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u akademskoj godini 2019./2020. Akutni koronarni sindrom (infarkt miokarda ili nestabilna angina) ima veću incidenciju u starijih bolesnika, a može biti posebno razoran za mlade pacijente zbog povećane potrebe za bolovanjem, smanjene mogućnosti nastavka rada i ranijeg umirovljenja mladih odraslih osoba. Sve navedeno, kao i troškovi liječenja te rehabilitacije, predstavlja i značajan ekonomski teret. U fokusu ovog rada su mladi pacijenti, definirani u literaturi dobnom granicom koja varira između autora u rasponu od 40 do 55 godina. U odnosu na starije pacijente, mladi pacijenti imaju različiti profil rizičnih čimbenika, odnosno nižu učestalost prijašnjih kardiovaskularnih bolesti, šećerne bolesti i hipertenzije, te veću učestalost muškog spola, pušenja i pozitivne obiteljske anamneze preuranjene koronarne bolesti srca. Nadalje, mladi pacijenti s infarktom miokarda češće se prezentiraju bez simptoma, a na koronarnoj angiografiji obično nalazimo manje uznapredovalu koronarnu bolest. Dodatno, češći je nalaz jednožilne koronarne bolesti u mladih pacijenata s infarktom
miokarda nego u starijih pacijenata. U pogledu liječenja mladih pacijenata s akutnim koronarnim sindromom, nema razlika u odnosu na liječenje starijih pacijenata, te u oba slučaja liječenje slijedi relevantne smjernice. Kratkotrajni ishodi u mladih pacijenata s akutnim koronarnim sindromom su u načelu povoljniji nego u starijih pacijenata, ali s tendencijom pada preživljenja nakon pet do petnaest godina u pacijenata s preboljelim infarktom miokarda. Uz to, u populaciji mladih pacijenata uvelike je povećana učestalost nagle srčane smrti (u odnosu na starije pacijente). Nakon preboljelog akutnog koronarnog sindroma, u relativno velikom broju pacijenata dolazi do razvoja depresije koja smanjuje kvalitetu života, a sličan učinak ima i razvoj angine pektoris.
Abstract (english) The review paper “Acute coronary syndrome in young patients” by the author Filip Puškarić, was written as a graduate thesis at the School of Medicine University of Zagreb in the academic year 2019/2020. Acute coronary syndrome (myocardial infarction or unstable angina) has a higher incidence in older patients, but can be particularly devastating for young patients due to an increased need for sick leave, a reduced capability of returning to work and an earlier retirement of young adults. All of the above, as well as treatment and rehabilitation expenses, also represents a significant economic burden. At the focus of this paper are young patients, defined in the literature by an age limit which varies among authors in the range of 40 to 55 years. Compared to older patients, young patients have a different risk factor profile vis-ŕ-vis lower frequencies of prior cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and hypertension, and higher frequencies of male sex, smoking and a positive family history of premature coronary heart disease. Furthermore, young patients with myocardial infarction more often present without symptoms, and the coronary angiography usually reveals a less extensive coronary disease. Additionally, a finding of single-vessel disease is more common in young patients with myocardial infarction than in older patients. With regard to treatment of young patients with acute coronary syndrome, no differences are found when compared to older patients, and in both cases treatment is in accordance with relevant guidelines. Short-term outcomes of young patients with acute coronary syndrome are generally favorable and better than in older patients, but with a tendency towards a reduction in survival rates after five to fifteen years in patients with myocardial infarction. Additionally, the frequency of sudden cardiac death is much higher in young patients, than in older patients. A relatively high number of patients who survive a myocardial infarction suffer from depression and angina pectoris, which reduce the quality of life.
akutni koronarni sindrom
infarkt miokarda
Keywords (english)
acute coronary syndrome
myocardial infarction
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:370586
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-03-17 12:26:16