Title Ruptura Ahilove tetive i liječenje
Title (english) Achilles tendon rupture and treatment
Author Daniel Peškir
Mentor Esmat Elabjer (mentor)
Committee member Ivan Dobrić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Meštrović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Esmat Elabjer (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Surgery) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-07-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Orthopedics
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Surgery
Abstract Ahilova tetiva je završni dio m. triceps surae sa insercijom na petnoj kosti i najsnažnija je tetiva u čovjekovom tijelu. Ruptura Ahilove tetive smatra se jednom od najtežih ozljeda lokomotornog sustava, a češće se javlja u muškaraca nego u žena i češće na nozi koja nije dominantna. Posljednjih desetljeća raste incidencija ove ozljede zbog širenja sportske kulture i aktivnosti svih slojeva stanovništva, a budući da je najsnažnija tetiva ljudskog tijela, važno je da liječenje bude što
... More učinkovitije. Mehanizam ozljede uključuje neizravan učinak sile na napetoj tetivi pri naglom pokretu, što osobito pogađa rekreativne sportaše srednje dobi (eng. weekend warriors). Cjelidbeni potencijal tetive je nizak i spor zbog njene anatomske strukture, krvne opskrbe i inervacije, što često dovodi do rerupturiranja. Ozljeda se očituje jakom boli tipične lokalizacije, a u većini slučajeva se navodi i prasak kao zvuk pucketanja bičem. Također je onemogućeno I stajanje na prstima, a bolesnik otežano hoda, šepa te se na samoj tetivi može palpirati udubljenje. Dijagnostika se bazira na ultrazvučnom pregledu nakon kliničkog pregleda, a ukoliko se ultrazvukom ruptura ne prikazuje jasno, pacijenta se upućuje na magnetnu rezonanciju. Pristup liječenju je kirurški, te najveći broj ortopeda tretira ove ozljede operativnim putem. Kirurško liječenje može biti u obliku otvorene metode ili perkutanom tehnikom. Konzervativno liječenje primjenjuje se samo u slučaju da je pacijent u starijoj životnoj dobi, maligni bolesnik, boluje od šećerne bolesti ili kardioloških bolesti. Cilj svakog liječenja je isti, pa će liječenje ovisiti o vrsti i opsegu rupture, vremenu proteklom od trenutka ozljede te individualnim potrebama pojedinca. Razlog je to zašto se u mladih ljudi i, prije svega, aktivnih sportaša, preporuča kirurško liječenje. Less
Abstract (english) The Achilles tendon is the end part of the M. tricpes surae with insertion on the heel bone and is the strongest tendon in the human body. Achilles tendon rupture is considered to be one of the most severe injuries to the locomotor system, and occurs more frequently in men than in women and more often on the non-dominant leg. In recent decades, the incidence of this injury has increased due to the spread of sports culture and activities of all sections of the population, and being
... More the strongest tendon in the human body, it is important for treatment to be as effective as possible. The mechanism of injury involves the indirect effect of force on a strained tendon during abrupt movement, which particularly affects middle-aged recreational athletes (weekend warriors). The healing potential of the tendon is low and slow due to its anatomical structure, blood supply, and innervation, which often leads to recurrence. The injury is manifested by the severe pain of typical localization, and in most cases it is also referred to as a crack as the sound of a cracking whip. Standing on the fingers is also impossible, and the patient has difficulty walking, limping and a recess can be palpated on the tendon itself. Diagnosis is based on ultrasound examination after a clinically examination, and if the rupture is not clearly shown by ultrasound, the patient is referred for magnetic resonance imaging. The approach to treatment is surgical, and most orthopedists treat these injuries surgically. Surgical treatment can be in the form of an open method or a percutaneous technique. Conservative treatment is applied only in the case of an elderly patient, a malignant patient, suffering from diabetes or cardiac disease. The goal of each treatment is the same, so the treatment will depend on the type and extent of the rupture, the time elapsed since the injury and the individual needs of the person. This is why surgical treatment is recommended in young people and, above all, active athletes. Less
Ahilova tetiva
Keywords (english)
Achilles tendon
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:928522
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-05-13 07:29:30