Title Farmakološko i nefarmakološko liječenje osteoartritisa koljena
Title (english) Pharmacological and non-pharmacological management of knee osteoarthritis
Author Alma Mešinović
Mentor Porin Perić (mentor)
Committee member Nadica Laktašić Žerjavić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasenka Markeljević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Porin Perić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Physical Medicine and General Rehabilitation) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-07-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Abstract Osteoartritis je kronična bolest obilježena degeneracijom zglobne hrskavice i okolne kosti što dovodi do progresivnog gubitka funkcije zgloba. Bolesniku najveći problem predstavljaju svakodnevni bolovi te ograničavanje u njegovim svakodnevnim aktivnostima. Prvenstveno zahvaća zglobnu hrskavicu, ali i sve druge zglobne strukture odgovorne za funkciju zgloba. Brojni su rizični čimbenici za razvoj osteoartritisa, a najvažniji su starija životna dob, pretilost i ozljede. Ciljevi terapije osteoartritisa
koljena jesu ublažavanje bolnih signala koji potječu iz zglobnih struktura zahvaćenog zgloba te unaprjeđenje funkcije samoga zgloba, ali i usporavanje progresije same bolesti. Prilikom liječenja bitno je sagledati sve moguće opcije liječenja te odabrati onu najprimjereniju pacijentu, obzirom na njegovu dob, simptomatologiju, stadij bolesti, komorbiditete i pacijentove osobne preferencije. Trenutne mogućnosti liječenja osteoartritisa jesu farmakološke, nefarmakološke i kirurške metode. Farmakološke metode liječenja možemo podijeliti na one koje se primjenjuju peroralno, topički ili intraartikularno. Nefarmakološke metode obuhvaćaju edukaciju i samopomoć, tjelovježbu, redukciju tjelesne mase u pretilih, pomagala za hod, biomehaničke intervencije, fizikalnu terapiju te brojne adjuvantne opcije liječenja kao što je akupunktura. Tjelovježba i redukcija tjelesne mase u pretilih
trebali bi biti sagledani kao prva opcija liječenja u svih pacijenata, samostalno ili u kombinaciji s farmakološkim liječenjem ili tehnikama liječenja fizikalne medicine. Terapija osteoartritisa i dalje je većim dijelom bazirana na simptomatskom liječenju. Prilikom liječenja pacijentu moramo pristupiti individualnim pristupom i ne fokusirati se na liječenje na temelju radiografskog nalaza jer često postoji nesrazmjer između kliničke slike i simptoma te radiografske slike u pacijenta. Najčešće se koriste kombinacije farmakološkog i nefarmakološkog liječenja kako bismo učinkovitije kontrolirali simptome. Kirurške metode liječenja najčešće se koriste tek nakon što su se farmakološke i nefarmakološke metode liječenja pokazale nedovoljno učinkovitima te kada degenerativni procesi u koljenu značajno progrediraju.
Abstract (english) Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease characterized by the degeneration of the articular cartilage and surrounding bones leading to progressive loss of joint function. The biggest problem for the patient is daily pain and limitation in daily activities. It primarily affects the articular cartilage, but also all other articular structures responsible for joint function. There are a number of risk factors for developing osteoarthritis, the most important being old age, obesity and trauma. The primary goals of knee osteoarthritis therapy are to alleviate painful signals originating from the joint structure of the affected joint and to improve the functions of the joint itself, but also to slow down the progression of the same diseases. During treatment, it is important to consider all possible treatment options that should be chosen the most appropriate patient, given his age, symptoms, stage of the disease, comorbidity and the patient's personal preferences. Current treatment options for osteoarthritis are pharmacological, nonpharmacological, and surgical methods. Pharmacological methods of treatment can be divided into those that are administered orally, topically or with intra-articular injections. Non-pharmacological methods include education and self-help, exercise, weight reduction in obese people, walking aids, biomechanical interventions, physical therapy, and numerous adjuvant treatment options such as acupuncture. Exercise and weight loss in obese people should be considered as the first treatment option in all patients, alone or in combination with pharmacological treatment or physical medicine treatment technique. Osteoarthritis therapy is still already based in part on a symptomatic treatment. When treating a patient, we must have an individual approaches approaches and not focus on treatment based on radiographic findings because there is often a disparity between clinical images and the symptoms of radiographic images in patients. Combinations of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments are most commonly used to control symptoms more effectively. Surgical methods of treatment are most often used only after pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods of treatment have proved to be insufficiently effective or when degenerative processes in the knee are significantly advanced.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:633069
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-03-11 11:50:31