Title Radiološka obrada bolesnika s prirođenim srčanim greškama
Title (english) Radiological workup of patients with congenital heart disease
Author Luka Mustač
Mentor Maja Hrabak Paar (mentor)
Committee member Maja Prutki (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordana Ivanac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Hrabak Paar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Radiology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-07-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Radiology
Abstract Prirođene srčane greške (PSG) skupina su velikih strukturnih abnormalnosti koje su prisutne od rođenja i najčešće su anomalije u novorođene djece. Zbog razvitka medicine i poboljšanja operativnih tehnika, perioperativne skrbi i boljeg razumijevanja PSG veća je mogućnost liječenja takvih anomalija te se očekuje da više od 85% djece doživi odraslu dobi, što govori o važnosti kvalitetne dijagnostičke obrade i ukazuje na potrebu dugotrajnog praćenja tih pacijenata. Najčešće korištena metoda u tom
... More području i dalje je ehokardiografija. Izuzetno je pogodna zbog niske cijene, brzine, neinvazivnosti i neštetnosti te mogućnosti provedbe u samoj ambulanti. Međutim, ta metoda ima brojna ograničenja pa se u mnogo slučajeva moraju koristiti i složenije metode za adekvatnu procjenu stanja, poput kompjutorizirane tomografije (CT) i magnetske rezonancije (MR). MR je neinvazivna dijagnostička metoda koja zauzima sve važnije mjesto u dijagnostici, praćenju i planiranju liječenja pacijenata s PSG. Zbog izostanka ionizirajućeg zračenja, a istodobno odličnog prikaza s mogućnošću karakterizacije tkiva, procjenjivanja srčane funkcije i hemodinamike, predstavlja zlatni standard za procjenu ventrikularne funkcije, volumena i protoka, ali i odličnu metodu za procjenu ostalih parametara i općenito za kompletnu obradu srca kod pacijenata s PSG. CT je neinvazivna metoda koja se, zbog postojanja ionizirajućeg zračenja, rjeđe koristi u ovoj skupini pacijenata. Unatoč tome, u određenim slučajevima ima prednost u odnosu na ostale metode pa se koristi u slučajevima kontraindikacije za MR, prisustva metalnih stranih tijela ili elektrostimulatora/defibrilatora, potrebe za brzom dijagnostikom kod nestabilnih pacijenata te za prikaz malih struktura poput koronarnih arterija. Ovaj rad donosi pregled radioloških metoda koje imaju ulogu u dijagnostičkom algoritmu PSG s naglaskom na MR i CT te usporedbu njihovih prednosti i nedostataka na primjeru najučestalijih PSG. Less
Abstract (english) Congenital heart disease (CHD) is a group of big structural anomalies which are present from the birth and are most common anomalies in newborns. Due to development of medicine and improvements in operative techniques, perioperative care and better understanding of CHD, the possibility of treating these anomalies is greater and more than 85% of children are expected to reach adulthood. That emphasizes the importance of quality diagnostic processing and indicates the need for long-term
... More monitoring of these patients. The most commonly used method in this area is still echocardiography. It is extremely suitable due to its low price, speed, non-invasiveness and harmlessness, as well as the possibility of implementation in the clinic itself. However, this method has a number of limitations, so in many cases more complex methods must be used to adequately assess the condition, such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR). MR imaging is a non-invasive diagnostic method that has an increasingly important place in the diagnosis, follow-up and treatment planning of patients with CHD. Due to the absence of ionizing radiation, and at the same time excellent display with the ability to characterize tissue, assess cardiac function and hemodynamics, it is the gold standard for assessing ventricular function, volume and flow, but also an excellent method for assessing other parameters and in general for complete heart evaluation in patients with CHD. CT is a non-invasive method that, due to the existence of ionizing radiation, is less commonly used in this group of patients. Nevertheless, in some cases it has an advantage over other methods and is used in cases of contraindication to MR, the presence of metal foreign bodies or pacemakers/defibrillators, the need for rapid diagnosis in unstable patients and to display small structures such as coronary arteries. This paper provides an overview of radiological methods that play a role in the diagnostic algorithm of PSG with emphasis on MR and CT and a comparison of their advantages and disadvantages on the example of the most common PSG. Less
prirođene srčane greške
magnetska rezonancija
kompjutorizirana tomografija
Keywords (english)
congenital heart diseases
magnetic resonance imaging
computed tomography
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:554032
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-03-17 11:52:08