Title Kirurško liječenje ozljeda krvnih žila
Title (english) Surgical treatment of blood vessel injuries
Author Toni Radić
Mentor Tomislav Meštrović (mentor)
Committee member Predrag Pavić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Davor Mijatović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Meštrović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Surgery) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-07-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Surgery
Abstract Ozljede zahvaćaju veliki udio u problemima zdravstvenih sustava svijeta zbog svog velikog pobola, smrtnosti i postotka invaliditeta u cjelokupnoj populaciji. Smrtnost i uzroci smrti od traume mogu biti izuzetno kompleksni i praćeni brojnim komplikacijama, ali u većini slučajeva se radi o traumatskoj ozljedi glave i mozga (50%), traumi srca i aorte (17%), krvarenju (12%) i sepsi (10%) i većina ozljeđenika s opsežnim ozljedama umire zbog iskrvarenja uzrokovanog nekim oblikom vaskularne ozljede. Upravo to je razlog zbog kojeg je iznimno bitno staviti naglasak na vaskularne ozljede i njihovo liječenje. Klinička klasifikacija dijeli vaskularne ozljede po mehanizmu nastanka na tupe, penetrantne i eksplozivne. S obzirom da se vaskularne ozljede mogu prezentirati na različite načine, danas zbog toga imamo i puno različitih opcija liječenja za njih, što nije bio slučaj prije 1800. godine kada su jedine opcije liječenja takvih ozljeda bile ligacija krvne žile ili amputacija ekstremiteta. Tehnološki napredak i industrijalizacija praćena unaprijeđenom higijenom i zdravstvom (kao što su brži transport do bolnice, upotreba antibiotika, unaprijeđena upotreba anestezije i opreme te postojanje jedinica intenzivne njege) su također dodatno pomogli u poboljšanju ishoda liječenja ozljeđenika i optimiziranju rezultata vaskularne traume. Zahvaljujući napretku dijagnostike, danas možemo s velikim uspjehom detektirati, dijagnosticirati i liječiti ozljeđenike s vaskularnom traumom. Osnovni princip liječenja vaskularne traume uključuje operacije kontrole štete koje su zapravo kombinacija dviju operacija – tijekom prve operacije jedini cilj je spasiti život ozljeđeniku i zaustaviti krvarenje, dok se definitivno liječenje ozljede postiže tijekom druge, naknadne operacije. Danas postoje mnoge kirurške tehnike za popravak krvne žile, kao što su ligacija, pojedinačni šav stijenke, angioplastika zakrpom ili postavljanje različitih autolognih i umjetnih presadaka. Nova tehnika koja se u zadnje vrijeme razvila, te se sve češće koristi s ciljem brzog zaustavljanja krvarenja, je endovaskularno liječenje, , koje omogućuje pristup nekim, prethodno teško dostupnim mjestima ozljede.
Abstract (english) Injuries include big part of the healthcare system problems in the world because they have huge mortality, morbidity, and percentage of disability in overall population. Mortality and causes of death in trauma can be extremely complex with a lot of complications, but in most cases, they include traumatic head and brain injuries (50%), aortic and heart and injuries (17%), bleeding (12%) and sepsis (10%), and most patients with extensive injuries die from exsanguination caused by some kind of vascular damage. That is the reason why it is important to put an emphasis on vascular injuries and their treatment. Clinical classification divides vascular trauma by mechanism on penetrating, blunt and explosive injuries. Since vascular injuries are the most diverse of all injuries, today we have the most versatile arsenal of treatment options for them, which wasn't the case before 1800s, when the only treatment options were ligation or amputation. Technological improvements and industrialization with improved hygiene and healthcare (such as quicker transport to the hospital and use of antibiotics, improved anesthesia, improved equipment and intensive care units) also helped in improving patients’ outcomes and optimizing the results of vascular trauma treatment. Thanks to the advancements in diagnostics,today we can detect, diagnose and treat vascular trauma patients with a great success. The basic principle of vascular trauma treatment is damage control surgery, which usually involves two consecutive surgeries - in the first procedure the only goal is to save the patient's life and stop the bleeding, while in the second procedure the final and complete repair of injuries is achieved.Today, there are many surgical techniques that surgeon can use to accomplish any of these repairs such as ligation, lateral repair of the blood vessel wall, patch angioplasty or different types of autologous or artificial grafts. One of the newest bleeding control techniques that is on the rise is endovascular treatment, which allows access to some, previously hard-to-reach injury sites.
vaskularna trauma
kirurške tehnike
endovaskularno liječenje
Keywords (english)
vascular trauma
surgical techniques
endovascular treatment
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:839403
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-05-04 08:50:36