Title Tumori testisa
Title (english) Testicular tumors
Author Luka Blažević
Mentor Tvrtko Hudolin (mentor)
Committee member Nikola Knežević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Meštrović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tvrtko Hudolin (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Urology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Urology
Abstract Tumori testisa se najčešće javljaju kod muškaraca između 15 i 40 godina, mada čine oko 1% svih novotvorina. Značajni rizični čimbenici koji mogu utjecati na razvoj bolesti su kriptorhizam, prethodni tumori testisa, pozitivna obiteljska anamneza, disgeneza gonada i hipospadija. Češće se pojavljuju na desnom testisu, a kod 1-2% pacijenata su bilateralni.
Osnovna podjela tumora testisa je na tumore zametnih stanica i tumore strome testisa, mada se mogu javiti i metastaze ostalih tumora u testis.
... More Tumori zametnih stanica dijele se na seminome i neseminome.
Klinički se najčešće očituju kao bezbolna oteklina, odnosno otvrdnuće, ali bolesnici mogu imati i nelagodu ili osjetljivost testisa. Maligni tumori testisa uglavnom prvo metastaziraju limfogeno u retroperitonealne limfne čvorove, uz iznimku koriokarcinoma koji prvo metastazira hematogeno. Hematogene matastaze su najčešće u plućima, jetri, bubrezima, nadbubrežnim žlijezdama, mozgu i kostima.
Pristup bolesniku sa promjenom na testisu se sastoji od anamneze, kliničkog pregleda, slikovnih pretraga i određivanja tumorskih markera. Ultrazvuk je jeftina, široko dostupna i neinvazivna metoda te ne izlaže bolesnika ionizirajućem zračenju i smatra se metodom izbora za prikaz promjena u testisu, odnosno skrotumu. Magnetska rezonanca je zbog svoje visoke specifičnosti i osjetljivosti jako dobra metoda za prikaz promjena u testisu, ali zbog skupoće te manje dostupnosti u odnosu na UZV nije u široj primjeni. CT je važan za određivanje stadija bolesti zbog mogućnosti prikaza promjena u području toraksa, abdomena i zdjelice. Tumorski biljezi imaju značajnu ulogu u dijagnostici, liječenju i praćenju bolesti i potrebno ih je redovito određivati. Češće su povišeni kod neseminoma, nego kod seminoma.
Zlatni standard u liječenju testikularnih tumora je radikalna orhidektomija kojom se odstranjuje testis s tumorom i sjemenska vrpca. Nakon operacije, ovisno o nekoliko parametara, u prvom redu o patohistološkom nalazu, odnosno stadiju bolesti, može se bolesnika aktivno pratiti, odnosno liječiti kemoterapijom ili radioterapijom. Prognoza bolesti je jako dobra jer je izlječivost preko 95%. Less
Abstract (english) Testicular tumors most often occur in men between the ages of 15 and 40, although they account for about 1% of all neoplasms. Significant risk factors that can influence the development of the disease are cryptorchidism, previous testicular tumors, positive family history, gonadal dysgenesis, and hypospadias. They appear more often on the right testicle, and in 1-2% of patients they are bilateral.
The basic division of testicular tumors is into germ cell tumors and testicular stromal tumors,
... More although metastases of other tumors to the testicle can also occur. Germ cell tumors are divided into seminomas and non-seminomas.
They most commonly manifest as painless swelling or discomfort and sensitivity. Malignant tumors most often first metastasize lymphogenous to paraaortic retroperitoneal lymph nodes, except for choriocarcinoma, which first metastasizes hematogenous. Hematogenous metastases are most common in the lungs, liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, brain, and bone.
Anamnesis, clinical examination, imaging, and tumor markers help in the diagnosis. Ultrasound is cheap, non-invasive, non-radiating and it is the best method to show testicular changes. Due to its high specificity and sensitivity, magnetic resonance is a very good method for showing changes in the testicle, but due to its high cost and less availability compared to ultrasound, it is not widely used. CT is important for determining the stage of the disease because of the ability to show changes around the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis. Tumor markers play an important role in monitoring the disease during and after treatment. They are more often elevated in non-seminoma than in seminoma.
The first choice in the treatment of testicular tumors is radical orchidectomy which removes the testicle with the tumor and the spermatic cord. After surgery, depending on several parameters, primarily the pathohistological findings and the stage of the disease, the patient can be actively monitored, treated with chemotherapy or radiotherapy. The prognosis of the disease is very good because the curability is over 95%. Less
tumor testisa
radikalna orhidektomija
Keywords (english)
testicular tumor
radical orchidectomy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:134306
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-01-04 08:46:03