Title Klinički znakovi novorođenačke sepse
Title (english) Clinical signs of neonatal sepsis
Author Dragana Kalaba
Mentor Boris Filipović-Grčić (mentor)
Committee member Mirta Starčević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Jelušić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Boris Filipović-Grčić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Pediatrics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Pediatrics
Abstract Novorođenačka dob obuhvaća prvih mjesec dana djetetova života, a obilježena je brojnim promjenama u svrhu prilagodbe organizma na izvanuterine uvjete. Jedno od posebnijih obilježja novorođenčeta je nezrelost imunološkog sustava što omogućava da se novorođenče puno lakše zarazi bilo intrauterino, za vrijeme poroda ili postpartalno. Svaka infekcija u tek rođenog djeteta ima potencijal progredirati i proširiti se u sepsu. Incidencija novorođenačke sepse kreće se od 1 do 10 na 1000 novorođenčadi. Sepsa je karakterizirana sustavnim upalnim odgovorom organizma na nekog patogena te može dovesti do po život opasnog stanja poput septičkog šoka koje još uvijek u novorođenčadi ima visok mortalitet. Novorođenačka sepsa se ovisno o vremenu nastanka dijeli na ranu i kasnu. Rana novorođenačka sepsa se javlja unutar prvih tri dana djetetovog života, a uzrokovana je najčešće perinatalnom infekcijom djeteta tijekom samog poroda i jednako tako se povezuje s nekom porođajnom komplikacijom. Najčešći uzročnici su BHS-B i E.coli. Kasna novorođenačka sepsa javlja se nakon 7. dana života, a uzrokovana je uglavnom nekim od bolničkih patogena poput P.aeruginosa, Klebsiselle, E.coli, gljiva, pa čak i nekih virusa. Kriteriji za dijagnosticiranje novorođenačke sepse definirani su abnormalnostima tjelesne temperature, pojavom tahikardije/bradikardije, ubrzanom frekvencijom disanja i laboratorijskim znakovima poput abnormalnosti u broju leukocita i pojavi nezrelih oblika neutrofila. Klinički znakovi, iako nespecifični, mogu nam poslužiti u ranom prepoznavanju i početku liječenja sepse u novorođenčadi. Dijete se može prezentirati korištenjem pomoćne muskulature tijekom disanja, aponičnim epizodama, tahipnejom, poremećajima srčanog ritma, otežanim sisanjem i odbijanjem hrane, proljevom i povraćanjem, žuticom. Na koži se mogu javiti znakovi poput sklerema ili marmorizacije kože koja može biti alarmantan znak. Od strane neurološkog sustava najčešće se javljaju poremećaji svijesti, hipoaktivnost djeteta, poremećaji regulacije tjelesne temperature i ispupčena fontanela, a osim toga za očekivati je i metaboličke promjene u vidu hiper/hipoglikemije, poremećaja elektrolita i acidobaznog sustava najčešće u vidu acidoze.
Abstract (english) The newborn age covers the first month of a child's life, and is marked by numerous changes in order to adapt the organism to extrauterine conditions. One of the more special features of the newborn is the immaturity of the immune system which makes it much easier for the newborn to become infected either intrauterinely, during childbirth or postpartum. Any infection in a newborn baby has the potential to progress and spread to sepsis. The incidence of neonatal sepsis ranges from 1 to 10 per 1000 newborns. Sepsis is characterized by a systemic inflammatory response of an organism to a pathogen and can lead to a life-threatening condition such as septic shock, which still has a high mortality in the newborn. Neonatal sepsis is divided into early and late depending on the time of onset. Early neonatal sepsis occurs within the first three days of a child's life, and is most often caused by a child's perinatal infection during birth and is also associated with a birth complication. The most common causes are BHS-B and E.coli. Late neonatal sepsis occurs after day 7 of life and is caused mainly by some of the nosocomial pathogens such as P.aeruginosa, Klebsisella, E.coli, fungi, and even some viruses. Criteria for diagnosing neonatal sepsis are defined by body temperature abnormalities, the occurrence of tachycardia / bradycardia, accelerated respiratory rate, and laboratory signs such as abnormalities in leukocyte counts and the appearance of immature forms of neutrophils. Clinical signs, although nonspecific, can serve us in the early recognition and initiation of treatment of sepsis in the newborn. The child may present with use of auxiliary muscles during breathing, aponic episodes, tachypnea, heart rhythm disorders, difficulty sucking and refusing food, diarrhea and vomiting, jaundice. Signs such as sclereme or marbling of the skin may occur on the skin which may be an alarming sign. Disorders of consciousness, hypoactivity of the child, disorders of body temperature regulation and bulging fontanelle are most common on the part of the neurological system, and in addition metabolic changes in the form of hyper / hypoglycemia, electrolyte and acid-base disorders are most often expected in the form of acidosis.
klinički znakovi
Keywords (english)
clinical signs
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:144708
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-01-13 08:32:45