Title Patološko kockanje
Title (english) Pathological gambling
Author Ivana Kraljević
Mentor Zrnka Kovačić Petrović (mentor)
Committee member Miroslav Herceg (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Begić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zrnka Kovačić Petrović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Psychiatry
Abstract Patološko kockanje definira se kao ponavljajuće sudjelovanje u kockarskom ponašanju, unatoč negativnim posljedicama u fizičkom, psihičkom te socijalnom aspektu. Također se naziva poremećajem kockanja ili problematično kockanje, s ciljem smanjenja stigme vezane uz riječ „patološko“.
U novijim klasifikacijama prepoznato je i priznato kao bihevioralna ovisnost te stavljeno u skupinu ostalih ovisnosti, s obzirom na mnoge zajedničke karakteristike, od kliničke slike i razvoja tolerancije do terapijskih mogućnosti.
Današnja prevalencija u svijetu se procjenjuje na 0,4-1,0 %, no postoje razlike ovisno o kulturi, spolu te dobi, a smatra se kako bolest najčešće počinje u doba adolescencije. Napredovanjem same bolesti dolazi do stvaranja velikih financijskih dugova, problema na poslu i u obiteljskom okruženju, koji osim što negativno djeluju na bolesnika, imaju utjecaj i na osobe koje se za njega brinu.
Liječenje poremećaja kockanja kompleksno je i dugotrajno, posebno zbog velike učestalosti komorbiditeta, a trenutno je najuspješnija terapijska opcija kognitivno-bihevioralna terapija.
Zbog visoke prevalencije te generalnog porasta popularnosti igara na sreću, patološko kockanje smatra se globalnim zdravstvenim problemom 21. stoljeća, uz druge poremećaje kontrole impulsa. Budući da se bolest javlja u velikom dijelu u mladoj populaciji, važno je razvijati preventivne programe kako bi se edukacijom o rizicima i posljedicama učinkovito smanjio broj problematičnih kockara.
Cilj je ovog rada prikazati najnovija saznanja o ovom poremećaju te pokazati važnost ranog otkrivanja i liječenja ovisnika o kockanju.
Abstract (english) Pathological gambling is characterized by continuously engaging in gambling activities, despite its negative physical, psychological and social consequences. It's also referred to as gambling disorder and problematic gambling in order to avoid the stigma which comes with using the term „pathological“.
In recent classifications pathological gambling has been recognized as a behavioural addiction and reclassified into a group of other addictions, due to a large amount of shared characteristics, like clinical features and tolerance, as well as treatment options.
The prevalence in general population is estimated to be 0,4-1,0%, with noticeable differences between the cultures, genders and age groups, and the onset of disease is most common in adolescence. With the progress of this disease, patients put themselves into great financial debt, and develop work and family issues. Those problems not only impact the patient, but also the caretaking people in the patient's environment.
The treatment of gambling disorder is complex and long-lasting, especially because of comorbidities which are often present, and current therapeutic option with the highest success rate is cognitive-behavioural therapy.
Due to high prevalence and general rise in popularity of gambling, it is considered a global health problem of 21st century, along with other impulse control disorders. Seeing as the onset is most common in young population, it is very important to work on developing prevention programs which will educate the people about the risks and consequences of gambling, and with that hopefully help lower the number of problematic gamblers. The aim of this thesis is to present current knowledge on gambling disorder and emphasize the importance of early diagnosis and treatment.
patološko kockanje
bihevioralna ovisnost
kognitivno-bihevioralna terapija
Keywords (english)
pathological gambling
behavioural addiction
cognitive-behavioural therapy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:236106
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-01-13 10:38:55