Abstract | Razvoj suvremene tehnologije je sam po sebi nužan i neupitan. Napredak znanosti, tehnologije, a posljedično i ljudskog života, nemoguće je zaustaviti. Čovjek je u svojoj biti spoznajno biće koji teži napretku, napretku koji nužno poboljšava sve segmente njegovog postojanja. No boljitak čovjeka ne bi smio ugroziti život drugih bića, ali ni planeta Zemlje koji je naš jedini dom u beskrajnom svemiru. Napredak bez kontrole dovodi do dehumanizacije čovjeka i uništenja našeg prirodnog staništa kojeg smo kroz stoljeća postojanja dijelili sa svim drugim bićima. Kao odgovor na novo nastalu situaciju i dehumanizaciju društva javila se bioetika koja održava balans između potreba suvremenog društva i mogućnosti koje čovjek posjeduje. Bioetika pokušava uskladiti potrebe i dati odgovore na pitanja što čovjek smije i što mu je dopušteno činiti i do koje mjere kako ne bi izgubio svoju humanost tj. ispravno djelovanje spram sebe i drugih. Medicina i struke povezane s medicinom od posebnog su interesa, te su bioetika i njene norme naširoko zastupljene i implementirane u rad medicinskih djelatnika i njihovih zakona. Medicinske sestre kao ravnopravne članice zdravstvenog tima, prihvaćaju bioetiku i njene norme te ih implementiraju u svakodnevnom radu s bolesnicima. Implementacija se očituje u poštivanju prava svakog pojedinca na mogućnost liječenja, rehabilitacije, pružanja potrebne njege i skrbi neovisno o stanju bolesti, spolu, dobu, vjerskoj i rasnoj pripadnosti. Svaki čovjek je vrijedan poštovanja iz jednog jedinstvenog razloga; zato što je čovjek i kao takav, ako ne ugrožava život drugih zaslužuje da ga se poštuje. |
Abstract (english) | The development of modern technology is something that is in itself, necessary and unquestionable. With the advances in science, technology as well as human life, it is impossible to stop its advance, and man is in itself a cognitive being, that wishes to advance. It's a process that can drastically improves all segments of our lives, but nevertheless, the advancement of human life must not endanger the lives of other living species, nor indeed our planet which is our only home in the endless universe. Advancement without control can lead to the dehumanization of humans and the destruction of our natural habitats, which we have through the centuries shared with all other humans and living organisms. In response to this developing situation and the potential dehumanization of society, bioethics has occurred; it holds the balance between the needs of contemporary society and possibilities retained by humans. Bioethics is trying to harmonize human needs and gives answers to these questions in terms of what humans are allowed and what is allowed for them to do, and up to what measures, so they don't lose their humanity. For example correcting activity that impacts themselves and others.
The medical community and professions associated with medicine are of a particular interest, so that bioethics and it's norms are widely represented and implemented in the work of medical employees and the laws that govern it. Nurses, as equal members within the health system, are accepting bioethics and its norms, and they are implementing bioethics in their everyday work. Implementation is manifested in terms of respecting the rights of each individual to be cared for, and being given the necessary treatment and care, regardless of their illness, sex, age, religion and race. Every human being is worthy of respect and it comes down to one reason: because every human, regardless of who and what they are, as long as they are not threatening the lives of others, deserve this respect. |