Title Facelift
Author Matej Miljak
Mentor Davor Mijatović (mentor)
Committee member Anto Dujmović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Davor Mijatović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anko Antabak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-07-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Surgery
Abstract The individual human being is defined and recognised by their identity, and their natural identity card is their face. As humans we express beauty, character and emotions using our face. Thus we strive to conserve one of our most priceless entities. To do so, our medical and surgical capabilities have significantly advanced over the course of the last 100 years. Beginning with the Subcutaneous Facelift, many decades ago, cosmetic facelifting has modernised to include both surgical and non-surgical techniques. The new anatomical discoveries of the face has led to the development of the surgical SMAS facelift: (extended) deep plane facelifts, SMAS plication/imbrication, lateral SMASectomy, Composite facelifts and Minimum Access Cranial Suspension facelift. Recently though, as our technology developed, new trends emerged that demanded less invasive techniques with quicker recoveries. This brought to light the use of Injectables, such as Botulinum Toxin and Hyaluronic Acid fillers; devices such as radiofrequency, microneedling, thread lifting, etc.
Therefore, this thesis will evaluate and discuss the various surgical and non-surgical techniques in the present day. Further providing a comparison between them and general arguments used by patients in deciding the trends of using one option over the other. In addition, there are several new technologies in the pipeline waiting to be implemented into the plastic surgery clinic. Stem Cell Regeneration, Nanotechnology, Gene-editing and Artificial Intelligence have only begun to be translated into practise and are yet to show their true uses.
Abstract (croatian) Pojedino ljudsko biće definirano je i prepoznato po svom identitetu, a njihova prirodna iskaznica je lice. Kao ljudi izražavamo ljepotu, karakter i emocije koristeći svoje lice. Na taj način nastojimo sačuvati jedan od naših najcjenjenijih entiteta. Da bismo to učinili, naše medicinske i kirurške sposobnosti značajno su napredovale tijekom posljednjih 100 godina. Počevši s Subkutanim faceliftom, prije mnogo desetljeća, kozmetičko dizanje lica moderniziralo se tako da uključuje kirurške i nekirurške tehnike. Nova anatomska otkrića lica dovela su do razvoja kirurškog SMAS dizanja lica: (prošireni) duboki facelift, SMAS imbrikacija, lateralna SMASektomija, sastavljeni i MACS facelift. U posljednje vrijeme, kako se razvijala naša tehnologija, pojavili su se novi trendovi koji su zahtijevali manje invazivne tehnike s bržim oporavcima. To je ukazalo na upotrebu tvari, poput Botulinum Toxin i hialuronskih punila; uređaji kao što su radiofrekvencija, mikronedling, podizanje s navojima, itd.
Stoga će ova teza procijeniti i raspraviti različite kirurške i nekirurške tehnike. Nadalje, pružanje usporedbe između njih i općih argumenata koje pacijenti koriste u odlučivanju o trendovima korištenja jedne opcije u odnosu na drugu. Uz to, u planu je nekoliko novih tehnologija koje čekaju da se primijene u kliniku za plastičnu kirurgiju. Regeneracija s matičnim stanicama, Nanotehnologija, editiranje genoma i umjetna inteligencija tek su se počeli pretvarati u praksu i tek trebaju pokazati svoju istinsku upotrebu.
deep plane facelift
composite facelift
minimum access cranial suspension facelift
Botulinum Toxin
Hyaluronic Acid
Thread lifting
Stem Cell
Keywords (croatian)
duboki facelift
MACS facelift
podizanje navojima
matične stanice
editiranje genoma
umjetna inteligencija
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:829250
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-09-01 11:36:07