Title Etiologija, patogeneza i terapija umora u multiploj sklerozi
Title (english) Etiology, pathogenesis and therapy of fatigue in multiple sclerosis
Author Leda Bašić
Mentor Tereza Gabelić (mentor)
Committee member Barbara Barun (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Habek (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tereza Gabelić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Neurology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Neurology
Abstract Multipla skleroza (MS) je kronična, autoimuna, demijelinizacijska bolest središnjeg živčanog sustava (SŽS). Pojava umora u oboljelih od MS-a vrlo je čest klinički entitet s prevalencijom u rasponu od 52% do 88% tijekom trajanja bolesti. Umor značajno utječe na kvalitetu života bolsnika te se smatra jednim od najviše ograničavajućih simptoma bolesti.
Umor je definiran kao preplavljujući osjećaj iscrpljenosti, te nedostatka mentalne i fizičke energije koji nije proporcionalan objektivnom
... More fizičkom ili kognitivnom zamoru.
U kompleksnu etiologiju i patogenezu njegova nastanka uključeni su sistemni (disregulacija imunološkog sustava), centralni (osovina hipofiza-hipotalamus-nadbubrežna žlijezda, energetski nesklad, neurotransmiteri, strukturne i funkcionalne neurološke promjene) i periferni (abnormalni neuromuskularni prijenos signala) mehanizmi čije se međudjelovanje isprepliće i dovodi do širokog spektra simptoma.
Postavljanje dijagnoze umora temelji se na subjektivnim metodama procjene razine umora korištenjem specifičnih ljestvica u formi upitnika za evaluaciju stanja bolesnika. Objektivne metode zasnivaju se na mjerenju različitih parametara na početku i na kraju testiranja bolesnika u izvršavanju određenih fizičkih ili kognitivnih zadataka. Manje specifične ljestvice koriste se kako bi se prepoznalo koliko sindrom umora utječe na svakodnevicu bolesnika te na njegovu kvalitetu života. Zbog širokog spektra simptoma, umor je potrebno diferencijalno dijagnostički odvojiti od ostalih mogućih stanja u oboljelih od MS-a, kao što su depresija ili kognitivni poremećaji.
U terapiji se primjenjuju farmakološke i nefarmakološke metode s različitim stupnjevima uspješnosti. Farmakoterapija uključuje lijekove kao što su amantadin, modafinil, antidepresivi, fampiridin, lijekove koji mijenjaju tijek bolesti, L-karnitin i vitamin D. Nefarmakološke metode uključuju komplementarnu i alternativnu medicinu, fizioterapiju i rehabilitaciju koja uključuje fizičku aktivnost, vježbanje i primjenu fizičkih agensa, psihološku terapiju, edukaciju te metode neinvazivne stimulacije mozga. Less
Abstract (english) Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, autoimmune, demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. Fatigue is a very common clinical entity in individuals with multiple sclerosis, with a prevalence ranging from 52% to 88% during the course of the disease. Fatigue significantly impacts the quality of life of patients and is considered to be one of the most disabling symptoms of the disease.
Fatigue is defined as an overwhelming sense of exhaustion and lack of mental and physical
... More energy that is not proportional to objective physical or cognitive exertion.
The complex etiology and pathogenesis of fatigue in MS involves systemic mechanisms (immune system dysregulation), central mechanisms (the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, energy imbalance, neurotransmitters, structural and functional neurological changes), and peripheral mechanisms (abnormal neuromuscular signal transmission). The interaction of these mechanisms leads to a wide range of symptoms.
The diagnosis of fatigue relies on subjective methods, assessing the level of fatigue using specific scales in the form of patient questionnaires. Objective methods involve measuring various parameters before and after testing patients' performance on specific physical or cognitive tasks. Less specific scales are used to determine the impact of fatigue syndrome on patients' daily lives and their quality of life. Due to the wide range of symptoms, it is important to differentially diagnose fatigue from the other possible conditions in individuals with MS, such as depression or cognitive disorders.
Therapeutic approaches involve pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods with varying degrees of success. Pharmacological methods include usage of medications such as amantadine, modafinil, antidepressants, fampridine, disease-modifying drugs, L-carnitine, and vitamin D. Non-pharmacological methods include complementary and alternative medicine, physiotherapy and rehabilitation involving physical activity, exercise and the application of physical agents, psychological therapy, education and non-invasive brain stimulation techniques. Less
multipla skleroza
etiologija umora
patogeneza umora
terapija umora
Keywords (english)
multiple sclerosis
fatigue etiology
fatigue pathogenesis
fatigue therapy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:637922
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-10-20 10:53:42