Abstract | Upalne su bolesti crijeva kronični, progresivni poremećaji gastrointestinalnog trakta nepoznatog uzroka u koje ubrajamo Crohnovu bolest i ulcerozni kolitis. Obilježene su ponavljajućim epizodama prvenstveno gastrointestinalnih simptoma, između kojih su razdoblja remisije. Liječenje je većinom medikamentozno, usmjereno na kontrolu upale, a kirurškim zahvatima liječe se komplikacije bolesti. Dosad su osnovni terapijski ciljevi bili postizanje i održavanje kliničke i endoskopske remisije te normalizacija laboratorijskih nalaza, ali u posljednja dva desetljeća sve više na važnosti dobiva kvaliteta života ovih bolesnika. Naime, istraživanja su potvrdila da oboljeli od IBD-a imaju značajno nižu kvalitetu života od zdrave populacije. Definirani su brojni čimbenici o kojima ovisi kvaliteta života ovih bolesnika, a kao najvažniji ističe se aktivnost njihove bolesti. Osim toga, spominju se i izostanci s posla, promjene u odnosima s obitelji i prijateljima, psihički poremećaji poput depresije i anksioznosti, prehrana, fizička aktivnost i poremećen seksualni život. Gastroenterolog se samostalno više ne može baviti svi ovim čimbenicima, a optimalnu skrb za pacijenta može postići samo multidisciplinarni IBD tim koji se sastoji od liječnika, specijalizirane IBD sestre, nutricionista, psihologa i drugih. U našem tercijarnom IBD centru proveli smo istraživanje o kvaliteti života oboljelih od IBD-a s ciljem opisivanja utjecaja bolesti na njihove živote i u konačnici, poboljšanja zdravstvene zaštite koju im nudimo. Saznali smo da bolest, čak i u remisiji, utječe na brojne segmente njihovih života te samo mali broj ispitanika svoje zdravlje smatra odličnim. Zaključno, kvaliteta života bolesnika s IBD-om se danas sve više istražuje i bez sumnje će vremenom dobiti sve veći značaj u cjelovitom liječenju ovih kroničnih bolesti. |
Abstract (english) | Inflammatory bowel diseases are chronic, progressive gastrointestinal tract disorders with an unknown cause, including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. They are characterized by recurrent episodes of primarily gastrointestinal symptoms, with periods of remission in between. Treatment is mainly medication-based, focused on inflammation control, while surgical procedures are used to treat complications of the disease. The main therapeutic goals so far have been achieving and maintaining clinical and endoscopic remission, as well as normalizing laboratory findings. However, in the last two decades, the importance of the quality of life of these patients has been increasingly recognized. Research has confirmed that individuals with IBD have a significantly lower quality of life compared to the healthy population. Numerous factors affecting the quality of life of these patients have been identified, with disease activity being highlighted as the most important one. Additionally, factors such as work absenteeism, changes in relationships with family and friends, mental disorders like depression and anxiety, diet, physical activity, and disrupted sexual life are mentioned. A gastroenterologist can no longer address all these factors alone, and optimal patient care can only be achieved through a multidisciplinary IBD team consisting of physicians, specialized IBD nurses, nutritionists, psychologists, and others. In our tertiary IBD center, we conducted a study on the quality of life of individuals with IBD to describe the impact of the disease on their lives and, ultimately, improve the healthcare we provide to them. We have learned that the disease, even in remission, affects numerous aspects of their lives, and only a small number of respondents consider their health excellent. In conclusion, the quality of life of patients with IBD is now being increasingly researched and undoubtedly will gain greater significance over time in the comprehensive treatment of these chronic diseases. |