Abstract | HIV/AIDS, jedna je od bolesti koja se značajno proširila po cijelom svijetu i predstavlja značajan javnozdravstveni problem. Suvremena povijest HIV/AIDS-a počinje 1981. godine, objavom prvih slučajeva u SAD-u. U razvijenom dijelu svijeta najvažniji epidemiološki čimbenik, među prvim bolesnicima bio je homoseksualni promiskuitet no, kasnije se praćenjem bolesti otkrilo da seksualne navike nisu jedini način prenošenja bolesti, pa se priključuju IKD, vertikalna transmisija s majke na dijete tijekom trudnoće i poroda, te virusom zaražena krv, gdje su inficirani HIV-om oni koji su dobivali krvne derivate prilikom liječenja drugih bolesti. Obzirom da tada nije bilo adekvatnog tretmana liječenja, mjere su bile usmjerene na kontrolu epidemije u smislu zaustavljanja puta prijenosa infekcije.
HIV bolest zahvaća različitu populaciju u različitim dijelovima svijeta ovisno o socijalnim i ekonomskim razlozima koji uvjetuju dominantni put prijenosa. Od početka praćenja epidemije, do danas, prema procjeni SZO ukupno je u svijetu bilo inficirano oko 78 milijuna ljudi, umrlo gotovo 39 milijuna od AIDS definirajućih bolesti (http://www.who.int/gho/hiv/en/), a prema izvješću iz 2014. godini u svijetu, živi ukupno 36.9 milijuna HIV inficiranih ljudi.
U Hrvatskoj, prvi slučaj AIDS-a evidentiran je 1986. godine i vrlo brzo po otkriću se osim epidemiološkog praćenja uvode strategije liječenja i prevencije. Od registracije prvog pacijenta do kraja 2014. godine ukupno je evidentirano 1 208 osoba kojima je dijagnosticiran HIV, u istom razdoblju umrlo je 212 osoba, od čega 180 od AIDS-a. Najveći broj zaraza dijagnosticira se u dobnim skupinama 25-39 g. Najzastupljeniji su slučajevi MSM prijenosa, potom heteroseksualni put, dok udio IKD iznosi 5.9%.
Hrvatska ima centralizirani sistem skrbi i svi se bolesnici zbrinjavaju u Klinici za infektivne bolesti “Dr. Fran Mihaljević“ u Zagrebu. Antiretrovirusna terapija je dostupna od 1998. godine, na teret HZZO-a za sve osiguranike, i distribuira se preko KFM. Liječenje bolesnika je individualizirano uz implementaciju svjetskih i europskih smjernica za liječenje i skrb takvih bolesnika.
Zdravstvene službe i mnogobrojni sudionici izvan zdravstva i nevladine udruge kontinuirano provode mjere sprječavanja, suzbijanja i liječenja HIV/AIDS-a prema programu mjera zdravstvene zaštite, Hrvatskom nacionalnom programu za prevenciju HIV/AIDS-a i posebnim preventivnim programima (programi rada Centara za dobrovoljno, anonimno i besplatno savjetovanje i testiranje na HIV).
Da bi se Hrvatska zadržala unutar granica niske učestalosti infekcije, potrebno je intenzivno nastaviti s primjenom svih mjera zaštite, intenzivirati zdravstveni odgoj unutar populacije s povećanim rizikom, te se učinkovito boriti protiv predrasuda prema HIV inficiranim osobama koje su još uvijek sveprisutne. |
Abstract (english) | HIV/AIDS is one of the diseases that are significantly spread all over the world and represents a significant public health problem. Contemporary history of HIV/AIDS begin in 1981, publication of the first cases in the United States. In the developed part of the world most important epidemiological factor, one of the first patients was homosexual promiscuity, but later the monitoring of disease revealed that sexual habits are not the only way of transmitting the disease, and join the IDU, vertical transmission from mother to child during pregnancy and birth, and infection infected blood, where they infected patients with HIV and those who received blood products for the treatment of other diseases. Since then there was no adequate treatment, measures were aimed at controlling the epidemic in terms of stopping times of infection.
HIV disease affects different populations in different parts of the world depending on the social and economic reasons that determine the predominant route of transmission. Since the beginning of the monitoring of the epidemic to date, according to estimates by WHO and the total is in the world were infected about 78 million people, nearly 39 million have died of AIDS defining illness, according to a report from 2014 in the world (http://www.who.int/gho/hiv/en/, there is a total 36.9 million HIV-infected people.
In Croatia, the first case of AIDS was recorded in 1986 and soon after the discovery, in addition to epidemiological surveillance introducing treatment strategies and prevention. From the registration of the first patient by the end of 2014 total registered 1 208 people diagnosed with HIV, in the same period, 212 people died, of which 180 from AIDS. The largest number of infections diagnosed in the age group 25-39 years, and the most common are cases of MSM transmission, then heterosexual, while the share of IDUs is 5.9%.
Croatia has a centralized system of care and all patients are treated at the University Hospital for Infectious Diseases "Dr. Fran Mihaljević", Zagreb. Antiretroviral therapy has been available since 1998, Health fund for all policyholders and distributed by UHID. Treatment of patients is individualized to the implementation of international and European guidelines for the treatment and care of such patients.
Health services and many participants outside of Health and non-governmental organizations continued to implement measures to prevent, control and treatment of HIV/AIDS and the program of health protection, Croatian national program for HIV/AIDS and specific prevention programs (programs of centers for voluntary, anonymous and free counseling and HIV testing).
To Croatia kept within the limits of low frequency of infection, it is necessary to intensify the application of protective measures, intensify health education among the population at increased risk, and to effectively fight the prejudice against HIV-infected persons who are still omnipresent. |