Abstract | Liječnici u primarnoj hitnoj medicini suočavaju se s izazovnim radnim uvjetima, visokim emocionalnim opterećenjem i često su izloženi traumatičnim situacijama. Navedene situacije mogu dovesti do povećanog rizika od profesionalnog stresa što se nerijetko razvija u sindrom sagorijevanja na poslu. Dugoročno, sagorijevanje može imati posljedice ne samo na zdravlje i opću dobrobit pojedinca već i na funkcioniranje čitave radne zajednice.
Cilj ovog završnog rada je načiniti sustavni pregled literature koja ispituje uzroke profesionalnog stresa, njegovu povezanost sa sindromom sagorijevanja te mjere sprječavanja istih kod liječnika zaposlenih u izvanbolničkim službama za hitnu medicinu.
Istraživanje je provedeno kao sustavni pregled literature u skladu s preporučenim smjernicama za izvještavanje u sustavnim pregledima i meta-analizama (engl. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses, PRISMA). U pretraživanju adekvatne literature korištene su tri baze podataka; PubMed, Scopus i Web of Science.
Istraživanja o radnom stresu u hitnoj medicini ukazuju na potrebu prepoznavanja i suočavanja s tim izazovima. Visoka emocionalna i fizička zahtjevnost posla može negativno utjecati na dobrobit zdravstvenih radnika. Izvori stresa uključuju radno opterećenje, nepovoljne uvjete, nedostatak resursa i izloženost traumama, što povećava radni stres i negativne zdravstvene ishode. Smanjenje stresa zahtijeva podršku kolega, individualne intervencije i organizacijske promjene za održivo radno okruženje, ključno za dobrobit zdravstvenih radnika i kvalitetnu skrb pacijenata. |
Abstract (english) | Physicians in primary emergency medicine face challenging working conditions, high emotional burdens, and are often exposed to traumatic situations. These circumstances can lead to an increased risk of professional stress, which frequently evolves into occupational burnout syndrome. In the long term, burnout can have consequences not only for the health and overall well-being of individuals but also for the functioning of the entire work community. The aim of this research is to conduct a systematic literature review examining the causes of professional stress, its association with burnout syndrome, and preventive measures among physicians employed in out-of-hospital emergency medical services.
The research was conducted as a systematic literature review in accordance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses, PRISMA. Three databases, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science, were used in the literature search.
Studies on work stress in emergency medicine highlight the need to recognize and address these challenges. The high emotional and physical demands of the job can negatively impact the well-being of healthcare workers. Sources of stress include workload, unfavorable conditions, lack of resources, and exposure to trauma, all of which contribute to work-related stress and negative health outcomes. Reducing stress requires support from colleagues, individual interventions, and organizational changes for a sustainable work environment, crucial for the well-being of healthcare workers and the provision of quality patient care. |