@phdthesis{mef:9390, author = {{Junaković Munjas, Alisa}}, title = {{Regionalne razlike u izraženosti molekularnih biljega tijekom formiranja proširene subplate zone u fetalnoj moždanoj kori čovjeka}}, } @phdthesis{mef:7382, author = {{Mulc, Damir}}, title = {{Razvojna reorganizacija amigdaloidne jezgre u čovjeka}}, } @phdthesis{mef:7286, author = {{Kalember, Petra}}, title = {{Korelacija terapijskoga odgovora s promjenama nalaza 1H-MRS u liječenju depresije}}, } @article{mef:9611, author = {{Salamon, Iva and Park, Yongkyu and Miškić, Terezija and Kopić, Janja and Matteson, Paul and Page, Nicholas F. and Roque, Alfonso and McAuliffe, Geoffrey W. and Favate, John and Garcia-Forn, Marta and Shah, Premal and Judaš, Miloš and Millonig, James H. and Kostović, Ivica and De Rubeis, Silvia and Hart, Ronald P. and Krsnik, Željka and Rasin, Mladen-Roko}}, title = {{Celf4 controls mRNA translation underlying synaptic development in the prenatal mammalian neocortex}}, } @phdthesis{mef:6668, author = {{Kopić, Janja}}, title = {{Laminarni obrazac ekspresije i regionalna raspodjela RNA-vezujućeg proteina CELF1 u fetalnoj moždanoj kori čovjeka}}, } @article{mef:4863, author = {{Šimić, Goran and Krsnik, Željka and Knezović, Vinka and Kelović, Zlatko and Mathiasen, Mathias Lysholt and Junaković, Alisa and Radoš, Milan and Mulc, Damir and Španić, Ena and Quattrocolo, Giulia and Hall, Vanessa Jane and Zaborszky, Laszlo and Vukšić, Mario and Olucha Bordonau, Francisco and Kostović, Ivica and Witter, Menno P. and Hof, Patrick R.}}, title = {{Prenatal development of the human entorhinal cortex}}, } @phdthesis{mef:4380, author = {{Majić Zidarić, Višnja}}, title = {{Histološka, imunohistokemijska i MRI analiza razvoja strukturne osnove somatosenzoričkoga talamokortikalnoga sustava u ljudskom fetusu}}, } @phdthesis{mef:4320, author = {{Miškić, Terezija}}, title = {{Transcription factor CUX2 and post-transcriptional factor CELF4 in neurons of synapse-enriched layers during human fetal corticogenesis}}, } @phdthesis{mef:3554, author = {{Smilović, Dinko}}, title = {{Morphological analysis of the dendritic tree and the expression and localization of actin-modulating protein synaptopodin in hippocampal granule cells of TNF-α KO mice}}, } @article{mef:3821, author = {{Kostović, Ivica and Radoš, Milan and Kostović-Srzentić, Mirna and Krsnik, Željka}}, title = {{Fundamentals of the Development of Connectivity in the Human Fetal Brain in Late Gestation: From 24 Weeks Gestational Age to Term}}, } @article{mef:4068, author = {{Katušić, Ana and Žunić Išasegi, Iris and Radoš, Milan and Raguž, Marina and Grizelj, Ruža and Ferrari, Fabrizio and Kostović, Ivica}}, title = {{Transient structural MRI patterns correlate with the motor functions in preterm infants}}, } @article{mef:3489, author = {{Raguž, Marina and Predrijevac, Nina and Dlaka, Domagoj and Orešković, Darko and Rotim, Ante and Romić, Dominik and Almahariq, Fadi and Marčinković, Petar and Deletis, Vedran and Kostović, Ivica and Chudy, Darko}}, title = {{Structural changes in brains of patients with disorders of consciousness treated with deep brain stimulation}}, } @article{mef:3477, author = {{Miškić, Terezija and Kostović, Ivica and Rašin, Mladen-Roko and Krsnik, Željka}}, title = {{Adult Upper Cortical Layer Specific Transcription Factor CUX2 Is Expressed in Transient Subplate and Marginal Zone Neurons of the Developing Human Brain}}, } @article{mef:2956, author = {{Carroll, Liam and Braeutigam, Sven and Dawes, John M. and Krsnik, Željka and Kostović, Ivica and Coutinho, Ester and Dewing, Jennifer M. and Horton, Christopher A. and Gomez-Nicola, Diego and Menassa, David A.}}, title = {{Autism Spectrum Disorders: Multiple Routes to, and Multiple Consequences of, Abnormal Synaptic Function and Connectivity}}, } @phdthesis{mef:2780, author = {{Dominko, Kristina}}, title = {{Utjecaj unutarstaničnoga kolesterola i C-terminalnoga odsječka proteina prekursora amiloida β na funkciju retromera u modelima Alzheimerove bolesti}}, } @phdthesis{mef:6240, author = {{Žunić Išasegi, Iris}}, title = {{Analiza mikrostrukture prolaznih fetalnih zona i segmenata bijele tvari ljudskoga mozga histološkim metodama i magnetskom rezonancijom }}, } @article{mef:8585, author = {{Hrabač, Pero and Bosak, Ana and Vukšić, Mario and Judaš, Miloš and Kostović, Ivica and Krsnik, Željka}}, title = {{The Zagreb Collection of human brains: entering the virtual world}}, } @article{mef:8666, author = {{Žunić Išasegi, Iris and Radoš, Milan and Krsnik, Željka and Radoš, Marko and Benjak, Vesna and Kostović, Ivica}}, title = {{Interactive histogenesis of axonal strata and proliferative zones in the human fetal cerebral wall}}, } @article{mef:7961, author = {{Kostović, Ivica and Kostović-Srzentić, Mirna and Benjak, Vesna and Jovanov-Milošević, Nataša and Radoš, Milan}}, title = {{Developmental dynamics of radial vulnerability in the cerebral compartments in preterm infants and neonates}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:1667, author = {{Josef Golubić, Sanja}}, title = {{Neurodinamika normalnoga i patologijom promijenjenoga osjetnoga procesiranja}}, } @article{mef:7786, author = {{Judaš, Miloš and Sedmak, Goran and Kostović, Ivica}}, title = {{The significance of the subplate for evolution and developmental plasticity of the human brain}}, } @phdthesis{mef:5776, author = {{Vasung, Lana}}, title = {{Analiza kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih promjena fetalnih zona, prikazanih magnetskom rezonancijom, kao pokazatelja glavnih histogenetskih događaja u normalnom razvoju ljudskog mozga}}, } @article{mef:7940, author = {{Petanjek, Zdravko and Kostović, Ivica}}, title = {{Epigenetic regulation of fetal brain development and neurocognitive outcome}}, } @phdthesis{mef:5834, author = {{Čuljat, Marko}}, title = {{Razvojne promjene mediosagitalnog presjeka korpusa kalozuma kao pokazatelji perinatalnog rasta interhemisferičnih veza u mozgu čovjeka }}, } @article{mef:7942, author = {{Petanjek, Zdravko and Judaš, Miloš and Šimić, Goran and Rašin, Mladen Roko and Uylings, Harry B. M. and Rakic, Pasko and Kostović, Ivica}}, title = {{Extraordinary neoteny of synaptic spines in the human prefrontal cortex}}, } @phdthesis{mef:5613, author = {{Benjak, Vesna}}, title = {{Strukturne promjene korpus kalozuma i periventrikularnih križanja putova u terminskoj dobi u nedonoščadi s abnormalnim kliničko-laboratorijskim nalazima u prvom postnatalnom tjednu }}, } @phdthesis{fer:5277, author = {{Popović, Siniša}}, title = {{Adaptive stimulation of emotional system based on virtual reality}}, } @article{mef:9169, author = {{Petanjek , Zdravko and Kostović, Ivica and Esclapez, Monique}}, title = {{Primate-specific origins and migration of cortical GABAergic neurons}}, } @article{mef:8927, author = {{Petanjek, Zdravko and Dujmović, Ana and Kostović, Ivica and Esclapez, Monique}}, title = {{Distinct origin of GABA-ergic neurons in forebrain of man, nonhuman primates and lower mammals}}, } @article{mef:8915, author = {{Vukšić, Mario and Radoš, Milan and Kostović, Ivica}}, title = {{Structural basis of developmental plasticity in the corticostriatal system}}, } @article{mef:8928, author = {{Kostović, Ivica and Jovanov-Milošević, Nataša}}, title = {{Subplate zone of the human brain: historical perspective and new concepts}}, } @article{mef:8991, author = {{Jovanov-Milošević, Nataša and Benjak, Vesna and Kostović, Ivica}}, title = {{Transient cellular structures in developing corpus callosum of the human brain}}, } @article{mef:8872, author = {{Boban, Marina and Kostović, Ivica and Šimić, Goran}}, title = {{Nucleus subputaminalis: neglected part of the basal nucleus of Meynert}}, } @book{mef:3151, author = {{Judaš, Miloš and Kostović, Ivica}}, title = {{Temelji neuroznanosti}}, }