pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn sfzg:2445 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:2604 "journal article" "Effect of Silane-Containing Adhesives on Repair Bond Strength between Fresh and Aged Composite Materials—A Pilot Study" "Gajski, Petra; Par, Matej; Tarle, Zrinka; Marović, Danijela" sfzg:2443 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:2074 thesis "Impact of the face mask wearing on the dry eye symptoms in dentistry" "Mendeš, Antonija" sfzg:2157 "journal article" "Mechanical Properties of Alkasite Material with Different Curing Modes and Simulated Aging Conditions" "Negovetić Mandić, Višnja; Plančak, Laura; Marović, Danijela; Tarle, Zrinka; Trutina Gavran, Milena; Par, Matej" sfzg:2153 "journal article" "One-Year Evaluation of High-Power Rapid Curing on Dentin Bond Strength" "Klarić, Eva; Bosnić, Josipa Vukelja; Par, Matej; Tarle, Zrinka; Marović, Danijela" sfzg:1965 dissertation "Određivanje zaostatnih monomera i ostalih gradivnih sastojaka kod debeloslojnih kompozitnih materijala" "Lapaš Barišić, Matea" sfzg:2148 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:1900 dissertation "Remineralization effect assessment of contemporary ion-releasing materials on enamel and dentine surface" "Šalinović, Ivan" sfzg:2185 "journal article" "Influence of the Bracket Material on the Post-Cure Degree of Conversion of Resin-Based Orthodontic Adhesive Systems" "Profeta Krznar, Ivona; Par, Matej; Tarle, Zrinka; Meštrović, Senka" sfzg:2446 dissertation "Mehaničke i kemijske karakteristike kompozitnih materijala funkcionaliziranih bioaktivnim staklom smanjenog udjela natrija i obogaćenog fluoridima" "Muradbegović, Alen" sfzg:1870 dissertation "Usporedba vezne čvrstoće kompozitnog materijala na dentinu konvencionalnom metodom nanošenja caklinsko-dentinskih adhezijskih sustava i metodom istovremene svjetlosne aktivacije" "Vukelja Bosnić, Josipa" mefst:2126 dissertation "Utjecaj kiselog biljnog napitka na površinska svojstva dentalnih restaurativnih materijala" "Veček, Nikolina Nika" sfzg:1734 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:2613 "journal article" "Proposition of New Testing Procedure for the Mechanical Properties of Bulk-Fill Materials" "Macan, Matea; Marošević, Ana; Špiljak, Bruno; Šimunović, Luka; Par, Matej; Marovic, Danijela; Juric-Kacunic, Danijela; Tarle, Zrinka" sfzg:2620 "journal article" "Water-Induced Changes in Experimental Resin Composites Functionalized with Conventional (45S5) and Customized Bioactive Glass" "Muradbegovic, Alen; Par, Matej; Panduric, Vlatko; Zugec, Paula; Tauböck, Tobias T.; Attin, Thomas; Tarle, Zrinka; Marovic, Danijela" sfzg:1571 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:2633 "journal article" "The Fluoride Ion Release from Ion-Releasing Dental Materials after Surface Loading by Topical Treatment with Sodium Fluoride Gel" "Kelić, Marija; Kilić, Domagoj; Kelić, Katarina; Šutej, Ivana; Par, Matej; Peroš, Kristina; Tarle, Zrinka" sfzg:2639 "journal article" "Blue Laser for Polymerization of Bulk-Fill Composites: Influence on Polymerization Kinetics" "Negovetic Mandic, Visnja; Par, Matej; Marovic, Danijela; Rakić, Mario; Tarle, Zrinka; Klarić Sever, Eva" sfzg:1573 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:1263 "journal article" "Using Copper-Doped Mesoporous Bioactive Glass Nanospheres to Impart Anti-Bacterial Properties to Dental Composites" "Munir, Arooj; Marović, Danijela; Nogueira, Liebert Parreiras; Simm, Roger; Naemi, Ali-Oddin; Landrø, Sander Marius; Helgerud, Magnus; Zheng, Kai; Par, Matej; Tauböck, Tobias T.; Attin, Thomas; Tarle, Zrinka; Boccaccini, Aldo R.; Haugen, Håvard J." sfzg:1264 "journal article" "Improved Flexural Properties of Experimental Resin Composites Functionalized with a Customized Low-Sodium Bioactive Glass" "Par, Matej; Plančak, Laura; Ratkovski, Lucija; Tauböck, Tobias T.; Marovic, Danijela; Attin, Thomas; Tarle, Zrinka" sfzg:1197 "journal article" "Post-Cure Development of the Degree of Conversion and Mechanical Properties of Dual-Curing Resin Cements" "Carek, Andreja; Dukaric, Ksenija; Miler, Helena; Marovic, Danijela; Tarle, Zrinka; Par, Matej" sfzg:1574 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:1198 "journal article" "Polymerization Kinetics and Development of Polymerization Shrinkage Stress in Rapid High-Intensity Light-Curing" "Par, Matej; Burrer, Phoebe; Prskalo, Katica; Schmid, Saskia; Schubiger, Anna-Lena; Marovic, Danijela; Tarle, Zrinka; Attin, Thomas; Tauböck, Tobias T." sfzg:1108 dissertation "Utjecaj mikrohidroksiapatita na kemijska i mehanička svojstva staklenoionomernih cemenata" "Bilić-Prcić, Maja" sfzg:1097 thesis "Bioaktivni kompozitni materijali" "Habek, Dora" sfzg:1204 "journal article" "Long-Term Assessment of Contemporary Ion-Releasing Restorative Dental Materials" "Marović, Danijela; Par, Matej; Posavec, Karlo; Marić, Ivana; Štajdohar, Dominik; Muradbegović, Alen; Tauböck, Tobias T.; Attin, Thomas; Tarle, Zrinka" sfzg:1575 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:1239 "journal article" "Aging-Dependent Changes in Mechanical Properties of the New Generation of Bulk-Fill Composites" "Marović, Danijela; Par, Matej; Macan, Matea; Klarić, Nikolina; Plazonić, Iva; Tarle, Zrinka" sfzg:1246 "journal article" "Effect of Conventional Adhesive Application or Co-Curing Technique on Dentin Bond Strength" "Vukelja, Josipa; Klarić Sever, Eva; Sever, Ivan; Jukić Krmek, Silvana; Tarle, Zrinka" sfzg:1578 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:1255 "journal article" "Experimental Bioactive Glass-Containing Composites and Commercial Restorative Materials: Anti-Demineralizing Protection of Dentin" "Par, Matej; Gubler, Andrea; Attin, Thomas; Tarle, Zrinka; Tarle, Andro; Tauböck, Tobias T." sfzg:1011 thesis "Kompozitni materijali 2021.-e" "Selak, Ana" sfzg:1579 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:1298 "journal article" "Incorporation of Copper-Doped Mesoporous Bioactive Glass Nanospheres in Experimental Dental Composites: Chemical and Mechanical Characterization" "Marović, Danijela; Haugen, Håvard J.; Negovetić Mandić, Visnja; Par, Matej; Zheng, Kai; Tarle, Zrinka; Boccaccini, Aldo R." sfzg:892 dissertation "Otpuštanje fluorida i promjena pH vrijednosti otopine tijekom imerzije bioaktivnih dentalnih materijala" "Kelić, Katarina" sfzg:1587 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:1306 "journal article" "Rapid 3 s Curing: What Happens in Deep Layers of New Bulk-Fill Composites?" "Marović, Danijela; Par, Matej; Crnadak, Ana; Šekelja, Andjelina; Negovetić Mandić, Višnja; Gamulin, Ozren; Rakić, Mario; Tarle, Zrinka" mef:3717 "journal article" "Rapid 3 s Curing: What Happens in Deep Layers of New Bulk-Fill Composites?" "Marović, Danijela; Par, Matej; Crnadak, Ana; Sekelja, Andjelina; Negovetic Mandic, Visnja; Gamulin, Ozren; Rakić, Mario; Tarle, Zrinka" sfzg:1588 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:831 thesis "Adhezijski sustavi - prošlost, sadašnjost, budućnost" "Horvat, Marta" sfzg:1595 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:1320 "journal article" "A New Customized Bioactive Glass Filler to Functionalize Resin Composites: Acid-Neutralizing Capability, Degree of Conversion, and Apatite Precipitation" "Par, Matej; Attin, Thomas; Tarle, Zrinka; Tauböck, Tobias T." sfzg:1596 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:1597 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:1603 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:2487 "journal article" "Antibiotic prescription in emergency dental service in Zagreb, Croatia – a retrospective cohort study" "Bjelovucic, Ruza; Par, Matej; Rubcic, Diana; Marovic, Danijela; Prskalo, Katica; Tarle, Zrinka" sfzg:648 dissertation "Učinak jednovalne i viševalne polimerizacijske svjetlosti na fizikalna i optička svojstva različitih kompozitnih materijala" "Repušić, Igor" sfzg:1604 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:609 dissertation "Čimbenici oralnoga zdravlja školske djece na urbanom i ruralnom području" "Lešić, Stjepanka" sfzg:529 dissertation "Usporedba dimenzijskih promjena i mehaničkih svojstava bioaktivnih restaurativnih materijala" "Spajić, Jelena" sfzg:1605 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:1606 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:520 thesis "Infiltracijska tehnika terapije tvrdih zubnih tkiva" "Kociper, Petra" sfzg:525 thesis "Kompozitni materijali: povijest, sadašnjost, budućnost" "Mladenović, Ivan" sfzg:450 dissertation "Učinak bioaktivnoga stakla 45s5 na fizikalna i kemijska svojstva eksperimentalnih kompozitnih materijala" "Španović, Nika" sfzg:457 thesis "Suvremene estetske korekcije frontalne regije lica i zubi" "Štimac, Bruno" sfzg:1608 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:1343 book "70 godina studija stomatologije / dentalne medicine na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu, 1948. - 2018." "Alajbeg, Ivan; Brkić, Hrvoje; Dulčić, Nikša; Dumančić, Jelena; Jakovac, Marko; Keros, Jadranka; Knežević, Goran; Macan, Darko; Tarle, Zrinka; Vodanović, Marin; Vojvodić, Denis" sfzg:1609 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:1610 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:358 thesis "Faktori rasta u endodontskom liječenju" "Ban, Andrija" sfzg:399 dissertation "Physical, chemical and electrical properties of experimental composite materials based on amorphous calcium phosphate" "Par, Matej" sfzg:1611 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:270 dissertation "Određivanje fizičko-kemijskih karakteristika terapijskoga polja visokofrekventnoga ozon generatora" "Prebeg, Domagoj" sfzg:1612 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:1615 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:1616 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:60 thesis "Površinske promjene cakline i dentina nakon korištenja dva sredstva za vitalno izbjeljivanje zubi" "Klarić, Eva" sfzg:1617 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:1618 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:2515 "journal article" "Enamel and Dentin Microhardness and Chemical Composition After Experimental Light-activated Bleaching" "Klaric, E; Rakic, M; Sever, I; Milat, O; Par, M; Tarle, Z" sfzg:2516 "journal article" "Raman Spectroscopic Assessment of Degree of Conversion of Bulk-Fill Resin Composites – Changes at 24 Hours Post Cure" "Par, M; Gamulin, O; Marovic, D; Klaric, E; Tarle, Z" sfzg:1620 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:255 dissertation "Određivanje koštanog regeneracijskog potencijala embrionalnih matičnih stanica i mezenhimnih matičnih stanica koštane srži u miševa" "Repić, Dario" sfzg:1630 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:1631 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:249 dissertation "Mjerenje opterećenja različitih sklopova između implantata i nadogradnje digitalnom holografskom interferometrijom" "Brozović, Juraj" sfzg:52 thesis "Mogućnosti estetskog zbrinjavanja gornjih prednjih zubi ovisno o njihovom dentalnom statusu" "Grmšek, Jasna" sfzg:1633 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:1634 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:1635 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:226 dissertation "Učinak novih izvora svjetlosti za izbjeljivanje zuba" "Klarić, Eva" sfzg:243 dissertation "Povezanost endodontskog statusa i kvalitete života" "Matijević, Jurica" sfzg:240 dissertation "Citotoksični i genotoksični učinak suvremenih estetskih restaurativnih materijala na stanice pulpe i sluznice usne šupljine" "Tadin, Antonija" sfzg:1637 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:1638 "other document type" "Glasilo Stomatološkog fakulteta" sfzg:2101 thesis "Utjecaj izvora svjetlosti na izbjeljivanje zubi" "Stipetić, Andro" sfzg:2538 "journal article" "Cytotoxicity of Composite Materials Polymerized with LED Curing Units" "Knezevic, A.; Zeljezic, D.; Kopjar, N.; Tarle, Z." sfzg:2539 "journal article" "Composite Photopolymerization with Diode Laser" "Knezevic, A.; Ristic, M.; Demoli, N.; Tarle, Z.; Music, S.; Negovetic Mandic, V." sfzg:2542 "journal article" "Comparison of Composite Curing Parameters: Effects of Light Source and Curing Mode on Conversion, Temperature Rise and Polymerization Shrinkage" "Tarle, Z.; Knezevic, A.; Demoli, N.; Meniga, A.; Sutalo, J.; Unterbrink, G.; Ristic, M.; Pichler, G." sfzg:732 book "Osnove stomatoloških materijala" "Anić, Ivica; Baučić, Ivo; Carek, Vlado; Ćatović, Adnan; Ćelić, Robert; Galić, Nada; Grgurević, Jakša; Jerolimov, Vjekoslav; Lazić-Šegula, Biserka; Mehulić, Ketij; Moguš-Milanković, Andrea; Pandurić, Josip; Prpić-Mehičić, Goranka; Škrinjarić, Ilija; Šlaj, Mladen; Tarle, Zrinka; Vojvodić, Denis; Živko-Babić, Jasenka" sfzg:1973 thesis "Bezmetalni intrakanalni kolčići" "Maleš, Ante"