@phdthesis{mef:7304, author = {{Bodrožić Džakić Poljak, Tomislava}}, title = {{Koncentracija endotelne lipaze u serumu i funkcionalne značajke lipoproteina visoke gustoće u bolesnika s različitim kliničkim prezentacijama koronarne bolesti}}, } @phdthesis{mef:7266, author = {{Gashi, Musli}}, title = {{The Impact of Pre-Hospital Emergency Care on Outcome in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome}}, } @article{mef:7369, author = {{Klobučar, Iva and Hinteregger, Helga and Lechleitner, Margarete and Trbušić, Matias and Pregartner, Gudrun and Berghold, Andrea and Sattler, Wolfgang and Frank, Saša and Degoricija, Vesna}}, title = {{Association between Serum Free Fatty Acids and Clinical and Laboratory Parameters in Acute Heart Failure Patients}}, } @article{mef:9440, author = {{Amor, Melina and Bianco, Valentina and Buerger, Martin and Lechleitner, Margarete and Vujić, Nemanja and Dobrijević, Anja and Akhmetshina, Alena and Pirchheim, Anita and Schwarz, Birgit and Pessentheiner, Ariane R. and Baumgartner, Franziska and Rampitsch, Katharina and Schauer, Silvia and Klobučar, Iva and Degoricija, Vesna and Pregartner, Gudrun and Kummer, Daniel and Svecla, Monika and Sommer, Gerhard and Kolb, Dagmar and Holzapfel, Gerhard A. and Hoefler, Gerald and Frank, Saša and Norata, Giuseppe Danilo and Kratky, Dagmar}}, title = {{Genetic deletion of MMP12 ameliorates cardiometabolic disease by improving insulin sensitivity, systemic inflammation, and atherosclerotic features in mice}}, } @phdthesis{mef:7105, author = {{Kusulja, Marija}}, title = {{Usporedba prediktivne vrijednosti qSOFA, SOFA zbroja i SIRS kriterija u prediktivnoj smrtnosti odraslih bolesnika s izvanbolničkom bakterijemijom}}, } @phdthesis{mef:6662, author = {{Klobučar, Iva}}, title = {{Povezanost koncentracije endotelne lipaze u serumu s funkcionalnošću HDL čestica i endotelnom disfunkcijom u bolesnika s metaboličkim sindromom}}, } @article{mef:9610, author = {{Klobučar, Iva and Vidović, Luka and Arih, Ilona and Lechleitner, Margarete and Pregartner, Gudrun and Berghold, Andrea and Habisch, Hansjörg and Madl, Tobias and Frank, Saša and Degoricija, Vesna}}, title = {{Low Valine Serum Levels Predict Increased 1-Year Mortality in Acute Heart Failure Patients}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:6635, author = {{Huszár, Máté Huba}}, title = {{The use of alternative vascular access in emergency care}}, } @phdthesis{mef:5600, author = {{Važanić, Damir}}, title = {{Analiza sustava izvanbolničke hitne medicinske službe s obzirom na ishod reanimacijskoga postupka}}, } @article{mef:7218, author = {{Klobučar, Iva and Stadler, Julia T. and Klobučar, Lucija and Lechleitner, Margarete and Trbušić, Matias and Pregartner, Gudrun and Berghold, Andrea and Habisch, Hansjörg and Madl, Tobias and Marsche, Gunther and Frank, Saša and Degoricija, Vesna}}, title = {{Associations between Endothelial Lipase, High-Density Lipoprotein, and Endothelial Function Differ in Healthy Volunteers and Metabolic Syndrome Patients}}, } @article{mef:6585, author = {{Degoricija, Vesna and Klobučar, Iva and Potočnjak, Ines and Dokoza Terešak, Sanda and Vidović, Luka and Pregartner, Gudrun and Berghold, Andrea and Habisch, Hansjörg and Madl, Tobias and Frank, Saša}}, title = {{Cholesterol Content of Very-Low-Density Lipoproteins Is Associated with 1-Year Mortality in Acute Heart Failure Patients}}, } @article{mef:5361, author = {{Klobučar, Iva and Degoricija, Vesna and Potočnjak, Ines and Trbušić, Matias and Pregartner, Gudrun and Berghold, Andrea and Fritz-Petrin, Eva and Habisch, Hansjörg and Madl, Tobias and Frank, Saša}}, title = {{HDL-apoA-II Is Strongly Associated with 1-Year Mortality in Acute Heart Failure Patients}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:4148, author = {{Kanižaj, Lucija}}, title = {{Analiza učestalosti i ishoda plućne embolije u internističkoj jedinici intenzivnog liječenja}}, } @misc{mef:4531, author = {{Degoricija, Vesna}}, title = {{Medicinska klinička edukacija tijekom i nakon pandemije COVID-19: želimo li i hoćemo li se ikada vratiti u 2019?}}, } @phdthesis{sfzg:904, author = {{Jerković, Daniel}}, title = {{Utjecaj peroralnoga magnezija na anesteziju i postoperativnu analgeziju kod operativnoga uklanjanja donjega trećega molara}}, } @phdthesis{mef:3382, author = {{Aliu-Bejta, Ajete}}, title = {{Prognostic impact of increased serum presepsin concentrations on sepsis outcome}}, } @article{mef:3445, author = {{Pavlov, Marin and Klobučar, Lucija and Klobučar, Iva and Žgela, Kristina and Degoricija, Vesna}}, title = {{Does shifting to professional emergency department staffing affect the decision for chest radiography?}}, } @article{mef:2598, author = {{Vucelić, Vesna and Klobučar, Iva and Đuras-Cuculić, Branka and Gverić Grginić, Ana and Prohaska-Potočnik, Carmen and Jajić, Ines and Vučičević, Željko and Degoricija, Vesna}}, title = {{Sepsis and septic shock - an observational study of the incidence, management, and mortality predictors in a medical intensive care unit}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3608, author = {{Babić, Filip}}, title = {{Analiza učestalosti i ishoda akutnih infekcija u internističkoj jedinici intenzivne medicine}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3719, author = {{Arih, Ilona}}, title = {{Clinical features and complications of advanced heart failure: single center follow up}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3616, author = {{Maršić, Luka}}, title = {{Endotelna lipaza: novi humoralni marker nestabilnosti arterioskleroze}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3736, author = {{Krasniqi, Aresa}}, title = {{Infections related morbidity and mortality in the cirrhosis of the liver}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3265, author = {{Čučević, Đivo}}, title = {{Pobol i smrtnost bolesnika liječenih u internističkoj jedinici intenzivne medicine}}, } @article{mef:8822, author = {{Degoricija, Vesna and Trbušić, Matias and Potočnjak, Ines and Radulović, Bojana and Pregartner, Gudrun and Berghold, Andrea and Scharnagl, Hubert and Stojaković, Tatjana and Tiran, Beate and Frank, Saša}}, title = {{Serum concentrations of free fatty acids are associated with 3-month mortality in acute heart failure patients}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2495, author = {{Brevik, Kim André}}, title = {{Management of pulmonary embolism patients in the emergency department setting}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2494, author = {{Daulatzai, Mirwais}}, title = {{Primary spontaneous pneumothorax: diagnosis, complication, treatment}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2507, author = {{Matić, Karlo}}, title = {{Management of acute benzodiazepine intoxication and withdrawal in the Emergency department setting}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2497, author = {{Pajnić, Filip}}, title = {{Management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients in the emergency department setting}}, } @article{mef:8834, author = {{Stryeck, Sarah and Gastrager, Michaela and Degoricija, Vesna and Trbušić, Matias and Potočnjak, Ines and Radulović, Bojana and Pregartner, Gudrun and Berghold, Andrea and Madl, Tobias and Frank, Saša}}, title = {{Serum concentrations of Citrate, Tyrosine, 2- and 3- Hydroxybutyrate are associated with increased 3-month mortality in acute heart failure patients}}, } @article{mef:8671, author = {{Degoricija, Vesna and Potočnjak, Ines and Gastrager, Michaela and Pregartner, Gudrun and Berghold, Andrea and Scharnagl, Hubert and Stojaković, Tatjana and Tiran, Beate and Marsche, Gunther and Frank, Saša}}, title = {{HDL subclasses and mortality in acute heart failure patients}}, } @article{mef:2698, author = {{Potočnjak, Ines and Likić, Robert and Degoricija, Vesna and Nham, Eric and Wettermark, Björn}}, title = {{The benzodiazepine nation of Croatia: an observational, comparative study of psychotropic drug utilization between Croatia and Sweden 2014–2015}}, } @phdthesis{mef:6126, author = {{Pavlov, Marin}}, title = {{Inhibitor aktivatora plazminogena 1 u procjeni dugoročnoga ishoda bolesnika s akutnim infarktom srca s elevacijom ST spojnice liječenih primarnom perkutanom koronarnom intervencijom }}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1809, author = {{Bunić, Nives}}, title = {{Akutne komplikacije šećerne bolesti}}, } @article{mef:8679, author = {{Degoricija, Vesna and Trbušić, Matias and Potočnjak, Ines and Radulović, Bojana and Terešak, Sanda Dokoza and Pregartner, Gudrun and Berghold, Andrea and Tiran, Beate and Frank, Saša}}, title = {{Acute heart failure developed as worsening of chronic heart failure is associated with increased mortality compared to de novo cases}}, } @article{mef:8682, author = {{Potočnjak, Ines and Radulović, Bojana and Degoricija, Vesna and Trbušić, Matias and Pregartner, Gudrun and Berghold, Andrea and Meinitzer, Andreas and Frank, Saša}}, title = {{Serum concentrations of asymmetric and symmetric dimethylarginine are associated with mortality in acute heart failure patients}}, } @phdthesis{sfzg:402, author = {{Đanić, Petar}}, title = {{Utjecaj tramadola kao dodatka lidokainu na anesteziju i poslijeoperacijsku analgeziju kod alveotomije donjeg umnjaka}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1600, author = {{Ćoralić, Samir}}, title = {{Izvanbolničko zbrinjavanje dišnoga puta}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1409, author = {{Stemberger, Karlo}}, title = {{Utjecaj dobi i spola na rizik pokušaja samoubojstva i trovanja psihotropnim tvarima}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1727, author = {{Mhedin, Tara Bakan}}, title = {{What contributes to lack of hypertension awareness in an urban population?}}, } @article{mef:8350, author = {{Potočnjak, Ines and Trbušić, Matias and Dokoza Terešak, Sanda and Radulović, Bojana and Pregartner, Gudrun and Berghold, Andrea and Tiran, Beate and Marsche, Gunther and Degoricija, Vesna and Frank, Saša}}, title = {{Metabolic syndrome modulates association between endothelial lipase and lipid/lipoprotein plasma levels in acute heart failure patients}}, } @article{mef:8351, author = {{Potočnjak, Ines and Degoricija, Vesna and Trbušić, Matias and Pregartner, Gudrun and Berghold, Andrea and Marsche, Gunther and Frank, Saša}}, title = {{Serum concentration of HDL particles predicts mortality in acute heart failure patients}}, } @phdthesis{mef:6056, author = {{Potočnjak, Ines}}, title = {{Serumska endotelna lipaza, lipidni i upalni pokazatelji u bolesnika s akutnim zatajivanjem srca i metaboličkim sindromom }}, } @phdthesis{mef:6091, author = {{Radulović, Bojana}}, title = {{Važnost početne hipokloremije za razvitak hiponatrijemije i ishoda bolesti u bolesnika s akutizacijom kroničnog srčanog zatajenja }}, } @article{mef:8195, author = {{Trbušić, Matias and Potočnjak, Ines and Tiran, Beate and Bodrožić-Džakić, Tomislava and Milošević, Milan and Degoricija, Vesna and Frank, Saša}}, title = {{Endothelial lipase plasma levels are increased in both sexes in stable coronary artery disease and only in women with acute coronary syndrome but not associated with the severity of coronary artery disease}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1346, author = {{Grašić, Michael John}}, title = {{The role of platelet tests in detection of clopidogrel hyper-response after percutaneous coronary intervention}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1329, author = {{Cetinić, Filip}}, title = {{Akutna upala gušterače}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1353, author = {{Car, Zrinka}}, title = {{Echocardiography in pulmonary embolism}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1152, author = {{Šaler, Fran}}, title = {{Procjena težine plućne embolije primjenom rutinskih laboratorijskih parametara u jedinici hitne medicinske pomoći}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1104, author = {{Vuk, Ivana}}, title = {{Učestalost, liječenje i ishod akutno otrovanih bolesnika}}, } @article{mef:8223, author = {{Potočnjak, Ines and Degoricija, Vesna and Trbušić, Matias and Dokoza Terešak, Sanda and Radulović, Bojana and Pregartner, Gudrun and Berghold, Andrea and Tiran, Beate and Marsche, Gunther and Frank, Saša}}, title = {{Metrics of high-density lipoprotein function and hospital mortality in acute heart failure patients}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:367, author = {{Csenar, Mario Luka}}, title = {{Assessment of acute abdomen in the emergency department}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:388, author = {{Gjorgjievska, Savica}}, title = {{Basic trauma life support in non-urban setting}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:867, author = {{Boras, Iva}}, title = {{Rastući problemi intoksikacije novim psihoaktivnim tvarima}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:397, author = {{Sabhan, Haider Walid}}, title = {{Treatment of cardiac arrhythmias in the emergency department}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:959, author = {{Klobučar, Iva}}, title = {{Značaj i uloga natriuretičkih peptida u kardiovaskularnim bolestima}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:195, author = {{Pek, Sanja}}, title = {{Analiza indikacija za ugradnju trajnog elektrostimulatora srca}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:59, author = {{Cerovec, Dora}}, title = {{Hipertrofijska kardiomiopatija}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:377, author = {{Beluškov, Ivan}}, title = {{Importance of heart ultrasound in pulmonary embolism diagnostic algorithm}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:371, author = {{Blajic, Nikola Daniel Leo Albert}}, title = {{Increasing awareness of sepsis}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:26, author = {{Šušnjar, Tomislav}}, title = {{Transplantacija srca}}, } @article{mef:7889, author = {{Gornik, Ivan and Wagner, Jasenka and Gašparović, Vladimir and Miličić, Davor and Degoricija, Vesna and Skorić, Boško and Gornik, Olga and Lauc, Gordan}}, title = {{Prognostic value of cell-free DNA in plasma of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survivors at ICU admission and 24h post-admission}}, } @article{mef:7831, author = {{Bulj, Nikola and Potočnjak, Ines and Sharma, Mirella and Pintarić, Hrvoje and Degoricija, Vesna}}, title = {{Timing of troponin T measurements in triage of pulmonary embolism patients}}, } @phdthesis{mef:5808, author = {{Bulj, Nikola}}, title = {{Prognostička vrijednost ehokardiografije i plazmatskih razina srčanih biljega u bolesnika s akutnom plućnom embolijom}}, } @article{mef:7609, author = {{Trbušić, Matias and Riederer, Monika and Vučić, Majda and Lovričević, Ivo and Krušlin, Božo and Gauster, Martin and Mohrenz, Sonja and Berghold, Andrea and Tiran, Beate and Degoricija, Vesna and Frank, Saša}}, title = {{Increased expression of endothelial lipase in symptomatic and unstable carotid plaques}}, } @phdthesis{mef:5631, author = {{Trbušić, Matias}}, title = {{Ekspresija i lokalizacija endotelne lipaze u karotidnom aterosklerotskom plaku}}, } @article{mef:9126, author = {{Sharma, Mirella and Degoricija, Vesna and Legac, Ante and Gradišer, Marina and Vučičević, Željko}}, title = {{The epidemiology and diagnostic approach to acute pulmonary embolism in the university hospital }}, } @misc{kbcsm:124, author = {{Šefer, Sinša and Kes, Petar and Gaćina, Petar and Degoricija, Vesna}}, title = {{The soluble serum transferin receptors in type 2 diabetic patients with proteinuria}}, } @phdthesis{mef:6235, author = {{Degoricija, Vesna}}, title = {{Uloga sekundarnog hiperaldosteronizma i atrijskog natriuretskog peptida u održavanju ravnoteže soli i ishodu bolesti u cirozi jetre}}, }