@mastersthesis{mef:10299, author = {{Samardžić, Petar}}, title = {{Adherencija na lijekove u kardiovaskularnih bolesnika}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:10333, author = {{Bilić-Pavlinović, Matea}}, title = {{Pristup liječenju bolesnika s bradikardijom}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:9725, author = {{Lonza, Bruno}}, title = {{Srčani zastoj kardiogenog podrijetla}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:7010, author = {{Suć, Iva}}, title = {{Invazivno liječenje supraventrikulskih aritmija}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:6944, author = {{Nekić, Andrija}}, title = {{Liječenje fibrilacije atrija krioizolacijom plućnih vena}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:7130, author = {{Rupčić, Ana}}, title = {{Uloga medicinske sestre u skrbi dijabetičkih bolesnika s kardiomiopatijama}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:5369, author = {{Štajminger, Kristina}}, title = {{Značenje alternansa T vala u kardiološkoj dijagnostici}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:5339, author = {{Stjepanović, Josip}}, title = {{Duboka venska tromboza}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:5314, author = {{Santini, Mihovil}}, title = {{Liječenje hiperlipidemija PCSK9 inhibitorima}}, } @article{mef:4897, author = {{Skelin, Marko and Katić, Josip and Šarčević, David and Rahelić, Dario and Lucijanić, Marko and Rešić, Arnes and Puljević, Mislav and Javor, Eugen}}, title = {{Comparison of media and academic attention of recently published positive and neutral or negative randomized cardiovascular clinical trials}}, } @article{medri:4887, author = {{Skelin, Marko and Katić, Josip and Šarčević, David and Rahelić, Dario and Lucijanić, Marko and Rešić, Arnes and Puljević, Mislav and Javor, Eugen}}, title = {{Comparison of media and academic attention of recently published positive and neutral or negative randomized cardiovascular clinical trials}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:4219, author = {{Lovrić, Marko}}, title = {{Sarkoidoza srca}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2356, author = {{Ciglenečki, Eugen}}, title = {{Nagla srčana smrt}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1609, author = {{Vrbat, Josip}}, title = {{Invazivno liječenje fibrilacije atrija}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1676, author = {{Stručić, Franjo}}, title = {{Podjela i liječenje različitih oblika supraventrikulske tahikardije}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1560, author = {{Petrović, Paško}}, title = {{Različite strategije liječenja atrijske fibrilacije}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1261, author = {{Marelja, Kristina}}, title = {{Neinvazivne metode u dijagnostici ishemijske bolesti srca}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1181, author = {{Ljubičić, Lidija}}, title = {{Ventrikulska tahikardija kao heterogeni poremećaj ritma s različitom prognozom i terapijom}}, } @article{mef:7834, author = {{Puljević, Mislav and Velagić, Vedran and Puljević, Davor and Miličić, Davor}}, title = {{Propranolol efficiency in prevention of sustained ventricular tachycardia in patients with implanted cardioverter-defibrillator: a case series}}, }