Title Tkivna karakterizacija miokarda magnetnom rezonancijom
Title (english) Myocardial tissue characterization using magnetic resonance imaging
Author Nives Bokulić
Mentor Maja Hrabak Paar (mentor)
Committee member Maja Prutki (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordana Ivanac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Hrabak Paar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Radiology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Radiology
Abstract Kardiovaskularne bolesti su vodeći uzrok smrti širom svijeta, predstavljajući veliki izazov za javno zdravstvo i pojedince zbog svoje visoke prevalencije i mortaliteta, ali i trajnog invaliditeta kojeg mogu uzrokovati. Ove bolesti značajno narušavaju kvalitetu života bolesnika, ograničavajući fizičku aktivnost i svakodnevno funkcioniranje. Tradicionalna histološka analiza, iako zlatni standard za dokazivanje fibroze miokarda, invazivna je i nepraktična. Magnetna rezonancija (MR) nudi
... More neinvazivnu alternativu za detaljnu karakterizaciju miokarda, omogućujući identifikaciju fibroze, edema i drugih promjena. MR je posebno koristan zbog pružanja slika visoke rezolucije i precizne procjene funkcije, vijabiliteta i perfuzije miokarda. MR koristi jako magnetsko polje i radio valove za stvaranje slika unutarnjih struktura tijela, pružajući visoku rezoluciju i precizne slike koje upotrebom kontrastnih sredstava mogu biti dodatno poboljšane u detekciji i karakterizaciji patoloških promjena u tkivima poput upala, ožiljaka, tumora ili vaskularnih abnormalnosti. MR omogućuje detaljnu procjenu anatomije i funkcije srca, te tkivnu karakterizaciju miokarda. Prednosti MR-a uključuju neinvazivnost, visoku rezoluciju i preciznu procjenu, dok su ograničenja visoka cijena, potreba za specijaliziranom opremom i nepogodnost za pacijente s klaustrofobijom ili metalnim implantatima. MR je posebno koristan u dijagnostici i praćenju kardiomiopatija te tkivna karakterizacija pomoću MR-a pomaže u razlikovanju različitih tipova kardiomiopatija. Također, MR se koristi za dijagnostiku kroničnog i akutnog koronarnog sindroma te miokarditisa, pružajući detaljne informacije o strukturi miokarda i funkciji srca. Ovaj pregledni rad prikazuje primjenu MR-a u kardiologiji, s posebnim naglaskom na njegovu upotrebu u dijagnostici i praćenju kardiomiopatija, koronarne bolesti srca i miokarditisa. Less
Abstract (english) Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide, representing a significant challenge to public health and individuals due to their high prevalence and mortality, as well as the permanent disability they can cause. These diseases significantly impair the patient's quality of life, limiting physical activity and daily functioning. Histological analysis, although the gold standard for proving myocardial fibrosis, is invasive and impractical. Magnetic resonance imaging
... More (MRI) offers a non-invasive alternative for detailed myocardial characterization, enabling the identification of fibrosis, edema, and other changes. MRI is particularly useful due to its high-resolution imaging and precise assessment of myocardial function, viability, and perfusion. MRI uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to create images of the body's internal structures, providing high-resolution and precise images that, with the use of contrast agents, can be further enhanced in detecting and characterizing pathological changes in tissues such as inflammation, scarring, tumors, or vascular abnormalities. MRI allows for a detailed assessment of heart anatomy and function, as well as myocardial tissue characterization. The advantages of MRI include its non-invasive nature, high resolution, and precise assessment, while its limitations include high cost, the need for specialized equipment, and inconvenience for patients with claustrophobia or metal implants. MRI is particularly useful in the diagnosis and monitoring of cardiomyopathies, but also in distinguishing different types by tissue characterization. Additionally, MRI is used for the diagnosis of chronic and acute coronary syndrome and myocarditis, providing detailed information on the structure and function of the heart. This paper explores the application of MRI in cardiology, with a special focus on its use in the diagnosis and monitoring of cardiomyopathies, coronary artery disease, and myocarditis. Less
magnetna rezonancija
koronarna bolest
Keywords (english)
magnetic resonance imaging
coronary artery disease
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:967818
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-07-08 23:21:31