Title Mogućnosti unapređenja sestrinske palijativne skrbi u Međimurskoj županiji
Title (english) Improvement options for palliative nursing care in Međimurje county
Author Brigita Prstec
Mentor Aleksandar Džakula (mentor)
Committee member Danijela Štimac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zlata Ožvačić Adžić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Aleksandar Džakula (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Social Medicine and Health Care Organization) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-09-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Palijativna medicina je medicinska disciplina sa najvećim interdisciplinarnim poljem skrbi. Iako se već dugi niz godina razvija i govori o potrebi pružanja kvalitetne palijativne skrbi, još uvijek u mnogim zemljama Europske unije nije dosegla željeni stupanj razvoja. Hrvatska spada u zemlje sa slabo razvijenom mrežom palijativne skrbi, palijativni pacijenti ne dobivaju toliko potrebnu psihološku skrb, tretiranje bolova nije u svim regijama Hrvatske jednako zastupljeno, a sustavna edukacija profesionalaca gotovo da i ne postoji. Međimurje prednjači sa razvojem palijativne skrbi u odnosu na neke druge regije u Hrvatskoj, no još uvijek ne u obimu i kvaliteti koju bismo željeli pružiti svojim bolesnicima. U radu je analizirana dostupna stručna literatura, recentni stručni i znanstveni radovi o palijativnoj skrbi bolesnika te zakonski propisi i regulative u nekim zemljama Europske unije i Hrvatske. Poboljšanje i unapređenje palijativne skrbi u Međimurskoj županiji moguće je prvenstveno kroz edukaciju profesionalaca, volontera i drugih djelatnika koji su uključeni u zbrinjavanje palijativnog bolesnika. Nadalje, veliku važnost u razvoju palijativne skrbi predstavljaju i različiti projekti i istraživanja koja bi dijelom bila financirana od strane Europskih fondova a dijelom od lokalnih vlasti, na temelju kojih je moguće predvidjeti krucijalne potrebe stanovništva u odnosu na specifičnost regije. Uključenost zdravstvenih djelatnika, posebice medicinskih sestara, na rad i razvoj palijativne skrbi potrebno je dodatno financijski motivirati, osigurati optimalne uvjete rada i potrebne resurse za adekvatan smještaj palijativnih bolesnika. Prema podacima ZZJZ Međimurske županije potrebe za palijativnom skrbi su velike, prema konzervativnim procjenama, populaciju kojoj je potreban neki oblik palijativne skrbi čini između 50% i 89% svih umirućih pacijenata, što bi u Međimurskoj županiji predstavljalo 613, odnosno 1.092 pacijenta godišnje. Sukladno tim podacima, motiviranosti velikog broja volontera i drugih uključenih u palijativnu skrb bolesnika u Međimurskoj županiji, nužne su snažne promjene u sustavu zdravstvene skrbi, edukaciji i osiguranju adekvatnih uvjeta za smještaj i skrb svih onih kojima je palijativna skrb potrebna, kako od strane lokalnih vlasti tako i potporom vladajućih struktura u zemlji.
Abstract (english) Palliative medicine is a medical discipline with the largest interdisciplinary field of care. Although it has been developing for many years, stressing the need to provide quality palliative care, in many countries of the European Union it has not reached the desired level of development. Croatia is among the countries with poorly developed network of palliative care, palliative patients do not receive the much needed psychological care, treatment of pain is not equally represented in all Croatian regions, and the official training of professionals is almost non-existing. Međimurje County is a leader in the development of palliative care in relation to other regions in Croatia, but still not to the extent and quality that we want to provide. The study analyzes the available scientific literature, recent technical and scientific work on palliative care patients, and legislation and regulations in some countries of the European Union and Croatia. Enhancing and improving palliative care in Međimurje County it is possible primarily through education of professionals, volunteers and other professionals involved in the care of palliative patients. Furthermore, great importance in the development of palliative care are the different projects and research partly financed by European funds and partly by the local authorities, on the basis of which it is possible to predict the crucial needs of the population in relation to specific regions. The motivation of health workers, especially nurses, to work and develop palliative care needs to be further financially motivated to ensure optimal working conditions and the necessary resources for adequate accommodation for palliative patients. According to the Public Health Institute of Međimurje County, the need for palliative care is high, according to conservative estimates, the population in need of some form of palliative care makes between 50% and 89% of all dying patients, which would in Međimurje County account for 613, or 1,092 patients each year. According to these data, and the motivation of a large number of volunteers and others involved in palliative care patients in Međimurje County, strong changes are necessary in health care system, education and the provision of adequate conditions for accommodation and care of all those in need of palliative care, both by local authorities and the support of the governing structures in the country.
palijativna skrb
medicinske sestre
Međimurska županija
Keywords (english)
palliative care
Međimurje County
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:858744
Study programme Title: Studies in Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2017-03-09 10:19:01