Title Priziv savjesti u medicini - pregled novijih rasprava i promišljanja
Title (english) Conscientious objection in medicine - a review of recent discussions and deliberations
Author Ivana Grahovac
Mentor Ana Borovečki (mentor)
Committee member Zlata Ožvačić Adžić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marjeta Majer (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Borovečki (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Social Medicine and Health Care Organization) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Social Medicine
Abstract Priziv savjesti odluka je pojedinca da će postupiti prema nalogu vlastite savjesti, a ne prema vanjskom nalogu drugog aktera, poput države ili poslodavca. Ujedno je riječ o pravu koje proizlazi iz slobode savjesti te je zajamčeno brojnim međunarodnim sporazumima. U medicini, promišljanja i rasprave o prizivu savjesti duboko ulaze u propitkivanja svrhe medicine, definiranja uloge medicine i sadržaja medicinskog čina te razumijevanja medicinskih djelatnika kao moralnih djelatnika kojima je očuvanje vlastitog moralnog integriteta središnje po cjelovitost u poimanju samih sebe. Priziv savjesti u medicini najčešće se ulaže zbog etičkih, moralnih, ali i znanstvenih uvjerenja po pitanju početka i kraja života, no s brzim razvojem medicine i biotehnologije, medicinsku zajednicu očekuje sve veći broj novih bioetičkih izazova koji će zahtijevati sveobuhvatna promišljanja i mudra prosuđivanja pri izboru djelovanja. Analiza literature u posljednjih deset godina pokazuje kako se polemike pretežno vode na
polju odnosa liječnika i pacijenta, tumačenja profesionalizma, kliničke prosudbe i diskrecijskog prostora, kao i zakonodavnog
uređenja te potrage za kompromisnim rješenjima u pluralističkim društvima. Dio medicinske zajednice koji smatra da priziv savjesti u medicini mora biti omogućen i zaštićen, poziva se na nužnost poštivanja slobode savjesti i važnost djelovanja prema istoj, neodvojivost privatnog i profesionalnog dijela ljudske osobnosti te nužnost poštivanja različitih moralnih uvjerenja i rasuđivanja u tolerantnim društvima. S druge strane, dio medicinske zajednice koji nije sklon omogućavanju prava na priziv savjesti u medicini, obrazlaže to razumijevanjem medicine kao one u kojoj su prava pacijenata na prvom mjestu te je dužnost zdravstvenih djelatnika pružiti sve legalne postupke kako se pacijenti ne bi susretali s preprekama poput smanjene dostupnosti legalnih postupaka ili stigme zbog traženja istih. Zasad je prevladavajući stav medicinske i pravne struke da pravo na priziv
savjesti zdravstvenih djelatnika treba poštivati te u određenoj mjeri zakonom zaštititi.
Abstract (english) Conscientious objection is the decision of an individual to act according to the order of one’s own conscience and not according to the external order of another actor, such as the state or the employer. At the same time, it is a right arising from freedom of conscience, guaranteed by numerous international agreements. In medicine, reflections and debates on the appeal of conscience go deep into questioning the purpose of medicine, defining the role of medicine and the content of the medical act, as well as understanding of health care providers as moral agents to whom the preservation of one's own moral integrity is central to wholeness in the conception of oneself. Conscientious objection in medicine is most often exercised because of ethical, moral, but also scientific beliefs and convictions about the beginning and the end of life. With the rapid development of medicine and biotechnology, the medical community expects an increasing number of new bioethical challenges that will require comprehensive deliberation and wise judgment when choosing an action. An analysis of the literature from the last ten years shows that polemics are predominantly in the field of doctor - patient relationship, interpretation of professionalism, clinical judgment and space of discretion, as well as legislative regulation and the search for compromise solutions in pluralistic societies. The part of the medical community that believes that the appeal of conscience in medicine must be enabled and protected, calls for the need to respect freedom of conscience and the
importance of acting accordingly, the inseparability of private and professional parts of human personality and the need to respect different moral beliefs and judgments in tolerant societies. On the other hand, the part of the medical community that is not inclined to allow the right to conscientious objection in medicine, explains this by understanding medicine as one in which the rights of patients come first and it is the duty of health care workers to provide all legal procedures to ensure that patients do not encounter obstacles such as reduced availability of legal procedures or the stigma of seeking them. For the time being, the prevailing position of the medical and legal profession is that the right to conscientious objection by health care professionals should be respected and to a certain extent protected by law.
priziv savjesti
moralni integritet
Keywords (english)
conscientious objection
moral integrity
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:619969
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-03-23 10:25:40