Abstract | Ciljevi rada su bili ispitati navike pijenja alkohola, prikupiti podatke o učestalosti pijenja i depresivnosti, te istražiti njihovu međusobnu povezanost u skupine radnika Zadarske županije.
Ispitanici i metode: Istraživanje je provedeno u razdoblju od listopada do prosinca 2015. godine. Uključeni su radnici zaposleni na izdvojenim poslovima s posebnim uvjetima rada (PUR), dobi od 18-65 godina, sveukupno 241 zaposlenik. Korišten je „Upitnik o mentalnom zdravlju i pijenju alkoholnih pića”, dijelom sastavljen od upitnika CAGE i AUDIT, te Upitnika za procjenu depresivnosti u općoj populaciji (CES-D). Sociodemografski podaci su obuhvaćali dob, spol, radno mjesto, bračno stanje, edukaciju, zanimanje, radni staž, smjenski rad, rad vikendom i prekovremeno.
Rezultati: Dokazana je značajna razlika u pijenju među skupinama PUR (P=0,004) i Rad vikendom (P=0,018). Prekomjerno pijenje je češće na određenim poslovima, a najrizičniji su zaposlenici u građevinskom sektoru. Najviše radnika pije izvan posla, kroz radni tjedan (45%) i vikendom (56%), a na poslu oko (12%). Postoji slaba, značajna pozitivna povezanost s depresivnošću. Upitnikom depresivnosti smo registrirali 13% rizičnih ispitanika.
Zaključak: Rizična konzumacija alkohola predstavlja aktualan problem među zadarskim radnicima PUR zanimanja. Ciljne skupine gdje bi trebalo povećati mjere prevencije su građevinski radnici, elektrotehnička i zaštitarska zanimanja. Paralelno treba uvažiti simptome dulje depresivnosti. |
Abstract (english) | The objectives of the paper were to examine the groups of employees in the Zadar County, their habits of drinking alcohol, and to collect data on the frequency of drinking and depression, as well as to investigate the interrelationship of these objectives.
Subjects and Methods: The research was conducted in the period, from October to December 2015. We included people employed at various jobs with special working conditions, ages 18-65, having a total of 241 employees. The "Questionnaire on Mental Health and Drinking of Alcoholic Beverages" was used, partly consisting of the CAGE and AUDIT questionnaire and CES-D questionnaire, for assessment of depression in general population. Sociodemographic data included age, gender, work place, marital status, education, occupation, work experience, shift work, weekend and overtime work.
Results: A significant difference in drinking has been found in two groups, a group of occupations with special working conditions (P = 0.004), and a group working on weekends (P = 0.018). Excessive drinking is more frequent at certain jobs, the most vulnerable group are employees in the construction sector. Most workers drink outside the shift, over the week (45%) or at weekends (56%), and around 12% is drinking during the shift. There is a weak, but significant and positive correlation with depression. We identified 13% of the respondents with depression, in the questionnaire.
Conclusion: Risky alcohol consumption is a current problem among many occupations in the city of Zadar, especially on those jobs with special working conditions. Target groups, in which we need to improve prevention measures are construction workers, electrical engineering and security occupations. Simultaneously, the symptoms of longer depression needs be taken into account. |