Title Mentorstvo u profesionalnom usavršavanju prvostupnica sestrinstva
Title (english) Mentorship in the professional training of bachelors of nursing
Author Slađana Režić
Mentor Gordana Pavleković (mentor)
Committee member Aleksandar Džakula (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Borovečki (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordana Pavleković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Social Medicine and Health Care Organization) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Mentorstvo je kompleksan, interaktivan proces koji se odvija između pojedinaca različite razine iskustva i stručnosti, u kojem stručnjak (mentor) daje podršku kolegi ili kolegici (mentorirani) s ciljem postizanja učinkovitosti i kvalitete osobnog rada, profesionalnog napredovanja i doprinosa kvaliteti ustanove u kojoj radi. Mentori mogu imati različite stilove mentoriranja koji se prepoznaju kao: (1) opušteni stil, (2) stil aktivnog slušanja, (3) stil propisivanja, (4) stil savjetnika te (5) stil suradnje. U dostupnoj literaturi nema istraživanja o stilovima mentorstva u profesionalnom osposobljavanju medicinskih sestara prvostupnica.
Cilj: Cilj rada bio je ispitati stilove mentoriranja u profesionalnom osposobljavanju medicinskih sestara prvostupnica te utvrditi povezanost stila s obilježjima mentora prema njihovoj stručnoj spremi, mjestu rada, godinama radnog iskustva te godini na kojoj mentorira kolegicu ili kolegu u zdravstvenoj ustanovi.
Ispitanici i metode: Ispitanici (62 ispitanika) su bili mentori medicinskih sestara prvostupnica koje je imenovalo Zdravstvenog veleučilišta u Zagrebu kao podršku njihovom profesionalnom razvoju u zdravstvenim ustanovama na početku karijere. Instrument je bila validirana anketa (MINT Mentoring Styles) korištena u drugim međunarodnim studijama.
Rezultati: Rezultati pokazuju da najveći broj mentora (34 ispitanika-mentora) u svom radu koristi stil suradnje, zatim stil savjetnika (16), stil aktivnog slušanja (2), dok niti jedan mentor nema opušteni stil. Nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika (p<0,05) u povezanosti stila mentoriranja i dužine radnog staža mentora te godine na kojoj su mentor i mentorirana medicinska sestra u zajedničkoj suradnji. Međutim, utvrđena je značajna razlika s obzirom na stručnu spremu mentora te mjesto rada: mentori koji mentoriraju medicinske sestre sa završenom preddiplomskom edukacijom imaju višu razinu stila savjetnika i stila suradnje u odnosu na mentore medicinskih sestara sa završenim diplomskim studijem. Također, mentori koji rade na bolničkim odjelima i u primarnoj zaštiti imaju više razine stila suradnje nego li mentori u intenzivnoj skrbi.
Zaključak: Mentorstvo ima dugu tradiciju u sestrinstvu. Formalno imenovani mentori imaju različite stilove mentoriranja te je važno osvijestiti osobni mentorski stil kao preduvjet učinkovitog rada s mladima u procesu profesionalnog osposobljavanja. Na području mentorskog rada u zdravstvenoj djelatnosti potrebna su daljnja istraživanja kao osnova za izradu formalnog programa edukacije budućih mentora.
Abstract (english) Mentoring is a complex, interactive process that takes place between individuals with different levels of experience and expertise, where the expert (the mentor) supports a male or female colleague (the mentee) in order to achieve efficiency and quality of personal work, to advance professionally and to contribute to the quality of his institution of employment. Mentors can use various mentoring styles that can be identified as: (1) Letting go style, (2) Active listening style, (3) Prescribing style, (4) Advisory style and (5) Cooperative style. In the available literature there is no research about mentoring styles in the professional training of bachelors of nursing.
Aim: The aim of this paper was to examine mentoring styles in the professional training of bachelors of nursing with the goal of determining a connection between the style and the mentor’s characteristics depending on their level of education, work place, work experience and the year of studies of the mentee that is being mentored in the medical institution.
Examinees and methods: Examinees (62 examinees) were mentors to bachelors of nursing, appointed by the University of Applied Health Sciences in Zagreb to support the students’ professional development in medical institutions on the start of their careers. The instrument of research was a validated survey (MINT Mentoring Styles) used in other international studies.
Results: Results show that the majority of mentors (34 examinees-mentors) use cooperative style in their work, followed by advisory style (16) and active listening style (2), whereas no mentor uses letting go style. No statistically significant difference was determined (p<0,05) between the mentoring style and the length of work experience of the mentor, as well as the year of studies that the mentor and the nurse mentee are cooperating on. However, a substantial difference was determined regarding the mentors’ level of education and his workplace: mentors with undergraduate education have higher levels of advisory and cooperative styles as opposed to mentors with graduate education. Likewise, mentors working on general wards and in primary health care have a higher incidence of cooperative styles than mentors in the ICU.
Conclusion: Mentoring has a long tradition in nursing. Formally appointed mentors use different mentoring styles so it is important to be aware of one’s personal mentoring style as a prerequisite to efficient work with young nurses in the process of their professional training. In the field of mentoring in health care further research is needed to form a basis for the development of a formal educational program for future mentors.
stilovi mentoriranja
uloga mentora
Keywords (english)
mentoring styles
mentor role
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:890590
Study programme Title: Studies in Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2016-04-26 07:51:24