Abstract | Rožnica je prednji, vanjski dio oka. Jedinstvena je po svojoj prozirnosti koja omogućuje ulazak
svjetlosti u oko te djeluje kao zaštitni i optički medij. Bolesti rožnice najčešći su uzrok gubitka
vida te vodeće indikacije za transplantaciju rožnice. Smatraju se trećim vodećim uzrokom
sljepoće u svijetu. Postoje brojne indikacije za transplantaciju rožnice, a uključuju stanja poput
keratokonusa, Fuchsove distrofije, keratitisa razne etiologije, bulozne keratopatije, leukom
rožnice te distrofije i degeneracije rožnice.
Moguće je transplantirati rožnicu pune debljine ili samo oboljelog sloja. To je najuspješnija
transplantacija organa budući da je rožnica avaskularno tkivo. Prvu transplantaciju rožnice
izveo je Zirm godine 1906. godine. Penetrantna keratoplastika (PK) postaje zlatni standard u
transplantaciji rožnice. Daljnjim napretkom tehnologije, razvojem kirurških metoda, uređaja i
instrumentarija nastaju tehnike lamelarne keratoplastike koje ujedno omogućuju zamjenu samo
oboljeloga sloja rožnice. Prednosti lamelarne keratoplastike su brži oporavak vida, niža stopa
imunološkog odbacivanja i duži vremenski period preživljavanja presatka.
Očna banka kao zasebna organizacijska jedinica, bavi se prikupljanjem, obradom i pohranom
donorskog tkiva. Suradnja očne banke i transplantacijskog tima omogućuje uspješno
razumijevanje i postupanje s donorskim tkivom.
Starenjem populacije diljem svijeta, smanjuje se broj odgovarajućih darivatelja rožnice.
Istraživanje stanične terapije i spoznaje u regenerativnoj medicini omogućuju nam alternativna
rješenja koja nisu primarno ovisna o donorskom tkivu. Ksenotransplantacija rožnice, gdje se
uzima svinjska rožnica kao donorsko tkivo, otvara nam razne mogućnosti za napredak u
području transplantacije rožnice, no do danas nisu zaživjele u kliničkoj upotrebi. |
Abstract (english) | The cornea is the front, outer part of the eye. It is unique in its transparency, which allows light
to enter the eye and acts as a protective and optical medium. Corneal diseases are the most
common cause of vision loss and the leading indication for corneal transplantation. They are
considered the third leading example of blindness in the world. There are numerous indications
for corneal transplantation, including conditions such as keratoconus, Fuchs' dystrophy,
keratitis of various etiologies, bullous keratopathy, corneal leukoma, and corneal dystrophy
and degeneration.
It is possible to transplant a full-thickness cornea or only the diseased layer. It is the most
successful organ transplant since the cornea is an avascular tissue. The first corneal transplant
was performed by Zirm in 1906. Penetrating keratoplasty (PK) is becoming the gold standard
in corneal transplantation. With the further progress of technology, the development of surgical
methods, devices and instruments, lamellar keratoplasty techniques are created, which at the
same time make it possible to replace only the diseased layer of the cornea. The advantages of
lamellar keratoplasty are a faster recovery of vision, a lower rate of immune rejection and a
longer survival period of the graft.
The eye bank, as a separate organizational unit, deals with the collection, processing and
storage of donor tissue. Cooperation between the eye bank and the transplant team enables
successful understanding and handling of donor tissue.
As the population ages around the world, the number of suitable corneal donors is decreasing.
Cell therapy research and knowledge in regenerative medicine allow us alternative solutions
that are not primarily dependent on donor tissue. Corneal xenotransplantation, where a porcine
cornea is taken as donor tissue, opens up various possibilities for progress in the field of corneal
transplantation, but to date they have not taken root in clinical use. |