
Citokini u serumu bolesnika s kroničnim hepatititsom C na hemodijalizi
Citokini u serumu bolesnika s kroničnim hepatititsom C na hemodijalizi
Jasna Slaviček
U ovom istraživanju mjerili smo serumske koncentracije citokina u bolesnika na kroničnoj hemodijalizi zaraženih hepatitisom C. Cilj istraživanja: utvrditi razlike u serumskim koncentracijama citokina izmedju HCV pozitivnih i HCV negativnih bolesnika na kroničnoj hemodijalizi te razlike u serumskim koncentracijama citokina između HCV-RNA pozitivnih i HCV-RNA negativnih bolesnika. Istražiti odnos između cirkulirajućih citokina i jetrenih enzima u HCV pozitivnih bolesnika te njihovu...
Citokinski profil limfocita T iz krvi i bronhoalveolarnog ispirka u bolesnika s plućnom tuberkulozom
Citokinski profil limfocita T iz krvi i bronhoalveolarnog ispirka u bolesnika s plućnom tuberkulozom
Zagorka Boras
Stanicama je posredovana imunost, naročito CD4+ T-limfocitima, ključna u eliminaciji mikobakterija u tuberkulozi. Dosadašnja saznanja o Th1 i Th2 tipu citokinske proizvodnje u ljudskoj tuberkulozi konfliktna su i malo se zna o njihovoj ulozi u tkivnom oštećenju. Mi smo istraživali citokinski odgovor CD4+ i CD8+ T-limfocita periferne krvi i BAL-a u 20 PPD+ i devet PPD- bolesnika s aktivnom plućnom tuberkulozom. Uzorci periferne krvi i BAL-a svakog bolesnika bili su kratkotrajno...
Citološko predoperacijsko razlikovanje promjena u paratireoidnim žlijezdama
Citološko predoperacijsko razlikovanje promjena u paratireoidnim žlijezdama
Ljubica Fuštar-Preradović
Minimalna invazivna kirurgija je metoda izbora u lijecenju hiperparatireoidizma (HPT) uzrokovanog adenomom DŽ, dok je kod hiperplazije DŽ neophodan radikalni zahvat zbog sprjecavanja razvoja recidiva koji zahtijevaju reoperacije. Svrha ovog rada je istražiti morfološke i citokemijske pokazatelje za diferenciranje adenoma od hiperplazije DŽ, u citološkim preparatima, u svrhu preoperacijske obrade bolesnika s HPT. Analizirano je 67 razmaza punktata DŽ, dobivenih preoperacijski punkcijom...
Citomorfološka i imunocitokemijska analiza u dijagnostici T i B nodalnih i Hodgkinovih limfoma
Citomorfološka i imunocitokemijska analiza u dijagnostici T i B nodalnih i Hodgkinovih limfoma
Koraljka Gjadrov Kuveždić
Uvod: SZO klasifikacija limfoma temelji se na ukupnosti morfoloških, imunofenotipskih, genetičkih i kliničkih karakteristika različitih podtipova. Takvo shvaćanje teoretski omogućuje da se i citomorfologija, a ne samo patologija, u pojedinim slučajevima koristi kao osnovna morfološka metoda u postupniku dijagnostike pacijenata sa limfomom. ----- Cilj: Ustanoviti mogućnosti citomorfologije, dopunjene imunocitokemijom u postavljanju dijagnoze zloćudnih tumora limfocitne loze,...
Classification and quantification of risk factors and treatment strategies for ocular hypertension and primary open-angle glaucoma
Classification and quantification of risk factors and treatment strategies for ocular hypertension and primary open-angle glaucoma
Daka Qëndresë
CILJ: U svrhu poboljšanja cjelokupnog upravljanja bolešću, poduzeta je sustavna sinteza postojećih znanja u području primarnog glaukoma otvorenog kuta (POAG). U ovom smo se istraživanju usredotočili na dokaze o postojanju čimbenika rizika za POAG, mimo povišenog intraokularnog tlaka (IOP), koji su potencijalno promjenjivi i/ili bi se mogli koristiti za pravovremenu identifikaciju ljudi s visokim rizikom za POAG; i na relativnu djelotvornost, podnošljivost i isplativost...
Clinical, biochemical and
immunogenetical characteristics of
celiac disease in Albanian pediatric
patients from Kosovo
Clinical, biochemical and immunogenetical characteristics of celiac disease in Albanian pediatric patients from Kosovo
Atifete Ramosaj-Morina
Introduction: Celiac disease is an immune-mediated chronic inflammatory disorder triggered after gluten ingestion in genetically susceptible individuals. HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8 heterodimers have been recognized as necessary - but not sufficient – genetic factors for the occurrence of celiac disease. ----- Aim: To present the clinical and biochemical characteristics in celiac disease Kosovar Albanian children as well as to analyse HLA class I and class II allele and haplotype polymorphism...
Clinico pathological and molecular characterization of tubulocystic variants of renal tumors
Clinico pathological and molecular characterization of tubulocystic variants of renal tumors
Faruk Skenderi
Renal tumors are a heterogeneous group of neoplasms recently subjected to intensive research, resulting in several new entities and reclassification. Therefore, we aimed to characterize the morphological features, immunoprofile, and molecular genetic profile of a new entity, namely the tubulocystic renal cell carcinoma. Additionally, we aimed to characterize tubulocystic/cystic variants of selected common renal tumor subtypes and determine the most useful properties for the differentiation...
Combined device therapy for advanced heart failure
Combined device therapy for advanced heart failure
Nina Jakuš
This PhD thesis explores the field of left ventricular assist device (LVAD) recipients with granular insights commencing from a data-driven overview of the changing European LVAD landscape and comparisons between European and US LVAD recipients, across subanalyses addressing outcomes related to patient sex, age, and ensuing aortic regurgitation (AR) and ultimately outcomes of patients with advanced HF treated with combined (LVAD and cardiac implantable electronic device (CEID)) device...
Comparison of irrigated multi-electrode radiofrequency ablation and point-by-point ablation for pulmonary vein isolation in patients
with persistent atrial fibrillation
with persistent atrial fibrillation
Comparison of irrigated multi-electrode radiofrequency ablation and point-by-point ablation for pulmonary vein isolation in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation with persistent atrial fibrillation
Nikola Pavlović
Atrial fibrillation is the most common supraventricular arrhythmia in the general population. It is related to increased morbidity and mortality and reduced quality of life. Pulmonary vein isolation has emerged and today remains the cornerstone of atrial fibrillation ablation. There are multiple different tools and technologies used to achieve pulmonary vein isolation, and irrigated multi-electrode ablation was a novel tool to perform pulmonary vein isolation. It has been evaluated in...
Comparison of pleural lesions using vibrational spectroscopy
Comparison of pleural lesions using vibrational spectroscopy
Fatlinda Sadiku Zehri
Histopathology does not always easily provide a correct diagnosis for different pleural lesions. Although great progress was made in this field, the issue of differentiating between reactive and malignant pleural lesions still stimulates the search for additional diagnostic tools. This research, using vibrational spectroscopy and PCA statistical modeling, represents a potentially useful tool to approach the problem. The objective method this research explores is based on the correlation...
Comparison of systemic inflammatory response in patients with trochanteric region fracture fixation with Dynamic Hip Screw versus Proximal Femoral Nail
Comparison of systemic inflammatory response in patients with trochanteric region fracture fixation with Dynamic Hip Screw versus Proximal Femoral Nail
Kushtrim Grezda
Objective: This study aimed to investigate the differences in the early postoperative inflammatory response after treatment of trochanteric region fractures using a dynamic hip screw (DHS) compared with proximal femoral nail (PFN). Methods: In this prospective comparative study, 52 patients with Working Group for Osteosynthesis Problems (Ger. Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen (AO))/The Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA) classification (AO/OTA) 31. A1–31.A2 pertrochanteric...
Contribution of the whole exome sequencing in the identification of genetic variants associated with childhood-onset systemic lupus and IgA vasculitis
Contribution of the whole exome sequencing in the identification of genetic variants associated with childhood-onset systemic lupus and IgA vasculitis
Mario Šestan
Introduction and aim. Childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (cSLE) and IgA vasculitis (IgAV) are two complex autoimmune diseases with etiopathogenesis which are not fully understood. This research aimed to identify novel and rare gene variants using wholeexome sequencing (WES) in patients with cSLE and IgAV which may contribute to the etiopathogenesis of these diseases, and to expand existing genetic databases. ----- Subjects and methods. WES was performed on 17 "trio" groups...
