Abstract | Bioterorizam je tip terorizma koji uključuje korištenje bioloških sredstava u svrhu provođenja terorističkih činova. Najčešće ih provode organizirane skupine i pojedinaci različitih motivacija, uključujući političke i religijske razloge. Biološka su sredstva korištena u svrhu napada još od vremena antike, no tek su se u 20. stoljeću uz razvoj mikrobiologije olakšale prepreke u proizvodnji i korištenju različitih agenasa. Pogodni bioteroristički agensi su oni koji izazivaju bolesti visokog morbiditeta i mortaliteta, visoko su infektivni, jednostavni su za masovnu proizvodnju i korištenje u oblicima pogodnim za počinjenje terorističkih napada (npr. aerosol). Centar za kontrolu bolesti i prevenciju (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)) svrstava bioterorističke agense u tri skupine (A, B i C), ovisno o njihovim karakteristikama. Najznačajniji bioteroristički agensi su Bacillus anthracis, botulinum-toksin bakterije Clostridium botulinum, Yersinia pestis i variola virus. B. anthracis uzročnik je antraksa te se prijenosi aerosolom u obliku spora. Botulinum-toksin uzrokuje botulizam te se prijenosi alimentarno. Y. pestis uzročnik je bubonske kuge te se može prenositi aerosolom. Variola virus uzročnik je velikih boginja, iskorijenjene bolesti visokog mortaliteta. Uz svaki su bioteroristički agens povezane zasebne kliničke slike koje vrlo često imaju fulminantan razvoj s visokim mortalitetom te zahtijevaju različite terapijski pristupe koji u velikom broju slučajeva nisu dovoljno efektivni ili dovoljno specifični. U odgovoru, obradi i prevenciji bioterorizma veliku ulogu ima javno zdravstvo. Jasnim definiranjem protokola u slučajevima bioterorističkih napada, omogućuje se adekvatan odgovor s povoljnim kliničkim ishodom oboljelih, informiranje i educiranje javnosti te prevencija budućih terorističkih napada. |
Abstract (english) | Bioterrorism is a type of terrorism which uses biological agents for acts of terror. Bioterrorist acts are most often committed by organized groups and individuals with various motivations, including political and religious reasons. Biological agents have been used for attacks since ancient times, but it was not until the 20th century, when the obstacles in production and use, due to the development of microbiology, were reduced. Suitable bioterrorism agents are those that cause diseases with high morbidity and mortality, are highly infectious, are easy to produce in large quantities, and could be used in forms suitable for committing terrorist attacks (e.g., aerosol). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) classifies bioterrorism agents into three categories (A, B, and C) based on their characteristics. The most significant bioterrorism agents are Bacillus anthracis, the botulinum toxin of Clostridium botulinum, Yersinia pestis, and the variola virus. B. anthracis is the causative agent of anthrax, which can be transmitted via aerosol in the form of spores. The botulinum toxin causes botulism and is transmitted through food. Y. pestis is the causative agent of bubonic plague and can be transmitted via aerosol. The variola virus is the causative agent of smallpox, a disease with high mortality that has been eradicated. Each bioterrorism agent is associated with distinct clinical presentations that often have a fulminant course with high mortality, requiring different therapeutic approaches, which in many cases are not sufficiently effective or specific. Public health plays a significant role in the response, management, and prevention of bioterrorism. By clearly defining protocols in the event of bioterrorism attacks, an adequate response with favorable clinical outcomes for victims can be ensured, along with informing and educating the public and preventing future terrorist attacks. |