Title Mogući razvoj ovisnosti o video igrama
Title (english) Possible development of video game addiction
Author Josipa Milas
Mentor Zrnka Kovačić Petrović (mentor)
Committee member Neven Henigsberg (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Begić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zrnka Kovačić Petrović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Psychiatry
Abstract Svijet se kroz zadnjih 40-ak godina znatno promijenio, ali i u ovo, moderno doba, pojam igranje i igrač (eng .gaming ili gamer) nose određenu socijalnu stigmu. Industrija video igara ne prestaje zarađivati, ne prestaje rasti i ne daje naznaku stajanja. Pojava eSports-a na javnu scenu popularizirala je igre. Nedugo zatim, definiran je i „Poremećaj vezan uz igre na internetu“ (eng. Internet Gaming Disorder ili IGD). Poremećaj je uvršten u Međunarodnu klasifikaciju bolesti, inačica 11 (MKB-11) i Dijagnostički i statistički priručnik za mentalne poremećaje, inačica 5 (DSM-5) – iako i dalje postoji nedostatak konsenzusa oko dijagnostičkih kriterija i instrumenata.
Postoje brojne hipoteze o nastanku ovog poremećaja, od kojih se posebno ističu tripartitna teorija i teorija povezanosti s kockanjem – budući da su nađene strukturalne i funkcionalne promjene u mozgu koji bi upućivale da se radi i o poremećaju nalik ovisnosti o psihoaktivnim supstancama i o poremećaju ponašanja.
Većina se istraživanja provode u mladoj populaciji, s naglaskom na neuroslikovne metode kojima se nastoji objasniti promjena u ponašanju, socijalnoj izolaciji i degradaciji međuljudskih odnosa te edukacijski neuspjeh.
Brojni su i faktori koji utječu na razvoj ovisnosti o video igrama – bilo intrinzične ili ekstrinzične naravi. Komorbiditeti su norma – a ne iznimka. Gotovo svaki oboljeli od IGD-a boluje od depresivnog ili anksioznog poremećaja i slično.
Trenutno, prevencija se najviše provodi na azijskom kontinentu – ponajprije u Južnoj Koreji gdje se uvodi već u školski sustav tako da se nadzire broj sati provedenih pred malim ekranima, a slične se preporuke daju i obiteljima i pedijatrima koji sumnjaju na razvoj poremećaja. Najviše uspjeha u liječenju pokazala je kognitivno-bihevioralna terapija uz psihofarmakološku potporu bupropiona ako postoji izražena žudnja (eng. craving).
Međutim, teško je donijeti konkretne zaključke o mogućnosti razvoja ovisnosti. Premalo je kvalitetnih studija kojima se može dati konkretan odgovor na to pitanje, još manje komparativnih istraživanja, a najmanje pravih informacija o broju oboljelih – budući da još uvijek plamte debate o kriterijima dijagnostike IGD-a i validaciji instrumenata dijagnostike.
Abstract (english) In the past 40 years the world has changed significantly but, even in modern era, the words gaming and gamer bear the risk of a social stigma. The videogame industry is rapidly developing, earning profit and not showing signs of stopping in its foray. The emergence of eSports onto the public scene has popularized video games. Their swift development, however, preceded the rise of a mental disorder named Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD). The disorder is classified in both International Classification of Diseases, revision 11th (ICD-11) and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, revision 5th (DSM–5) – despite lack of consensus regarding the diagnostic criteria and instruments.
Numerous theories exist that try to communicate the roots of this disorder, with the most plausible ones being the tripartite theory and gambling-parallel theory – since many structural and functional differences were found in the brain that mimic either the substance abuse or the behavioral addiction brain changes.
Most research papers focused on the young, accentuating neuroimaging method to explain the changes in behavior, social isolation, degradation of interpersonal relationship and failure in education.
Many factors influence the development of IGD – intrinsic and/or extrinsic. Comorbidities are the norm – not an exception. Almost every IGD patient exhibit either one of depressive or anxiety disorder and similar.
Prevention is, at the time of writing, ongoing in Asia – primarily in South Korea’s school system where the number of hours spent on screen are being monitored and similar recommendation are given to both families and pediatricians who suspect development of this disorder. Cognitive-behavioral therapy showed greatest success in treatment of IGD with pharmacological support of bupropion in patients with significant craving problem.
The conclusion as to the plausibility of IGD development remains abstruse. There remains a certain lack of quality studies that may yet give us a concrete answer to that question, even more so of comparative studies, the least of all the true number of diagnosed disorders. The debate about IGD criteria and its diagnostic instrument validation is still ongoing.
poremećaj vezan uz igre na internetu
Keywords (english)
Internet Gaming Disorder
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:706383
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2019-10-28 13:04:46