Title Prijelomi ivera
Title (english) Patella fractures
Author Lucija Veronika Miličević
Mentor Esmat Elabjer (mentor)
Committee member Ivan Dobrić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Meštrović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Esmat Elabjer (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Surgery) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Surgery
Abstract Prijelomi ivera čine oko 1% svih prijeloma u odrasloj dobi. U djece su izrazito rijetki. Nastaju kao posljedica djelovanja ili izravne ili neizravne sile. Ovisno o mehanizmu nastanka postoje različite vrste prijeloma ivera. Opisuju se prema izgledu prijelomne pukotine i oštećenju okolnih mekih tkiva. Najčešći su poprečni prijelomi ivera nastali djelovanjem neizravne sile. Čine 50 – 80% svih prijeloma ivera. Kominutivni prijelomi čine 30 – 35%, a okomiti 12 – 17%. Većinom su prijelomi ivera
... More zatvoreni prijelomi. Otvorenih je oko 7% i nastaju djelovanjem sila visoke energije, najčešće u prometnim nesrećama. Za sigurno postavljanje dijagnoze prijeloma ivera potrebni su anamneza o načinu nastanka ozljede, fizikalni pregled i radiološke pretrage. Glavni su ciljevi liječenja prijeloma ivera vraćanje funkcije ekstenzornog mehanizma i očuvanje što većeg dijela ivera te povećanje kongruentnosti zgloba i postizanje rane mobilizacije. Liječenje može biti konzervativno i operacijsko. Konzervativno liječenje indicirano je u prijeloma s pomakom ulomaka kosti manjima od tri mililmetra te nekongruetnosti zgloba manjoj od dva milimetra, uz uvjet da je ekstenzorni aparat u potpunosti očuvan. Sastoji se od imobilizacije u trajanju od četiriju do šest tjedana i vježbi podizanja ispružene noge i izometričkih vježbi kvadricepsa što je ranije moguće. Operacijsko liječenje prijeloma ivera indicirano je u prijeloma s pomakom ulomaka većim od tri milimetra, nekongruetnosti zgloba većoj od dva milimetra, osteohondralnih prijeloma, otvorenih prijeloma te pri disrupciji ekstenzornog mehanizma. Obuhvaća različite tehnike kao što su metoda sveobuhvatne sveze, Kirschnerove žice, košarica po Smiljaniću, osteosinteza pločicama i vijcima i kombinacije navedenih tehnika te parcijalna i totalna patelektomija. Zbog velike uloge ivera u biomehanici koljenskog zgloba od iznimne je važnosti nastojati očuvati iver i uspostaviti repoziciju ulomaka kosti pri liječenju prijeloma ivera. Stoga su patelektomije zadnja metoda izbora, one su potrebne ako nije bilo moguće drugom metodom uspostaviti repoziciju ulomaka ili se koriste nakon pojave infekcija, osteomijelitisa i periprostetskih prijeloma. Najčešće su komplikacije liječenja smanjeni opseg kretnji koljena, ukočenost koljena, atrofija kvadricepsa i patelofemoralni osteoartritis te loša repozicija ulomaka, nepotpuno sraštanje ulomaka i infekcija nakon operacijskoga liječenja. Less
Abstract (english) Patella fractures account for about 1% of all fractures in adults. They are extremely rare in children. Patella fractures can be caused by either a direct or indirect force. There are various types of patella fractures, depending on the underlying mechanism of injury. The fractures are described based on the shape of the fracture line and the degree of surrounding soft tissue damage. Transversal fractures are the most common, accounting for 50-80% of all patella fractures. Comminuted
... More fractures account for 30-35%, whereas vertical fractures 12-17%. Most patella fractures are closed. Around 7% of them are open and are caused by high energy forces, most common in traffic accidents. For making the diagnosis of patella fractures patient’s history on the injury mechanism, physical exam and radiological examination are necessary. The main goals of treatment are restoration of the extensor mechanism and preserving the patella, as well as maximizing articular congruity and early mobilization. Treatment can be either conservative or operative. Conservative treatment is indicated for patella fractures with fragment displacement less than 3 mm or articular congruity less than 2 mm, provided that the extensor mechanism is intact. It consists of immobilization in duration of 4-6 weeks with straight leg raises and isometric quadriceps exercises as soon as possible. Operative treatment is indicated for patella fractures with fragment displacement more than 3 mm or articular congruity more than 2 mm, osteochondral fractures, open fractures and disrupted extensor mechanism. Several techniques are included, such as tension band wiring, Kirschner wires, basket plate, osteosynthesis with plates and screws, partial and total patellectomy. Patellectomies are considered as last resort, due to the major role of the patella in the function of the extensor mechanism, so every effort is made to preserve the patella. They are considered a method of choice for fractures where reduction could not be achieved by other techniques, infections, osteomyelitis and periprosthetic fractures. Most common complications after treatment are reduced range of motion, stiffness of the knee, quadriceps atrophy, and osteoarthritis, as well as loss of reduction, nonunion and infection postoperatively. Less
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:769274
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-02-25 10:10:36