Abstract | U zadnja dva desetljeća paralelno s rastom životnog standarda, nastao je pokret koji promovira zdrav i aktivan način života te aktivan odmor uz prakticiranje primjerenih fizičkih aktivnosti. Opisani pokret prerastao je u novi turistički trend pod nazivom wellness Thalassotherapia Opatija - Specijalna bolnica za medicinsku rehabilitaciju bolesti srca, pluća i reumatizma, (TTOSB) u želji da proširi svoju zdravstvenu ponudu, pristupila je 2004. godine razvoju i gradnji vlastitog wellness centra koji je započeo s radom 2006. Sadržaji planirani u Thalasso - wellness centru u potpunosti su komplementarni medicinsko - rehabilitacijskim uslugama bolnice te sadržajno upotpunjuju zdravstveno -turističku ponudu, promoviraju aktivan način odmora te doprinose bržem oporavku nakon bolesti i nezgoda Gradnja ovakvog objekta, s unaprjeđivanjem i poboljšanjem zdravstveno - turističke ponude predstavlja veliki financijski trošak za jednu zdravstvenu ustanovu posebno u uvjetima dugogodišnje financijske krize. U samu realizaciju i izgradnju objekta uloženo je sveukupno 41.897.698 kuna te je zaposleno 18 novih djelatnika čija je sveukupna edukacija iznosila 245.572,00 kuna. U desetogodišnjem razdoblju wellness centar je sveukupno uprihodio 85.113,721 kuna, te danas posluje s pozitivnim rezultatom. S obzirom na financijske teškoće u početku poslovanja, dobrim strukturiranjem djelatnosti te prenamjenom i uvođenjem noviteta, poslovanje je krenulo u pozitivnom pravcu. Unatoč atraktivnosti ovakvog dodatka zdravstvenoj ustanovi zaključili smo da je gradnja i otvaranje wellness centra povećala troškove, no međutim, kroz strateško donošenje odluka uprave, wellness je vlastitim privređivanjem ipak cjelokupno utjecao na pozitivno poslovanje bolnice u čijem se sklopu nalazi. |
Abstract (english) | In the last two decades, in parallel with the growth of living standards, a movement that promotes a healthy and active lifestyle practice with adequate physical activity was established. The described movement has evolved into a new tourism trend called wellness. Thalassotherapia Opatija - Specialized Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation of heart, lung and rheumatic diseases (TTOSB), in order to expand its healthcare offer, acceded in 2004 to develop and build its own wellness center, which started to work in 2006.
Amenities planned in the Thalasso - wellness center are fully complemented to medical and rehabilitative services of hospital and substantially complete medical tourism activities, promoting active way of rest and contribute to a faster recovery after illness and accident.
The construction of this facility, with the improvement of the medical tourism offer, represents a great financial cost for one health institution especially in the conditions of a long - term financial crisis. In the realization and construction of the building, a total of HRK 41,897,698 was invested and 18 new employees were employed, whose total education amounted to HRK 245,572. In a ten - year period, the wellness center total income was HRK 85,113,721, and today it operates with a positive result. Considering to financial difficulties at the beginning of business, well - structured and revised management with introduction of novelties led the business toward in a positive direction.
Despite the attractiveness of this kind of supplement to the health institution it is concluded that the construction and opening of the wellness center increased the costs, but through decision – making strategy, wellness has, through its own management, contributed to positive hospital business in which it is located. |